Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 1405: Met this person

"Why do you say that?" Ji Ninglue asked with some confusion.

Li Jia frowned and said: "In the final analysis, this tomb was set up for the owner of the tomb. No matter what scale it is built, it will ultimately be the person's long-term dwelling place. Therefore, everything in it should be related to the owner of the tomb. This is built into a tomb, and it is related to him, but is this sacrifice—"

Having said that, he did not continue speaking, but shook his head slightly.

Hei Mudan continued: "The tomb exists for burying the owner of the tomb, and it also serves the owner of the tomb. Most of the relief murals are related to the owner of the tomb. Such as his life, there is nothing to do with him. It's totally irrelevant."

Li Jia had said this before, and Hei Mudan emphasized it once again. Everyone nodded and motioned for her to continue.

Hei Mudan said again: "Just as the master said, if this is the entire process of building the tomb, including the final burial, it is a complete process, but as of the end of this sacrifice, it is very strange. Look. It seems that this sacrifice is the main event."

"What if the person who presided over the sacrifice is the owner of the tomb? You also said before that in your family's ancestral training, this is a monk's tomb, so the context makes sense."

Rong Guocheng raised the matter again.

Hei Peony bit her lip, and was silent, without going on.

According to these explanations, it is indeed possible to link the sacrifice to the owner of the tomb. It is also the most eloquent explanation at present, but I don't know why, Black Peony still feels something is wrong.

But at this moment, let her tell her what was wrong, and she couldn't explain it all for a while.

When Shangguan saw her like this and knew what she seemed to be thinking, there seemed to be a contradiction in her heart, so he said: "Is it possible, is there anything we haven't discovered yet?"

Hei Peony shook his head gently, and said, "For a while, I also said it was bad, but I always feel that this is not so simple."

Lin Mengjia smiled and said, "Since I can't figure it out, I don't have to worry about it. Anyway, according to what is revealed on the relief, this tomb is quite big, and the distance we have traveled is relatively small. , Maybe we go down, and we can see the same reliefs on the sides of the other passages, and there is a continuation of this matter on them."

Rong Guocheng had a bit of agreement on his face, and said: "What the madam said is reasonable, the passage above the previous profile is quite complicated. We have only walked through two of them, and it is far from being counted. what."

Xie Huo nodded and said, "Yes, if you want to know other things, let's go down and have a look."

Hearing what they said, everyone nodded, but at this time there was really no other way.

Moreover, if they really follow the picture of the mountain, they do still have quite a lot of passages that they haven't walked through, and there is still that bottomless pit, and they don't know how to approach it, and figure out what's going on.

But when everyone was discussing the relief, Zi Xuan, who first brought up this topic, didn't say a word at this moment.

In normal times, Zi Xuan's words are the most. When others are not talking, she can talk about it for a long time by herself, and everyone is helpless.

But at this moment everyone was discussing in full swing, expressing their opinions and putting forward different ideas, but Zi Xuan had been quite silent, not speaking, which was very surprising.

Especially Xue Rui, who has always been more concerned about Zi Xuan's opinion, will ask her if she will ask her, now seeing Zi Xuan just standing on the side in silence, it is inevitable that he is a little curious.

Xue Rui hurriedly moved towards Zi Xuan and said, "Miss Zi Xuan, what are you looking at?"

When Xue Rui asked this sentence, he had already seen that Zi Xuan was standing in front of the embossed portrait at the moment, looking intently, her brows frowned slightly, with a thoughtful look.

It seemed that this relief made her think of something, but she was not sure, so she never said it.

Upon seeing this, Xue Rui also looked at it and observed it carefully, but he did not see any clues.

The lines and bumps of this portrait are also relatively simple, but compared to the simple strokes in between, the characteristics of the character are clearly outlined in order to see the look on the face and the features of the costume on the body.

It's just that the stone walls are completely dark, and there is no light in this passage. Even if everyone takes the pill, they still need to watch carefully.

On this relief, you can see at a glance, it is thought that an old man who is about 50 or 60 years old, when you distinguish it carefully, you can see that it is very elegant, and you can even see that the corners of his mouth are slightly smiling. , There was also a little smile in his eyes.

With such a simple technique, it is not easy to express the emotions of the characters.

Seeing that Zi Xuan had been looking at the old man's relief, but did not speak, Xue Rui showed a very suspicious expression, and couldn't help but ask again: "Miss Zi Xuan, the characters on this, look at some ancient paintings. There seems to be no difference between the portraits painted in it, the fairy-style bones, the crane-haired and child-like appearance of the fairy, have you seen it for so long, is there any problem?"

Xue Rui originally thought that Zi Xuan cared so much about the relief because she saw some problems on the relief, such as some spells, but felt that there was nothing unusual about the character itself.

Unexpectedly, Zi Xuan pursed some mouth lightly, and said softly: "I've seen this person."

"Have you seen this? This is impossible, right? This, this is an ancient tomb from the pre-Qin period. The people carved in this place are at least thousands of years ago."

A look of surprise flashed across Xue Rui's face, but immediately, he became stunned and said hurriedly: "Miss Zixuan, do you mean this person has lived until now?"

If it were placed before, Xue Rui would definitely feel that it is a fantasy for a person to live from the pre-Qin period to the present, living several thousand years, and he would never believe it.

But in the past few days, he followed Tang Feng and saw a lot of things he had never seen before, and it was an eye-opener. At this moment, even if someone told him that someone had lived for tens of thousands of years, he could still accept it.

Therefore, after a brief surprise, he quickly recovered his calm.

Hearing Zi Xuan's words, Tang Feng also turned his gaze to the relief and looked at the old man on it. The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: Returns: Becoming a Dad Full Text Reading Address: return as a dad txt download address: return to be a dad mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record this time (I have seen this person in Chapter 1405). Open the bookshelf once to see it! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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