Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 1278: Lost spell

"Mister means that the excellent Feng Shui here was actually changed?" Ji Ning said with a somewhat clear expression, slowly.

Tang Feng's gaze turned a circle above the surrounding scenery, and then slowly said: "When I came in before, I felt strange why the Feng Shui here looks so perfect and everything is in balance. And in the best state, at the beginning, it was natural that there was such a style here. Now that I heard that Yu Guanhai had the means to change Feng Shui, I realized that all the Feng Shui here was actually transformed."

It is not difficult for Tang Feng to see whether this Feng Shui is congenital or changed.

In the history of the Huaxia Kingdom, Feng Shui is a university question. Throughout the ages, there have been many onmyojis or practitioners who are very good at seeing Feng Shui, and more or less, they will change the method of ventilation and water.

However, in Tang Feng's eyes, these techniques were extremely simple, and the changes made were only a small part of it, not worth mentioning.

If such a small method appeared in front of Tang Feng, he would of course be able to understand it at a glance, but the Feng Shui of the Qinghong Sect now is abruptly changing the place where the entire sect is, from nothing out of nothing, to such a good place. These methods, It is quite powerful.

In other places, Tang Feng Xu can see it when he sees it, but here, Tang Feng feels that it is impossible for anyone on the earth to master such advanced skills, so he didn’t think much about it. A little careless.

Now I heard Lu Jingchen say with a little pride that Yu Guanhai is good at Feng Shui and can change Feng Shui, he paid a little attention, saw the flaws, and discovered that this place was actually an acquired Feng Shui situation.

For Tang Feng, this is not important.

The important thing is that Yu Guanhai possesses such a superb technique, but he hasn't passed it on to his descendants. His Feng Shui technique can almost be used as the ability of the bottom of the box, as the existence of the Zhenzong gate, which is comparable to his formation technique. , Much stronger.

But such a super powerful technique, it was really abnormal that it was lost.

If something goes wrong, there must be a demon.

Yu Guanhai deliberately concealed his superb accomplishments in Feng Shui, what is the purpose? Is it because he doesn't want posterity to see that the Feng Shui Bureau here was set up by him? He chose this place as the sect. Is there any other reason?

When Tang Feng was thinking about it, Lu Jingchen was also confused.

He grew up within the sect since he was a child, and he has been there for hundreds of years. He also knew that the existence of Jinzhiyuye and the Spirit Gathering Array could make the entire sect gather aura, but he never thought that the place where this sect was. Feng Shui, unexpectedly also appeared the day after tomorrow.

Tang Feng's words caused quite a stir in his heart, making him even a little dazed.

After Tang Feng pondered for a moment, he got up and said, "We went to Yucheng Mountain for the Gu Master's affairs. Now things are probably about the same. Let's go to other places and see again."

What he meant by this was to leave.

Only then did Lu Jingchen come back to his senses, and said in a little surprised: "Mister, are you leaving now?"

"What? Do you have other things?"

"It's nothing, but if you want to find Mr., where should you go?" Lu Jingchen asked cautiously.

After finally meeting a person like Tang Feng, he certainly couldn't let go easily. Even if Tang Feng was about to leave, he would have to leave a place to find his way.

"Pingyang Daqingshan, when you get there, you can naturally find me." Tang Feng said simply.

The manor in the green hills will soon be completed and can be moved in. At that time, he will live there for a long time, and the villa of Dongcheng Haoge has made a temporary settlement.

Lu Jingchen wrote down respectfully.

He had been isolated from the world for too long. Although he didn't know exactly where Pingyang was, he didn't dare to ask more. He just wanted to ask his disciples to inquire about it after Tang Feng and others had left.

Lu Jingchen hurriedly collected the mental formula that Tang Feng had written and was still on the table, and then sent Tang Feng and the others to the outside, and said: "Mr., there are still some things down here. I want to give it to him. Mr. Wang can laugh at it."

Tang Feng said lightly: "What?"

"In the next sect, there was also a period of alchemy. There was a large collection of medicinal materials, and there were no lack of elixir for alchemy. Unfortunately, the effect was very small. At this time, there are still some medicinal materials in the sect. If the husband doesn’t dislike it, just take it away and make the best use of it.”

While talking, Lu Jingchen looked at Tang Feng's face carefully, with a respectful expression.

Tang Feng's lips twitched, revealing a faint smile.

Lu Jingchen, an old fox, really has a good abacus.

Those within his sect had these medicinal materials, but they couldn't make medicinal herbs. They gave him the medicinal materials, nominally as a gift, but actually wanted him to help refine the pill.

However, Tang Feng didn't say anything.

For him, these things are also killing two birds with one stone.

The elixir is rare. Since the Azure Rainbow Sect has it here, he laughed at it and refined it into a pill, and then gave Lu Jingchen some more, which would make them more desperate for him.

Tang Feng nodded and said, "That's great."

When a few people came out of this garden, they saw many disciples guarding the door.

Among them, there were the two disciples of Yiwen who had accompanied Lu Jingchen before, and his eldest disciple Yisu, and the rest were mostly his personal disciples, all of whom were above the seventh level of Qi Refining.

These disciples, with a somewhat curious and gossip look on their faces, looked this way, and when they saw people coming out, they didn't dare to look directly, so they all bowed their heads.

Tang Feng could also see that these people were mostly Lu Jingchen's most important confidantes, and he would let these people practice together with the mental formulas he gave.

When Lu Jingchen went out, he instructed Yiwen and the other two disciples to get the elixir, and accompanied Tang Feng and them all the way to the front hall.

They walked and talked, and the speed was a little slower, but the Yiwen people trot all the way.

When they reached the front hall, these people also passed by carrying several wooden boxes of various sizes, carrying them on their shoulders.

At this moment, there are no parked corpses in the front hall, and the previous low-level disciples are also gone. It must have been deliberately arranged at the airport.

Yiwen and others placed these boxes neatly on the ground, and under Lu Jingchen's instruction, opened them one by one, revealing the medicinal materials inside.

Once the box was opened, even people like Xie Huo, who had never seen any elixir, could feel that the contents in it must not be ordinary products. The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: Returns: Becoming a Dad Full Text Reading Address: return as a dad txt download address: return to be a dad mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record this (Chapter 1278 Spell Lost) reading record, next time Open the bookshelf to see it! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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