Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 1302: Town Tomb Monster

"Sacrifice?" When Li Jia heard these two words, she felt her scalp numb, her eyelids jumped, and she couldn't help but looked at Zi Xuan, her eyes filled with a slightly confused and slightly horrified expression.

Although he didn't know the meaning of Zi Xuan's words, he knew in his heart that this was definitely not a good thing.

With an excited expression on her face, Zi Xuan stood up with her hands on the table, very determined and confident. She looked around the people around her, only when she smiled at the corner of her mouth, and said loudly in Tang Feng's direction: "That's right. Sacrifice! I remember it! It was the demon spirit that was sacrificed to the tomb of the town, the purpose is to make the demon spirit gain power and be able to stay in the tomb for a longer time."

Li Jia's mouth was half open, and the expression on her face became more exciting.

He fixedly looked at Zi Xuan for a long while, then slowly said, "Demon spirit? What is this?"

Hei Mudan also looked at Zi Xuan hesitantly.

Although this husband and wife file is a tomb robber, they have seen some phenomena that are beyond common sense. There is no fuss about it, but even if it is a tomb robbery all the year round, the scene may be a little scary, and there has been no real encounter with ghosts and gods. Kind of stuff.

Now that Zi Xuan spoke directly about the demon spirit, she felt a little unbelievable.

The demon spirit, sacrifice, sounds like something from a horror movie, does it really exist?

Xue Rui was busy arranging Zi Xuan's chair before he smiled at her and said, "Miss Zi Xuan, sit down and talk, what the **** is going on, please tell us in detail."

With a very excited smile, Zi Xuan sat back on the chair with a smile on her lips. She kept looking at Tang Feng and said, "I'm right?"

She was still brooding about Tang Feng's sentence before, but now that she thinks about it, she naturally has to show it off.

Tang Feng took a sip of tea noncommittal before he said: "Your sect's practice is based on souls. It takes so long to think of this technique of soul sacrifice, and I don’t know how it is on weekdays. How did you learn it."

Even if Tang Feng didn't directly say that what Zi Xuan said was right or wrong, he still made it clear that she affirmed her words.

Zi Xuan didn't care about Tang Feng's tone. As long as Tang Feng affirmed her statement, she seemed happier, with a more obvious smile on her face, and her body swayed involuntarily.

She was so anxious that a group of people waiting for her to speak down.

Hei Mudan couldn't help leaning in the direction of Zi Xuan, and said to her: "Miss Zi Xuan, can you elaborate on the sacrifice you mentioned, I have never heard of such circumstances before."

"It's easy to say." Zi Xuan happily picked up the tea on the table, took a sip, then cleared her throat, and said: "You have to understand this matter. You need to start with the tomb monster in this town."

"Monster? Isn't it a demon spirit? Are these two the same thing?" Xue Rui didn't quite understand.

Zi Xuan waved his hand to him and said, "Naturally not, but if you want to talk about the demon spirit, you have to start with the demon beast. There is a record in the ancient books that there is a type of beast that is specially used to guard the tomb, called the cemetery. With a dragon head and a horse body, the whole body is black without a trace of variegated color. It has four hooves that make a fire and can make a cow-like sound. It is naturally yin-like and usually lives in the mountains."

Having said this, Zi Xuan looked towards Tang Feng and asked again: "I'm right?"

Tang Feng knew that she was deliberately showing off, but just smiled and didn't pay much attention to it.

Zi Xuan smiled triumphantly, and said, "This feeder usually feeds on the yin qi of the world, and there is a yin and cold qi around its body. Once someone approaches, it will feel Frightened and frightened, some emperors and nobles ordered people to catch this monster beast and raise it in their mausoleum to scare away tomb robbers."

Li Jia and Black Peony looked at each other involuntarily.

Regarding the things in this tomb, the two of them can be regarded as the most authoritative among all the people present here, but they have never heard of this monster beast called feeding. Zi Xuan's words really sounded like a fantasy in their ears.

If this was something someone else was talking about, the two of them, I'm afraid they are already showing sarcasm now.

But it happened that Zi Xuan said. They also knew Zi Xuan's abilities, and they also knew that she was an extraordinary person. From her mouth, these two couples, even if they had great doubts in their hearts, they didn't. Dare to raise an objection.

Ji Ning looked at Li Jia and could already see the puzzlement in their eyes, and said to Zi Xuan, "Miss Zi Xuan, if this girl is capable of such things, every big tomb will be raised. The last one directly scared people away, isn't there no risk of theft of the tombs in this world? Why are there still tomb robbers nowadays?"

What he said was actually asked by Li Jia and his wife, so they just said directly, why they two have stolen the tomb for so many years, why didn't they meet one of them?

Zi Xuan said towards Ji Ning, "How many people can catch this monster that can get people close to fear? How could it be possible to raise one in every tomb? In this ancient tomb. , As far as I know, there are only three tombs guarded by the feeding, and these three tombs—"

When talking about this, Zi Xuan’s mouth showed a strange smile, and then she continued: “Even if there is no Ming Fei in these three tombs, I am afraid that no one will be able to go in again. come out."

Hearing what Zi Xuan said was so mysterious, Black Peony couldn't help but be curious, and said: "Miss Zi Xuan, who are these three tombs, is it convenient for you to disclose it?"

Zi Xuan still had that weird smile, and said, "Two of these three tombs are invisible. Even if I say it, you won’t believe it, just let’s say which one is left. The one is not too far from here. Not long ago, we probably passed by the neighborhood. Boss Xie knows this best."

Xie Huo didn't expect that Zi Xuan's topic would suddenly point to him. He was a little stunned, but immediately understood what she meant, and immediately opened his eyes and said, "Miss Zi Xuan said it was Qin——"

Zi Xuan smiled and nodded.

What she said is naturally the most famous tomb in Xijing. This tomb also has many mysterious legends. The owner of the tomb is one of the most prominent figures in the history of China.

The other people present also understood in an instant, and nodded involuntarily. The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: Return, Becoming a Dad Full Text Reading Address: return as a dad txt download address: return to be a dad mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click \"Collection\" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 1302 Town Tomb Monster Beast), next Open the bookshelf once to see it! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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