Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 1423: The awakened demon spirit

All the changes only happened within a short period of time. When Tang Feng retreated to the edge of the rock wall, the body of the black giant beast was fully displayed in front of him.

The state of this behemoth now is completely different from the one in the golden light before.

The golden light, although it enveloped the entire behemoth, did not materialize it, but only turned the completely transparent body into golden transparent, allowing people to see its outline clearly, but only It's just the outline, this huge thin body is still like air, and it will be slightly distorted under the light and shadow, like a projection.

And this black is completely different.

As the demon spirit's body turned black, it was already rapidly substantiated, turning into a tangible behemoth.

However, the whole body of this demon spirit is not entirely black. The only difference is the weird-shaped horn on its forehead.

The other positions are all black, which is quite rich black, but this corner still remains the golden color before, but this golden color has also become materialized.

This angle after materialization, even though it is still distorted in shape and weird like a branch, can be seen to be quite strong and powerful.

The black energy on the head of the demon spirit, which has already materialized, is like ink, constantly pouring upwards, trying to wrap and cover the horn, and turn it into a completely black color, but it is obvious that the gold of the horn does not have it. The body is so susceptible to being soaked, and the golden color it emits constantly emits more and more intense light, suppressing the black that keeps coming up.

Black worked hard for several times, and couldn't rush to the position of the golden horns. He could only stop. And the golden color didn't seem to want to restore the whole body of the demon spirit to its original state. As long as the black, no When it surging toward the corner, the golden color didn't respond.

When this demon spirit's body completely absorbed all the black energy around it, an unbelievable scene appeared.

His eyes opened.

This is a pair of eyes larger than a fist. When opened, the entire pupil is dark and ink-stained. If it is not in the black, it is still a flashing luster, it is almost the same as the whole body. .

This demon spirit has regained consciousness.

It stood up, showing strong limbs. As Tang Feng had expected before, its limbs were extremely flexible despite looking at the muscle knots. When its huge body stood up, it was more than five meters long. This made this huge cave look less empty.

Following the movement of the demon spirit's getting up, its tail flung out from under its body. If a steel whip hit the ground with great strength, it seemed that the entire cave trembled slightly.

A look of annoyance appeared in Tang Feng's eyes.

He wasn't afraid of this demon spirit waking up. With his current ability, although it would take some effort, it was possible to subdue it, but it would be a little more troublesome.

What really annoyed him was that he should have thought of all this beforehand, but was misled by the stories of so-called burial, and in addition, there were Gu techniques, all of which were intertwined, which made him somewhat preconceived. Confused, so I couldn't communicate the whole thing in the first time, and even deviated from the topic. I didn't expect this to be on the punctuality.

And when he realized the key of the matter, this big-headed monster had already appeared.

At the same time, Tang Feng felt a little anger in his heart. He didn't expect that he would be calculated by this big-headed monster.

This, but for thousands of years, has been quite rare.

Even in the Northern Star Territory, even there, high-ranking monks walked almost everywhere. Those old foxes whose cultivation base is higher than Tang Feng, the realm is stronger than Tang Feng, and the age is several dozen times more than him, want to calculate Tang Feng may not be able to succeed, but right now, he is actually being calculated by this ugly monster who is not even a human being!

This is the anger that inevitably caused Tang Feng's heart.

However, Tang Feng himself also knew that the reason for this was also because he himself underestimated the enemy too much, so that there would be such consequences.

Although he had guessed that this big-headed monster would not let it go, he did not expect it to use such methods.

The corner of Tang Feng's mouth was slightly squeezed, his eyes were already ignited, and he ignored the awakened demon spirit in front of him, even though it was looking at it with an extremely dangerous and threatening gaze. The body was also in a state of being ready to go, and it seemed that it was about to rush towards him.

Tang Feng's gaze only faintly passed over the demon spirit, but in the end, it fell on top of his head.

The big-headed monster did not leave at this moment, but was still hanging upside down on the top of the stone.

However, its posture now is different from before. It is not the way its hands and feet are attached to it, but it has only two feet touching the top of the stone.

Its feet, like suction, are firmly attached to the smooth stone, and they are quite stable. It is expected that the puppets seen in the dirt pit before are all hanging upside down in this way. of.

The whole body of the big-headed monster is hanging upside down, his hands are holding his shoulders, and his body is still swaying slightly. It makes people think that the head is too heavy and the shaking caused by it is actually not the case, but because of the bottom of the heart. Proudly, shook its body deliberately. It was looking at Tang Feng at the moment, and its face was also showing undisguised complacency.

When he saw Tang Feng looking at it, it was even more triumphant. It made a grimace at Tang Feng, opened its mouth wide, and showed a happy smile. The mouth was grinning to the base of its ears. This smile was quite impressive. It's ugly and disgusting.

Seeing its appearance, Tang Feng just squinted his eyes slightly, and said solemnly, "Do you think you can deal with me if you wake up this demon spirit?"

The big-headed monster laughed "Jie Jie" again, his expression was still quite proud, and he shook his head slightly in the direction of Tang Feng, as if he felt that Tang Feng was talking big words, and he did not stop him at all. If you do, take it to heart.

Tang Feng could see that this monster does not speak, although it has wisdom and thinking, has rich expressions, and can also cry and laugh, but it has no language ability and can only use expressions and various voices. Express your emotions. The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: Returns: Becoming a Dad Full Text Reading Address: return as a dad txt download address: return to be a dad mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click \"Collection\" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 1423 The awakened demon spirit), next Open the bookshelf once to see it! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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