Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 1343: Zhu Wei

As the elevator door opened, a few people came out, like the stars holding the moon, protecting a woman.

This situation was unexpected by everyone present.

Even Tang Feng was slightly surprised.

When Shicai's elevator came up, he could feel that there were several people in it, including several men and several women.

He is not surprised that there are women among them. After all, the bunny girls in the elevator are all women. Since the owner of this bar has arrived, it is normal to have a few more service staff.

But what he didn't expect was that, judging from the posture after these people appeared, it was a woman who took the lead.

This woman was about thirty years old, with a very delicate makeup on her face, her appearance was very eye-catching, she belonged to the cool and strong type, and her beautiful eyes flashed with sharp light.

She was tall and dressed in a slim black suit. She knew it was tailor-made at a glance, and she looked heroic.

The long hair was rolled into a bun at the back of her head, and a silver hairpin was inserted on it. This was the only ornament on her body that was slightly feminine. The rest, such as earrings and necklaces, were completely absent.

It's not that everyone has never been in contact with women of the superwoman type. Lin Mengjia and Xue Panpan are all of this type, but compared to them, the woman in front of them looks a bit more powerful. It seems that the whole person, from the bottom of the bone, is Shows a domineering look.

Just when the woman walked in, Lin Mengjia heard the sound, she turned her head and looked over curiously, wanting to see how sacred the owner of this bar is.

But when her gaze touched the opponent's face, her face suddenly changed. She immediately turned her head back and turned towards the direction of the arena, as if she was afraid of being seen by the opponent.

The Shangguan immediately noticed Lin Mengjia's change.

After all, she has been with her for several years and knows everything about her quite well.

Shangguan also quickly glanced at the visitor, then lowered his voice and whispered in Lin Mengjia's ear: "What's the matter?"

Lin Mengjia's face turned pale, and she took a deep breath before she came to her senses and said, "No wonder the third young master of the Zhu family will appear here. It turns out that this is Zhu Wei's business."

"Zhu Wei?" Shangguan raised his eyebrows, "Zhu family?"

Although she didn't know who the other party was or what happened when Lin Mengjia saw the third young master of the Zhu family, she understood the reason why Lin Mengjia was a little bit astonished just by relying on the word "Zhu" alone.

"What Zhu family?" Zi Xuan showed a look of curiosity.

During this period of time, although she followed Lin Mengjia, she also acted as a bodyguard, but she didn't know much about Lin Mengjia's privacy matters, and she was very puzzled when she heard the two mention the "Zhu Family".

Lin Mengjia lowered her voice and quickly said: "This Zhu Wei is the youngest daughter of the current Patriarch of the Zhu family. Looking young, she is actually a generation older than me. If we meet each other, according to seniority, I have to call her aunt. She is very capable, and 80% of Zhu's business is handled by her."

Zi Xuan couldn't help showing a look of surprise when she heard the words. She glanced at Zhu Wei again, and said with a rather enviable tone, "It's really amazing. This class of women is worthy of this life. The Zhu family is so rich. , 80% are hers, then doesn't she buy anything she wants?"

Lin Mengjia originally thought that Zi Xuan would say something like the admiration of the other party's means, but unexpectedly, her admiration for Zhu Wei was actually because of this.

Just as everyone was slightly surprised, Zhu Wei had already walked in front of Tang Feng's trio. With a smile on her face, she clasped her fists to the trio, and said, "I don't know if there are any distinguished guests here. Yuan Ying, I hope to forgive me."

When she spoke, her voice was generous and loud. Although it was a woman's clear and beautiful voice, she did not have a hint of flattery. She was completely like a man. Even in such a noisy situation, it could be clearly heard by everyone.

And those who followed her were four burly men, who looked like bodyguards, lined up in a row and stood silently behind her.

But these tall men, in front of her, are not at all overpowering her powerful aura.

If it hadn't been for her own eyes, the person standing in front of her was a woman. Based on her actions and words, Xu Shi would really treat her as a man.

Tang Feng was in Shi Cai and had already heard the whispers of Lin Mengjia and Shangguan. He was not surprised at the presence of a Zhu family in front of him. He just nodded slightly.

Zhu Wei continued: "Next to Zhu Wei, I don’t know if Mr. Tang, Mr. Ji, and Young Master Xue are happily playing here? If there is anything wrong with your subordinates, please be sure to tell me and wait until you go back. , I must learn a lesson."

Ji Ning and Xue Rui also knew before that the other party found out their identity, and they were not surprised that she could directly call out her name.

However, upon hearing the name "Zhu Wei", Xue Rui stood up from the sofa immediately, with a shocked expression on his face, and said: "Zhu-you are President Zhu?"

Zhu Wei nodded to Xue Rui and smiled: "Young Master Xue doesn't remember me? When you were young, I even hugged you."

Xue Rui was already twenty-five or six. Zhu Wei claimed to have held him when he was a child, at least his teenage years older, but looking at her face, he was only in his early thirties.

If the opponent is a monk or martial artist, it is not uncommon for them to be able to maintain beauty, but all three of them can see that the opponent is just an ordinary person, and even if the aura is strong, there is nothing special about this body. .

Xue Rui stammered: "I didn't expect this to be President Zhu's business. It's really abrupt."

Ji Ning had already thought that Zhu Wei must belong to the Zhu family.

Zhu Jiacai's general trend is true, but Xue Rui, as the young master of this ancient family, does not need to be so shocked even if he is a sideline?

Zhu Wei still smiled, and said: "What's abrupt and unobtrusive, the little master said so, it would be too much to see outside-oh, when you see your grandfather, remember to wait for me to say hello to him, I have been for a long time. I have never seen his old man."

Xue Rui wiped the sweat on his forehead and said, "Yes, my nephew must remember."

Ji Ning was stunned.

It turned out that Zhu Wei had met Xue Rui's elders, and it seemed that the relationship was good, but Xue Rui was still a generation lower in front of him.

When this junior came to the elder’s place, it was nothing more than the usual jokes. He also brought Zi Xuan to do things that were close to ruining the place. If this matter was known to his grandfather, he was afraid that he would not be able to pass the test. No wonder he was a little frightened. The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: Returns: Becoming a Dad Full Text Reading Address: return as a dad txt download address: return to be a dad mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record this (Chapter 1343 Zhu Wei) reading record, next time you open the bookshelf Can be seen! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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