Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 1417: That's the demon spirit

As everyone moved forward, it was already certain that the light was indeed the exit of this passage.

However, in such an ancient tomb, there is darkness everywhere else, how can there be light at this exit?

This is a bit weird.

Generally speaking, light can make people feel at ease, relieve fear, and relax the mood. However, under such circumstances, when everyone sees this light, they feel that it is more terrifying than darkness.

If they are walking through the life gate and seeing the light, perhaps they will feel happier, but what they are walking now is clearly a dead gate. If something goes wrong, there must be a demon. Everyone knows this and understands this. , This light may not be a good thing!

In everyone's heart, while murmured, Zi Xuan suddenly gave a soft "Huh".

Everyone can hear that her voice is not simply surprised, but slightly surprised.

Under such circumstances, what else can make her feel happy?

Without waiting for others to ask Zi Xuan's question, she already said in a slightly delighted voice, "Xiao Tao, it's just outside this door!"

Hearing Zi Xuan's voice when she mentioned Xiao Tao, everyone could hear that there was absolutely nothing wrong with Xiao Tao, otherwise, Zi Xuan's tone would not be so relaxed, but with surprise.

And this also confirmed what Tang Feng said before: Xiaotao was frightened only after seeing this demon spirit far surpassing her, she didn't even have the strength to escape, and she didn't suffer any other actual harm. .

This is probably the best news that everyone has gotten after entering the tomb.

Everyone's spirit was lifted up, and there was a slight smile on his face, but at this time, it was too late to ask Zi Xuan more, and they had no time to distract themselves.

Tang Feng had already felt where Xiao Tao was. After seeing the light, he had already started to speed up and walked quickly. His speed was quite fast. Lin Mengjia could hardly keep up with him, if it weren’t for Tang. Feng kept holding her hand, fearing that she would really fall behind.

After Tang Feng's pace accelerated, the others naturally increased their speed. They all followed closely, lest they would fall behind, and even dare not say a word, lest they would delay the journey under their feet.

That is, after walking forward for less than a minute, the exit was already in front of him. Tang Feng didn't stop in his footsteps. He went straight out, and everyone naturally followed quickly.

As soon as they walked out of this exit, everyone's face was full of shocked expressions.

They had no idea that what appeared in front of them was such a scene!

What appeared in front of them was a huge space, and after entering, there was a feeling of sudden enlightenment.

Before, everyone felt that this deadlock must be a terrible situation, and the perineum was terrible and extremely cold, but it was the opposite of what they had imagined. Not only was it not cold, but it was very warm. .

And the source of this warmth is the countless lights that ignite, eternal lights.

This is a huge and empty space, the size of which is the same as the space where the pit they walked through before, and it is not as good as it is. This is a bit staggering in my heart. I don’t know if this tomb is there. How big.

However, unlike the earth pit that is lower than the ground and filled with mud, this space is a stone cave. The ground is level with the earth pit they walked out of. It is tall and hollow. It is lit on the surrounding stone walls of the cave. The ever-bright lights are neatly arranged, and at a glance, there are fires flashing everywhere, there are hundreds of them, and I don't know how long they have been burning.

Whether it's the ground or the stone walls, all are stone structures, polished quite smoothly, and integrated.

At first glance, seeing this kind of situation really made everyone feel very unreal.

"Do you think this is like a place?" Shangguan's voice murmured.

Her voice was low, like a dream, and she seemed to be unsure of what she was saying.

Standing next to her, Ji Ning had already uttered two words softly: "Prison City."

Yes, it looks like the stone city and prison city they found in the mountains when they had been to Kunlun before.

They are all built between the mountains, they are all large spaces, all brightly lit all around, but the difference is that in the prison city, there are buildings everywhere, and there is a tower on top of the head and pearls The star map inlaid with gems, and here is just a stone cave, which is quite hollow and there is nothing.

No, I can't say that there is nothing, it seems, there is still something!

Under the shining light of this fire, following the changes of light and shadow, everyone can vaguely see that the air in the middle of the open space seems to be slightly distorted, as if there is something there. It’s just this thing. It is transparent, only a hazy outline can be seen, and when you look at it from another angle, you can't see anything.

Everyone also didn't care to look at this thing, because they saw Xiao Yao not far from that thing.

Compared with Xiao Hui, Xiao Tao's current situation is nothing short of it.

It was all limp on the ground, curled up in a ball, and the hair was still exploding, like a prickly hair ball. At this moment, the hair ball was still shaking and making short sounds. It sounded like this. Unlike the cry of a monkey, it is like a dying wailing, which makes people feel distressed.

"Little Tao!" Lin Mengjia called out softly, with a very unbearable expression on her face, subconsciously wanted to walk over, hugged Xiao Tao, and comforted her.

Even if I saw Xiao Tao with my own eyes, I knew that it had no problems with its life, but seeing its current appearance, it would inevitably make Lin Mengjia feel a little worried, wanting to see how it is.

But when Lin Mengjia took a step, Tang Feng stretched out his hand, stopped her, and said to her, "That's the demon spirit."

Is that the demon spirit? what? Where is the demon spirit? Isn't it Xiao Tao? Did Xiao Tao become a demon spirit?

This was an instant, Lin Mengjia's mind had a problem, not only her, but the other people's expressions also showed a nervous look, coincidentally, looking in that direction. The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: return to be a dad full text reading address: of Longevity and Become a Dad txt download address: of Longevity to be a daddy mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click "Favorites" below to record this reading (Chapter 1417, that is the demon spirit) reading record, and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Daddy", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you your support! (

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