Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 1282: Gu Master's purpose

Although Lu Jingchen didn't know what happened before, he guessed something from the conversation between the two. He hesitated and said to Tang Feng, "Mr. Tang, what's weird about this bird?"

Not only his expression, but even his voice hesitated.

Tang Feng knew his thoughts.

Lu Jingchen wanted to ask if this bird was also a spirit beast.

But before, he once vowed to everyone that in this forest, there was only the white-headed little monkey and a spirit beast that had not yet been completely transformed, and there was nothing else. Now, listening to Tang Feng’s words, there are three at once. A bird, even if Xiao Hui killed two, now, there is still one, and flew over in front of his eyes.

This was enough to make Lu Jingchen feel shameless, and besides, he couldn't see at all. There was something abnormal about this bird, and he couldn't tell whether it was a spirit beast.

Tang Feng said faintly: "It's just well-trained, or its owner has other methods, but these methods have nothing to do with the bird itself, and there is nothing demonizing on it. sign."

Hearing that this bird is not a spirit beast, Lu Jingchen was relieved that this answer would not make him too shameless.

Rong Guocheng seemed to have thought of something in general, and hurriedly said to Tang Feng: "Mr. Tang, can this Gu technique only be used against people? Could it be that Gu Master who also put Gu on this bird so that it can be competent for this? Wait for a scout-like effect?"

"Although the commonly used Gu techniques are only aimed at people, since this Gu master can use his own to refine the Nine Evil Gu, and it is obvious that he will succeed soon, then it is normal for him to know some side ways. There is no spirituality on the bird, nor has it been demonized, but it does not rule out that it has been caught in Gu."

Tang Feng quite agrees with Rong Guocheng's guess.

Encouraged by Tang Feng, Rong Guocheng seemed a little excited, and said in a hurry, "Sir, does this Gu have any special marks? Can we follow this mark and find this Gu Master?"

Lu Jingchen also looked at Tang Feng, breathing a little nervously.

After all, their sect and this Gu Master have been confronting each other for thousands of years. If Tang Feng can really find it, it can be considered a big trouble in their sect long ago. Even if they let their sect go out, follow Tang Feng. He was also very willing to encircle that Gu Master together.

But Tang Feng's expression didn't seem so anxious. He said, "Even if there are traces, there are no traces to be found in the sky. However, Sect Master Lu--" Before speaking, Tang Feng turned his gaze to Lu Jingchen stared at him closely.

Lu Jingchen leaned forward hurriedly towards Tang Feng, and said respectfully: "What's your order, Mr.?"

Tang Feng tapped the corner of his mouth lightly, and asked him, "Is this the first time you saw this bird?"

"This—" Lu Jingchen was speechless immediately, and immediately, he wanted to understand what Tang Feng meant. He felt a layer of cold sweat spread all over his body and stammered: "This bird, this bird, has been there all the time. Here?"

Seeing Lu Jingchen's shocked look, everyone else couldn't help but let out a soft "ah".

Everyone saw this bird twice. They were near the sect. Perhaps it was sent by the Gu Master to stare at them. However, it is more likely that this bird, together with the two previous ones, was originally The Gu Master placed the eyeliner near the sect.

These birds don't know how long they have been here. They are neither demon nor spirit, and there is nothing unusual about them. They are mixed among other birds, and there is no flaw at all.

Even the Sect Master Lu Jingchen couldn't see anything strange, let alone those disciples of the Qinghong Sect.

Thinking of how long the bird had been staring at the sect, Lu Jingchen felt cold and sweaty, and was extremely frightened.

"In your sect, there must be something he is very interested in, and this thing is vital for him to refine the Nine Fiend Gu, so he will do it at any cost." Tang Feng looked at it. It seemed that it was Lu Jingchen, who was already soaked in sweat, and continued.

Lu Jingchen opened his mouth and was about to speak, but Tang Feng waved his hand at him.

"I know what you are thinking. No way. Gu master refining and practicing are completely in two directions. They don't have any need for spiritual qi. Even for this Gu master, he still hates spiritual qi. Yes, what his Nine Evil Gu needs is evil spirits, but spiritual energy can just dilute the evil spirits." Tang Feng still said slowly.

Lu Jingchen nodded, frowning.

Within his sect, the most valuable thing is naturally the golden branches and jade leaves. He just wanted to talk about it when he was talented, but after Tang Feng said that, he naturally felt reasonable, and then he thought about it again, in his sect, What can interest this Gu Master?

Zi Xuan raised her eyebrows and said to Tang Feng: "How do you know that this thing must have something to do with refining the Nine Evil Gu?"

Tang Feng said blankly: "His Nine Evil Gus are ready. At that time, ordinary people can't help him. If they have a plan for the sect, then come again, wouldn't it be better? He is already alive. It's been nearly a thousand years, do you still care about waiting for these short decades?"

"Since you all know the refining process of the Nine Fiend Gu, can't you think of what he needs?"

"This Gu technique is the same as the way of cultivation. Although the overall general direction is similar, different schools and inheritances have differences in details. Just like different sects, the mental formulas are different. Yes, I know how the nine evil spirits gu refine, but I can’t understand how each Gu master’s own methods are different from others."

"Everyone's methods are unique?" Zi Xuan could not help frowning as she thought of Tang Feng's words, "This is troublesome. In the sect, there are so many things, who can think of what? Maybe, What he wants is just a piece of fruit in it, maybe! This is really wanting to break his head, I can't think of it."

Lu Jingchen's face also had a tangled look, and he nodded slightly. Zi Xuan's words were in his heart. Even if they were just a branch, it was only a thousand years of time here. When Guan Hai brought his disciples, he also brought a lot of treasures from the sect. How could he imagine what it was?

"Don't think about it if you don't think about it." Tang Feng glanced at him and said faintly, "Anyway, this thing is in your sect. It doesn't matter what it is. The important thing is that you can't let him enter the sect. ”Longevity Return, Becoming a Dad, the latest chapter address: Longevity Return, Becoming a Dad Full Text Reading Address: Return, Become a Dad txt download address: return to be a dad mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the \"collection\" below to record this reading (the purpose of Gu Master in Chapter 1282). You can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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