Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 1409: Frightened Xiao Hui

Zi Xuan got to the front, stretched her neck eagerly, and looked down there. After watching for a while, she said in her mouth, "It seems that the bottom is quite deep, so you can't see it at all. Is it possible that the bottom is quite deep? Is it the bottomless pit drawn on that picture?"

Although Lin Mengjia was still in a panic, she shook her head when she heard Zi Xuan's words, "No, I feel that there is still a considerable distance from the bottomless pit on the way to go, but I thought of it. , This cave has other uses."

"What is it?" Zi Xuan couldn't wait to ask.

Lin Mengjia slowly said: "The channel for transporting things."

Seeing that everyone didn’t quite understand, she went on to explain: “When building some high-rise buildings, in order to facilitate the transportation of materials, an elevator channel is often built in advance. The space is not too big, straight up and down. Install a simple freight elevator or gondola, which can transport some things up and down."

While speaking, Lin Mengjia made some gestures on the edge of the fault, and said: "If you install a pulley block or similar device here, you can carry some things up and down here."

The crowd suddenly nodded their heads slightly, very much for Lin Mengjia's thoughts and felt admiration, but then they noticed something was wrong again.

Shangguan raised his head slightly, looked at the top of his head, and said, "If it is really for transporting things, then this channel should be opened from the top, so that it is more convenient to transport up and down. After all, this position is already There are a lot of deep tombs, there is no need to transport things all the way here, and then transport them down, right? After all, there are many passages extending in all directions in this tomb. Instead of transporting to these places, it is better to transport them through other passages."

Shangguan seldom said so much in one breath, and he said in a whisper, and he was eloquent.

Lin Mengjia hesitated when she heard this. After all, Shangguan's words made her unable to figure it out for a while.

"Could this be the opening between the passage and the passage? From here, it will go to other passages?" Rong Guocheng put forward his own thoughts again.

Zi Xuan shook her head lightly and said, "The black hole below is totally indistinguishable. If anyone goes from this place to another passage, maybe people will never pass, and their life will be gone first."

Xue Rui hurriedly said: "Perhaps, it was deliberately designed to prevent people from coming in. You see this place is so dark, and it's the same below. This time, Mr. Tang called us to stop, if we change it. Other people, maybe they can't hold their feet, they just fell!"

Hei Mudan frowned and said: "In this tomb, there are indeed many traps in order to prevent someone from trespassing and stealing. It is the first time I have seen such a hole directly."

Although she hadn't seen it before, she couldn't directly deny this statement.

Zi Xuan finally couldn't stand her temper, and took another step towards the fault, standing straight on the edge, and said: "What is it, let's see how deep it is."

While she was speaking, a soul orb appeared in her palm.

The soul orb emits a golden light, and in such a dark place, it makes people feel a sense of warmth and peace of mind.

Seeing that Zi Xuan's feet had stepped on that edge and was still leaning forward, Xue Rui had a frightened feeling, and hurriedly said, "Miss Zi Xuan, be careful."

Zi Xuansi didn't care, she just smiled "hehe", and then, with her palm facing the front, the soul orb had already fallen towards the entrance of the cave.

Tang Feng knew Zi Xuan's thoughts.

She can override the soul orb, as long as the soul orb is put down, if the soul orb reaches the bottom, then she can pass this and guess how deep it is.

This method of Zi Xuan was quite good, Tang Feng did not speak, it was considered tacitly approved.

But just as Zi Xuan ordered the Soul Orb to enter the entrance of the cave and dropped less than ten meters, Tang Feng's eyebrows suddenly picked up, and then he stretched out his hand and pulled behind Zi Xuan Township.

And Zi Xuan seemed to have noticed something, she didn't feel any surprise because of Tang Feng pulling her, and she also exerted her force backwards, just by using Tang Feng's strength, she moved steadily to the back for more than one meter. The distance is still standing firmly on the ground.

Tang Feng and Zi Xuan were prepared, but the others did not.

Everyone was originally gathered here, watching Zi Xuan's movements. At this time, they all hurriedly retreated back. Fortunately, although they staggered a few steps, no one fell.

And just as Zi Xuan retreated, a small black shadow suddenly rushed out of the hole. After coming out, it was extremely fast and rushed toward the way they came.

If it wasn't for Zi Xuan to take a step back, she would definitely be hit.

Before everyone recovered, Tang Feng already shouted in a deep voice, "Xiao Hui!"

At that moment, a shadow of several tens of meters had already burst out. After hearing Tang Feng's voice, his figure immediately stopped. Then, he stopped and turned back slowly.

After it stopped, everyone could see clearly that this dark shadow was indeed Xiao Hui.

Although it was white fur, it was just a shadow in such a dark place.

Seeing Xiao Hui, everyone's faces were full of joy.

After all, Xiao Hui entered the tomb before them, and during this period of time, he must have turned everywhere, coming up from the entrance of this cave again, asking about the situation below it, it must be aware of it.

But the joy on everyone's faces, when they fixed their eyes on Xiao Hui, they all froze again, and they clearly noticed that things seemed a bit wrong.

Xiao Hui, who was still standing tens of meters away from them at the moment, was obviously very different from what they had seen before.

In their impression, Xiao Hui always jumped up and down, very active and cheerful appearance, no matter what the situation, he was quite naughty and lively, especially when he saw Tang Feng, it was like seeing the closest person, immediately Will pounce on him.

But at this time, Xiao Hui was still standing in that position. He didn't feel any excitement because of seeing Tang Feng. On the contrary, he looked very frightened. He didn't want to approach Tang Feng. It seemed that Tang Feng and everyone else, It made it feel unusually scared and didn't dare to walk towards them.

What is even more surprising is that after getting together with Xiao Hui, Xiao Tao, who has always been inseparable, is gone at this moment.

Only Xiao Hui was alone, standing there alone, her body still visibly trembling slightly. The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: Returns: Becoming a Dad Full Text Reading Address: return as a dad txt download address: return to be a dad mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on \"Favorites\" below to record this reading (Chapter 1409 The Frightened Little Gray), next Open the bookshelf once to see it! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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