Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 1311: Underground Fight Club

As soon as Zi Xuan walked out the door, she saw Xue Rui standing in front of her room.

Judging from his appearance, it seems that he has been waiting for a while.

Seeing Zi Xuan, Xue Rui immediately smiled and hurriedly said to her: "Miss Zi Xuan, just called your cell phone, but no one answered it. I also said you have rested."

Zi Xuan touched her pocket and remembered that when she came out, she didn't bring her mobile phone.

As she walked towards the door of the room, she asked Xue Rui, "Is there anything wrong?"

Xue Rui still had a smile on his face and said: "I just heard from the waiter that there is an underground bar here, which is quite famous. I want to ask if Miss Zi Xuan is interested in going around."

Zi Xuan, who had just said that she was going back to her room to sleep after she hadn't rested, her eyes lit up and she said, "Where is it?"

"It's not far from here. It's just that this bar doesn't open until midnight. There are still a few hours left. We can go out now and stroll around the neighborhood. When the door opens, we will go in again."

Seeing Zi Xuan showing interest, Xue Rui immediately became excited, and when he spoke, he was full of vigor.

Just stroll around, these four words are not at all random to Zi Xuan.

Take her or accompany her to go shopping, every time she returns full of loads, she is shopping in the real sense.

Xue Rui, as the young master of the Xue family, certainly doesn't care about this little money.

He even felt that buying things for Zi Xuan gave him a sense of happiness from the heart.

For him, Zi Xuan can buy whatever she likes, if you want famous brand cosmetics, buy, buy, buy, want big bags, buy, buy, want expensive jewelry, buy, buy, buy things, Zi Xuan is happy, Zi Xuan is happy when he is happy.

The love of the rich is as simple as that.

Listening to Xue Rui’s words, Zi Xuan, who was a little bit distressed at Tang Feng and Lin Mengjia’s just now, immediately threw this unhappiness outside the clouds of Jiu Xiao, and immediately showed excitement, saying: "Okay, wait for me, I'll go and change. clothes!"

Just as the two were talking, Shangguan's door opened, and she walked out of it, looking a little hurried.

Shangguan didn't expect that Zi Xuan and Xue Rui were both here, and he was taken aback for a moment.

Zi Xuan saw Shangguan, and immediately smiled mysteriously at her, and said, "Shangguan, is there something?"

Shangguan shook his head slightly and said, "The changed clothes are in the car, I will get them."

"This little thing is not busy, it is better to go out together." With a grin on Zi Xuan's face, she winked her eyes towards Shangguan.

Shangguan's gaze quickly swept Xue Rui's face on the side, and shook his head again, saying: "I am a little tired. After taking a shower, I am ready to rest."

While in Yucheng Mountain, she and Ji Ning and others secretly wentssip about Xue Rui and Zi Xuan.

Even if Shangguan's EQ is not very high, he is a little slow in feelings, and it can be seen that Xue Rui is always pleased with Zi Xuan.

Faced with the affection of Tang Feng and Lin Mengjiaxiu every day, it was enough to make Shangguan speechless, and now she finally had a clean, she didn't want to take the initiative to get together with Xue Rui and Zi Xuan to make herself uninterested.

"It's still early. I'm anxious to get some sleep. We'll go out for a while. It's not interesting for two people. It's fun if there are more people. I was thinking about calling you. I just met."

Zi Xuan was still excited. She didn't leave it because Shangguan refused. Instead, she walked two steps in Shangguan's direction. She stretched out her arm and shook it gently. No matter the look in her eyes or the expression, it appeared. Come with full sincerity.

Shangguan hesitated, and Xue Rui also invited him: "That's it, there are so many people, so let's go with Miss Shangguan."

When he spoke, he also smiled, with a sincere appearance.

Shangguan is still undecided. She wants to refuse. Seeing Zi Xuan like this, she can't easily let her go, but according to her temperament, she is not sociable, and she doesn't know Xue Rui and Zi Xuan. What do you want to do.

Seeing Shangguan's hesitation, Xue Rui hurriedly said: "Since, I heard that there is a very interesting bar in Xizhou. Let's go and play together."

Shangguan frowned, and if he refused, he would blurt out immediately.

She has always been like quiet, and places like bars are her least favorite to go.

But before she could say anything, Xue Rui continued: "This bar is different from the usual. There is a fight club in it. There is a competition tonight. It is said that the players in this competition are all quite famous in this circle. A long time ago, I was thinking about going to see it. I never had a chance. I happened to meet it today and I really want to see the excitement."

Hearing what Xue Rui said, Shangguan hesitated.

As a martial artist, and also a martial artist who has a great pursuit of martial arts, Shangguan is naturally very interested in various skills that can be used in actual combat.

Even in free fighting, she has paid attention to fighting skills that have nothing to do with their martial arts. From this, she can analyze some points of action and use it to strengthen her martial arts.

However, she has always watched it through video recordings. Now when she heard Xue Rui said that she could see the master showdown on the spot, Shangguan felt a little moved.

Seeing this, Zi Xuan hit the iron while it was hot, and said: "This is such an interesting thing, you must go and see it, I'll change my clothes, you should also clean up, and we will set off later."

Shangguan nodded and said, "Are there only three of us? No need to call others?"

She always felt that she was a little awkward following Xue Rui and Zi Xuan. Since she decided to go, she might as well simply find a few more people to avoid embarrassment.

"Then, let's call Shang Ji Ning again." Zi Xuan said, she pushed open the door of her room, and said to herself, "Is anyone else? They are too old and there is a generation gap together, so forget it. "

Shangguan has a black line.

She didn’t know if she should help Ji Ning to thank Zi Xuan. After all, he is also in his thirties, and in the daytime, he is very quiet. In Zi Xuan’s eyes, he still feels that he is still young and has no relationship with her. The generation gap, he should feel fortunate.

Shangguan was thinking that she was not good at chatting, so she called a few more people to avoid cold spots. Unexpectedly, Zi Xuan called her name and found another cold spot king.

Xue Rui was also suffocating a smile.

However, he did not intend to call Xue Panpan and the others. Even if he and Xue Panpan are not a few years old and have a good relationship, they are his sister after all. Even if they are not considered to be the elders, they are the future heads of the Xue family. , In front of her, whether speaking or doing things, she had to constrain a little, and Xue Rui also felt that she couldn't let go. The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: Returns: Becoming a Dad Full Text Reading Address: return as a dad txt download address: return to be a dad mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record this (Chapter 1311 Underground Fight Club) reading record, next time Open the bookshelf to see it! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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