Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 1353: Born next to the water

Everyone walked all the way, chatting at random.

The cliffs on the roadside have gradually changed.

The originally straight cliff began to slow down. When Li Jia and everyone stopped, the cliff had become a **** of about sixty degrees. The top of the mountain **** was lush and lush, looking forward, it was a success. Piece of woods.

Without the shelter of the cliff, the sun has been spilt down, the sky has become brighter, and it is already afternoon, which is when the weather is hot.

Xiao Hui and Xiao Tao jumped a few steps towards the top of the hillside, pointed with their small paws, and began to squeak again, looking a little excited.

Upon seeing this, Li Jia nodded and said, "We are going to go up from here."

All the cliffs in front have been walked, which of course is nothing.

Everyone followed Li Jia, then turned up the slope, and walked away from the originally deserted mountain road.

This mountain road is not difficult to walk, but the top of the head is now unobstructed, the sun is straight down, and walking, many people are already sweating on their bodies, but fortunately, this road is not very far away. After walking for nearly an hour, the woods I saw before have already appeared in front of my eyes.

Li Jia looked around, a barren color, no traces of no one had been around.

He stopped and said to the people: "Last time, we drove over and we parked the car near here."

They walked up the previous **** and didn't think anything, but if they were driving, it seemed very steep. Li Jia and the others could drive up. Obviously, those cars were all professional off-road cars with considerable horsepower.

Because of the past few years, this place is directly exposed to wind and rain, and there are no traces of their previous visits on the ground.

Li Jia was looking left and right. Obviously, it was not in the early days. Instead, he wanted to see if anyone had been here recently, and he was obviously relieved when he saw that there was nothing the same.

Hei Mudan knew what he was thinking, and said to him: "This ancient tomb knows few people, even those who know it, will not come over because of taboo."

Li Jia nodded, turned to Tang Feng, and said respectfully: "Mr. Tang, we passed through this forest. There is a lake in front of us. We will be there not far behind."

"Lake?" Zi Xuan's eyebrows were already lightly raised when she heard this place.

Even if she didn’t have much research on Feng Shui, she knew that this tomb could not be built near the lake. If she was not careful, the groundwater might seep into the tomb. No one would want to let herself or first Human bones were soaked in water.

And in Feng Shui, there is another saying that water is yin. If the place where the bones are buried is too yin tide, the deceased is very likely to turn into fierceness, and in serious cases, corpses will be raised. This is for future generations. It is a big disadvantage.

This pre-Qin tomb, whether it is a monk or a royal family, is where the tombs chosen by Feng Shui everyone want to be. How could it be possible to make such a low-level mistake and build it near the lake?

Ji Ning also thought of this, and asked Li Jia in confusion, "Did you remember correctly?"

Li Jia nodded with a wry smile, and said: "In the beginning, we had this kind of suspicion, but when we really arrived, we found that the tomb was really not far from the lake."

Lin Mengjia thought about it, and said, "Perhaps, the mountain movement has taken place during these thousands of years. Maybe this lake was formed by the day after tomorrow?"

Hei Mudan shook his head and said, "Madam, that's not the case. It is also clearly stated in the records of ancient books that it was indeed born near the water."

"That's weird, it's extremely gloomy, and it's not a good place to bury it anyway." Zi Xuan frowned, with an incomprehensible expression on her face, looking at Tang Feng, trying to get an answer from him.

Tang Feng said lightly: "The so-called feng shui theory emphasizes mutual growth and mutual restraint. Xu is in such places. This feng shui is suitable for burial."

Zi Xuan curled her lips and said disdainfully: "Even if the tomb is under the water and it is still such a big lake, even if it is mutual generation and mutual restraint, it is not possible to know when it will be flooded by the water. "

Li Jia said hurriedly: "Miss Zi Xuan, you can rest assured that I have been to the tomb once, not to mention it was flooded, not even the slightest amount of water vapor is visible, and it looks nothing like an ordinary tomb. The difference is that if we didn't know in advance that there is a lake nearby, we would never have thought that it should be so close to the water source."

Black Peony also nodded gently, saying: "This situation is indeed very rare, but it is not unique. I have read some ancient books. Some of these tombs were even buried in the water. They are called shipwreck burials. People were buried on the ship, and when they arrived at the designated place, the ship was pierced and sunk, and turned into a tomb that never saw the sun. Buried in this water can be buried in the water. It can't be said that it is impossible to build it by the water."

Lin Mengjia raised her eyebrows, with a somewhat curious look, and said, "There is also this way of burial? Isn't the water poured into the coffin?"

Li Jia smiled and explained to her: "Madam, this kind of ship burial is very well enclosed. Even if the ship sinks into the water, the sealed place inside will be quite reliable. Even hundreds of thousands of years have passed. The air will not escape."

Although Lin Mengjia wanted to ask a few more questions about this, it was obviously not the right time to say this at this moment. She nodded to Li Jia and Hei Peony, and did not continue to ask, but said: "We will be back when we are free. At the time, you talked to me more about these things. It sounds really interesting."

The two nodded immediately.

Naturally, they were willing to talk more with Lin Mengjia, but they were worried that they could not find the opportunity. This time she took the initiative to raise it, and they just went along the way.

Li Jia said to Tang Feng again: "Sir, although I am a talented person, and my feng shui attainments are not very high, but the few people who came with me at that time were all masters in this industry, especially Luo Er. Lord, it’s amazing to find dragons and acupuncture points. At that time, we all felt that there was a problem with the lake here. He alone didn’t say much. I didn’t think too much at the time. He just wanted to come afterwards. He seemed to be Seeing what we haven't seen."

Regarding this second master Luo, Tang Feng also heard Ji Ning say that he was not an ordinary person. If he were a master here, Xu Ye would have already seen the clues.

He nodded and said: "What is the specific situation? We guess here, it doesn't make any sense. Just look over there." The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: of Longevity and Become a Dad Full Text Reading Address: txt download address of Longevity Return, Becoming a Dad: return to be a dad mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 1353 is born near the water), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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