Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 1345: Yi Zi generation monk

Obviously, he did not expect that Tang Feng was able to take this lightly and did not take this matter to heart. Zhu Wei was slightly surprised, but immediately disappeared, and said hurriedly: "Mr. Generous, admirable."

Before speaking, he got up and bowed to Tang Feng again.

Tang Feng didn't want to say more to her, he just waved his hand, and said, "Boss Zhu can let a monk watch the scene. It is also quite a means. What is the origin of this person?"

Zhu Wei did not hesitate or concealed it. She spoke directly: "This person was introduced by a friend. Before, I left Yanjing to do business overseas. Because of Zhu Jiashu's great popularity, I was worried. It’s not safe to go out because I hire a few well-equipped bodyguards, so I have a close friend and introduce him to me. He has always kept a secret about his origins, and the conditions he put forward to me are not allowed to be investigated. When he came, I was eager to ask for a job, so I agreed."

After listening to Zhu Wei's words, Lin Mengjia looked towards Tang Feng and said: "If he really is a sect and abandoner, it is quite normal to not want to be known of his origin."

Tang Feng nodded, but did not answer Lin Mengjia's words. Instead, the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, with a hint of a meaningful smile, and he still said to Zhu Wei: "Presumably Boss Zhu has already checked his history, but there is no result, right?"

"Ashamed." Zhu Wei did not shy away from it, nodded, and said with a composure, "I later not only checked it myself, but also asked my friend about it. Unfortunately, the other party didn't know his origins. It was just a time when he was in danger. I saved it. Seeing that he was a rare cultivator, he stayed with him and was good for worship. However, my friend's family business is not too big, and he always feels that he is a little awkward with himself, so he recommended it to me. "

According to her shrewdness, how could it be possible that he would not check if he agreed to not check?

In addition to her identity, if this person is really unknown or sent by an opponent, wouldn't it be that he completely handed his life to others?

However, after the investigation, Zhu Wei did not figure out the origin of this person until the end.

Xue Ruiluo said in surprise: "Even Aunt Zhu can't find out the details of that person?"

Zhu Wei nodded, and then said: "After he followed me, he did help me a lot, but after a long time, I found that this person is quite ambitious, and the method of practice is the same as I used to know. The monks are not the same. They seem to know some side ways. In addition, I have always felt a trace of grievances in my heart because I can't find out his path. This is the heart of alienation. It coincides with this time that the business here has grown. , I let him take charge of the entire bar business here. Unexpectedly, this happened in just half a year."

Listening to Zhu Wei's tone, it seemed that Tang Feng had taken a shot to solve the monk, and it seemed to be a bit relieved.

Ji Ning's eyes drooped slightly, and he nodded lightly without being easily noticed.

For the family, it is not necessarily a good thing to have a strong and powerful person in charge.

If this strong person can be controlled, or if there is any way to make him controlled, then the existence of this strong person will make the Patriarch like a tiger even more powerful and play a deterrent effect on other forces.

But if this strong man’s ability is above everyone else, his actions are not constrained in the slightest, and he himself has ambitions and evil intentions, then for this family, it may not be worth the loss. .

Ji Ning and the entire Ji family felt deeply about this.

On that day, if Tang Feng hadn't taken the initiative to get rid of the ancestor of the Ji family, I am afraid that the entire Ji family would still be in the shadow of the ancestor today.

The ancestor of the Ji family is the Ji family, and even so, let alone this outsider of unknown origin to Zhu Wei?

When Zhu Wei felt that this person had already caused a threat to herself, but could not solve it, Tang Feng happened to appear and got rid of her confidant worry.

When this happened, Zhu Wei was not in Xizhou.

With her scheming, of course, she can't let anyone who she has doubts be here. Here, she also settled her confidant, so when this happened, she knew it.

Zhu Wei immediately understood that she could quietly abolish a fourth-tier qi-refining monk's cultivation level in an instant. She was definitely not an ordinary person. She immediately searched the guest list for the night. Not surprisingly, she found that Several names like thunderous ears.

After some screening, she was inside and locked Tang Feng.

She had known Tang Feng's name and things a long time ago.

Although she is not in Yanjing, she can’t hide what happened in the circle, especially since the Patriarch of the Kong family has been dying for a long time and has not seen her face for a long time. How can she not check it out?

However, Tang Feng’s name is not uncommon, and the chance of being renamed is not low. After Zhu Wei locked him, he immediately sent someone to inquire about his condition. When I heard about Ji Ning, Xue Rui, and the unknown After the female monk entered his box at the same time, she affirmed his identity.

Zhu Wei hurried over from the field just to see Tang Feng.

After briefly explaining her situation, Zhu Wei said in deep thought, "Although I didn't find out his origin, but Tong Yibing this person—"

"Auntie, what do you say his name is? Yi Bing?"

Hearing this name, Lin Mengjia's body suddenly sat upright, staring at Zhu Wei.

Zhu Wei was taken aback by her reaction, and said hurriedly: "Yes, he claims to be Tong Yibing, why, Jiajia, do you know this name?"

At the corner of Lin Mengjia's mouth, there was already a faint smile, and said: "Although I don't know this name, but through this name, I can know his origin."

Zhu Wei immediately asked: "What about this?"

Lin Mengjia smiled confidently: "It's also a coincidence. We met a sect, and the disciples in this sect are all of this generation."

"Where is his sect?" Zhu Wei's eyes flashed a strange color.

Tang Feng said faintly: "Their sect has two branches. Where does this person come from is not accurate at this time, but from this name, it is almost certain that he is this sect. Among them."

Lin Mengjia nodded.

This Qinghong Sect is divided into main veins and branch veins.

Although the branch line was separated from the main line at the beginning, the inheritance will not change. If you want to come to the sect disciple's generation, it will not be chaotic. Where did Tong Yibing come from? It is really bad now. The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: Return, Becoming a Dad Full Text Reading Address: of Longevity and Become a Dad txt download address: Returns to be a daddy mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 1345, Monk Yizi), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Daddy", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you your support! (

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