Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 1287: uninvited guest

Lin Mengjia noticed that Tang Feng was looking at herself, turned her head towards him, and said with a slight smile: "What? Is something wrong?"

Tang Feng shook his head slightly, still smiling, and said: "I just didn't expect that you could really be separated from you for so long. I've always been worried that you will miss her because you miss her. Going back."

Lin Mengjia hadn't been separated from the little girl for so long, so she was quite worried in her heart. Listening to Tang Feng's words, she sighed faintly, and said: "What's the use of my thinking? Listen to her tone. Don't miss me at all."

Tang Feng looked at Lin Mengjia like a resentful woman, and couldn't help being even more funny, saying: "Yaoyao has just arrived in a new place, and her whole mind is on the school. Even if she is talented and intelligent, she is more mature than ordinary children. I'm still a child. In such situations, the freshness hasn't passed yet. Of course, I have no time to take care of other things.

Lin Mengjia naturally understands this. The little girl went to the boarding school without any exception, and she also integrated into the new environment. For her, it should be a happy thing. After all, such a child still goes to kindergarten. At this age, it is quite proud to have entered school, and the little girl is not uncomfortable, and it is more to be happy.

However, Lin Mengjia felt a little awkward because the little girl didn't leave her a bit of discomfort.

Approximately, this is a woman who is a mother, very ambivalent.

She hopes that the little girl can integrate into the new environment well without worry, and because the little girl seems to have forgotten her behavior, she feels uncomfortable in her heart.

Thinking of this, Lin Mengjia frowned slightly, and then smiled again. It can be said that her expression is quite rich.

Tang Feng deliberately changed the topic and said, "When the elixir is gathered, I can refine the pill. However, I can't act too hastily. According to my mother's current physical condition, I should not take the medicine too aggressively. , It can’t be too strong, it must be done step by step and slowly conditioning, in order to maintain her body well."

Hearing talking about her mother, Lin Mengjia immediately asked with great concern: "Then, how long does this whole process take?"

"Take the pill every seven days, and you have to take it nine times in total. I think there will be no problem."

Tang Feng made a rough estimate in his mind and answered Lin Mengjia.

Lin Mu's condition has been around for a long time. In so many years, her whole body organs have been contaminated, and her body has also been dragged down, and has always been in a state of illness.

Even if Tang Feng collected all these elixir and refined them into symptomatic pill, he did not dare to use the medicine too aggressively at one time, for fear that Mother Lin's body would not be able to bear it, only a little bit. Plus, take your time.

This was only possible after Tang Feng had adjusted her body for so long. According to when Lin Mu had just arrived in Pingyang, this medicine could not be used at all.

"That's just two months, so fast?" Lin Mengjia's face showed an expression of excitement and incredible disbelief. She stared at Tang Feng, even though she was questioning. , But she was also clear that there was basically no problem with what Tang Feng said. In fact, when she asked like this, it was just a subconscious question.

Tang Feng shook his head and said, "It's already very slow. If it wasn't for her physical condition that was not very good and could not bear too heavy medicine, only two pills would actually be able to solve the problem, and her elderly would have to take two more pills. It has been quite slow for more than a month."

Whether the time between these two months is fast or slow is naturally different in their perceptions.

In Tang Feng’s view, all diseases on this earth can be treated by him. It is only limited to whether there are medicines. Like Lin Mu, if the medicine is complete, when the medicine is cured, it is still worth it. It takes two months to heal, which is slow.

But in Lin Mengjia’s view, Mother Lin’s illness has been for many years, and she has been dragging the sick body. She has no energy at all. Decades have passed. Now she only needs to wait two more months to be able to Healing is naturally quick.

"My mother kept saying that she wanted to travel to Jiangnan and Yunnan provinces, but due to her physical condition, she was not suitable for long journeys, so she had never been able to go. This time, she finally got her wish."

A very excited light flashed on Lin Mengjia's face.

For her previous family, for the entire Lin family, her mother was the most difficult for her to give up. When she left Yanjing, her mother was unwell. When she left, she was also very uncomfortable in her heart and felt that her behavior. In fact, she was quite unfilial, but at that time, she had no other choice.

At that time, Lin Mengjia also thought that she could take her mother with her, but that situation was not allowed.

Firstly, Lin Mengjia’s physical condition was not suitable for traveling long distances with her. Secondly, Lin Mengjia started from scratch at that time, and her financial situation was not good. Lin Mengjia’s illness needed long-term treatment. Obviously Lin Mengjia who was pregnant and overwhelmed did not have any Time and energy to take care of Mother Lin, and there is not enough money to ensure her treatment.

Lin Mengjia also thought, when she got better, she would take her mother, but the delay was six years.

When Mother Lin appeared in Pingyang, Lin Mengjia was quite surprised. It can be seen that her mother is still sick, and her mood is very heavy. This has almost become a piece of her heart disease. Now, this matter can finally be resolved, and Lin Mengjia’s heart is finally Being able to relax, she was a little more grateful to Tang Feng.

Just as Lin Mengjia looked forward to, when Mother Lin was in good health, when she took her around, their team was getting closer and closer to the direction of Xizhou.

When they entered downtown Xizhou and arrived at the hotel Li Jia said, it was already more than two o'clock in the afternoon.

A line of five cars drove into the parking lot in front of the hotel one by one.

Tang Feng took Lin Mengjia out of the car, and the rest of the people also opened the car doors.

Tang Feng glanced at Zi Xuan and Xue Rui's car, with a faint smile on the corners of his lips, as if talking to himself, and said: "Unexpectedly, there is an unexpected guest."

"What?" Lin Mengjia listened to Tang Feng's thoughtless words, somewhat inexplicable.

Tang Feng pointed to the car, his expression on his face was angry and funny, and said, "Zixuan and Xiao Hui, these two guys can really mess around!" The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: Returns to Be a Dad Full Text Reading Address: of Longevity and Become a Dad txt download address: Returns to be a dad mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record this (Chapter 1287 Uninvited Guest) reading record, and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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