Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 1377: The elixir of madness

Ji Ning listened, pondered for a long time, then glanced in Li Jia's direction, and said, "Does everyone follow this ancestor's warning?"

Li Jia showed a somewhat embarrassed look on his face, and he smiled "hehe". He also knew that Ji Ning was not making fun of him deliberately. After laughing, he said, "The taboos in our business are also divided. There are several kinds of taboos, some taboos are taboos of certain families, some taboos are taboos of a certain tradition, but some are taboos of the whole tomb robbery. Some of us may not care about some small taboos like me, but The big taboos of business will definitely be taken to heart, no one dares to offend easily."

Hearing Li Jia's words, everyone felt a little clear in their hearts.

Xue Rui nodded and said, "So, this emperor's tomb is a taboo in your circle?"

Li Jia nodded, her expression a bit solemn, and said: "It's not just a taboo, but a taboo of taboos. In this circle, everyone knows the pros and cons of this. It can be said that even if we can Starving to death, I will never touch it."

Black Peony also said with a serious face: "Don't talk about touching it, even thinking about it, it's very wrong."

At this time, Xue Panpan's had returned to normal, and his face was also a little bloody. Listening to the conversation of the people, he showed a somewhat puzzled expression, and said to Li Jiahei Mudan: "If you really have reached the point of desperation. , The left and right are also a death, wouldn’t anyone gamble on it?"

Hei Mudan hurriedly waved his hand and said, "Ms. Xue, you don't know anything about the taboos in this circle. If you touch it, it will be more than just a dead word."

"What else can there be besides death?" Xue Panpan's expression became more and more astonished.

In her opinion, the biggest thing in the world is nothing more than the loss of life. Since it has reached the point of starving to death, why not let it go? In the face of life and death, what is the so-called taboo?

In the final analysis, it's just that there is something terrible in that tomb, but where does it die? Isn't it all the same? If you don't go, you must die. If you go, you may still have a chance to live.

With a bitter expression on Li Jia’s face, she said to Xue Panpan: “There is really something weird in this tomb. Once it’s touched, it’s impossible to survive or die. The pain is simply impossible. Endure, if it is not for personal experience, others will not be able to understand this feeling."

When it came to the end, Li Jia sighed, her voice very difficult.

At this time, Xue Panpan remembered the incident again, with a somewhat guilty expression on his face, and nodded gently to Li Jia.

Hei Mudan continued: "You are not outsiders, and I don't hide anything. Everyone knows that our business is detrimental to our morality. If something happens, it may involve family members and even future generations."

When she said this, her tone was a bit sad.

Before, Hei Mudan once said that because of her father’s tomb robbery, her mother was pregnant for several consecutive births without staying, and finally raised her, and she also lost one in her womb. Baby.

Seeing the expressions of everyone, Hei Mudan smiled reluctantly, and then continued: "In those tombs full of taboos, it is more likely that there is something we don't know. We went in. It’s a small thing to die inside, and it’s a big sin if it hurts other people, so we will never touch this taboo place."

Just before a few people spoke, they had reached the end of this passage.

The two stone gates on the left and the right became more and more clear.

In the passage, there were originally strip-shaped blue bricks, but these two stone gates are huge stones that are polished fairly smoothly. Each is five meters long, from the ground to the top of the passage, pasted on the walls on both sides .

Xue Rui stepped forward and pushed on one side of the stone gate with his hands, but the stone gate remained motionless.

Everyone can also see that this stone gate can't be opened by brute force.

Li Jia turned to the stone on the left and said, "That green cherry seed grows in this."

While talking, his hand gently groped on the blue brick outside the stone gate. Following his movements, when his palm touched a blue brick, the brick moved slightly, and then it was Sank into the wall.

At the same time, the closed stone gate suddenly heard a dull sound, and with this sound, the stone gate had slowly sunk toward the underground.

Everyone was already prepared in their hearts, and they all wanted to see what the elixir growing in the ancient tomb looked like, and their eyes all focused on the past.

With the landing of Shimen, in front of everyone, a square tomb suddenly appeared.

This tomb is completely square, no matter the length, width or height, it is the same. I roughly estimated it with my eyes, and it was about five meters. This length also happened to be the length of the stone gate.

The height of the passage that everyone just walked through was three meters, and the height of the tomb was five meters. The extra two meters sank below the ground.

In other words, the tomb that appeared in front of them at the moment was not flush with their place, but sunk downwards. If they wanted to enter, they had to jump in.

However, none of the people standing at the door of the tomb did not move.

Not only didn't move, everyone's face was filled with a very surprised look.

They saw that in this tomb, on the ground, on the walls, and even on the ceiling, as long as they could see it, they were densely covered with plants.

This plant is exactly the elixir Tang Feng said, Qingyingzi.

It is also the purpose of Li Jia and his wife who came here.

Regarding this Qingyingzi, except for Li Jia, although no one else has seen it before, they have also heard Tang Feng mention the appearance of this plant and saw him draw it.

On the picture, the elixir is a flower with slender leaves and ears of wheat. It is true that it grows on the ground without branches or vines.

But now, Qing Yingzi, which is spread all over the tomb, is really shocking.

Even if you know that this is a panacea, even if this panacea is a rare and precious thing, it can grow to such a scale, it will add a bit of horror to people's eyes. The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: Returns: Becoming a Dad Full Text Reading Address: return as a dad txt download address: return to be a dad mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click \"Collection\" below to record the reading record of this (Chapter 1377 Elixir of Crazy Growth), next Open the bookshelf once to see it! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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