Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 1430: Not a tomb

Xue Panpan said with emotion: "Some people have deep feelings for their relatives and cannot give up. It is normal for them to make such actions, especially for some mothers, how can they not feel sad when they see their children? Desperate?"

Although Xue Panpan has no children, she is a woman after all. Even if she has the important task of inheriting the Xue family, she still has a gentle motherhood in her heart, and she suddenly thought of this.

Hearing her words, Lin Mengjia couldn't help but nodded slightly. Among the emotions of all these people, she was afraid that the mother was the closest relative to the child. If she encountered such a situation, she would be separated from the little girl, and she would be bravely jumping. Go down.

Zi Xuan gave a soft "um" and said, "It's not a person or emotion. In short, if a person becomes a dead soul, the worry in her heart must be very strong, especially if she knows that she will never see you again. When it arrives, this worry will be magnified to the extreme, so that you will not have to do anything excessive because of excitement, and the role of Yin Luozhi is here."

Hearing that Zi Xuan finally came to the point, everyone couldn't help but **** their ears.

But Lin Mengjia had already thought of it, and immediately nodded and said: "Suppress the soul."

When everyone heard it, they all suddenly realized.

Tang Feng mentioned before that there was a soul-suppressing instrument in this tomb. Now that Zi Xuan has heard these things, then the role of Uncle Yin Luo is naturally self-evident. It must have played a calming role.

Zi Xuan smiled and said: "Yes, this Yin Luo tree has a very strong suppressive effect on the soul. It is said that it can caress its soul and calm its spirit, so that no matter what they see, they will not lose control. If someone can break through this suppression, these vines will turn into ropes, binding the restless souls by themselves, sending them to Mengpo, and forcing them to drink Mengpo soup."

Having said this, Zi Xuan once again looked at the Yin Luo branch in her hand, and then continued: "Once these vines have **** 10,000 souls, they will gather a powerful soul-suppressing power and fall off on their own, becoming like this. It looks like, it is said that Yin Luozhi can suppress any soul, whether it is a human, or a beast or a monster."

"So, this Yin Luo branch was placed on this demon spirit's head, just to suppress it?" Xue Rui heard Zi Xuan's words, and immediately thought of where the Yin Luo branch was before, and hurriedly asked her Tao.

Shangguan also pondered and said, "No wonder Mr. Tang said before that the power of this demon spirit was banned. It must be this Yin Luozhi that also played a certain role, right?"

Zi Xuan nodded and said, "It's not just this demon spirit, but all the souls in this tomb are suppressed by Yin Luozhi, and this Yin Luozhi is different from what we have seen before. There is a connection between those eyes. As for what the connection is, I can't say clearly."

While speaking, Zi Xuan looked towards Tang Feng.

Since Tang Feng said just now that he already wants to understand the matter here, then these questions must be answered by Tang Feng one by one.

Just as a few people were talking, the black bead in front of Tang Feng had already stopped spinning. In the midair, it emitted a faint dim light. When the aura dissipated, the bead was already flying in the direction of Tang Feng. come.

Tang Feng calmly stretched out his hand in the direction of the bead, and the bead steadily landed on his palm.

Looking at the bead in front of him, Tang Feng's mouth turned up slightly, revealing a smile.

Sure enough, as he expected, the demon power between this demon bead was very powerful, even a little bit beyond his expectations.

Before everyone could see clearly, the bead flickered and disappeared.

For this kind of situation, everyone is not surprised. They have long known that Tang Feng can store things into a space they can't see anytime and anywhere. They don't understand this principle, but they have all entered. A person without a mirror exists in a space that even humans can enter, so it's no surprise that Tang Feng has a place to store things.

Seeing the beads that Tang Feng had collected, Lin Mengjia couldn't wait to say to Tang Feng: "Tang Feng, what do you know? Do you know who the owner of this tomb is? Why? The existence of the demon spirit? Is it really to guard this tomb? And those puppets, what's the matter?"

Tang Feng smiled at her and said: "Don't worry, when we go out, I will tell you slowly."

"Are we going out?" Lin Mengjia's eyes immediately flashed a very surprised look.

The same is true for other people, some looking at Tang Feng not quite clearly.

Although they came to this place only to follow Tang Feng, they had no specific purpose, but they also knew that they had to at least figure out the secrets in this whole tomb before they left, but now, this whole tomb , They just walked less than half of the place, why did Tang Feng want to go back?

Lin Mengjia was even more suspicious, because she knew that the bottomless pit below this was probably the same as the Ruan Kangde family castle. Now they have no chance to meet the Ruan family, at least they can go to this place to see. Fortunately, I have a little understanding of this, but looking at what Tang Feng means now, it turns out that he has no plans to go on.

Tang Feng saw the confusion in everyone's hearts and smiled faintly, and said, "This place is not a tomb, and this demon spirit and those puppets do not exist to protect this tomb."


Undoubtedly, his words, among all people, seemed like a thunderstorm, making them stunned.

This place is a tomb. It is the most basic one among everyone's ideas. It can be said that all conjectures are based on this foundation. But now, Tang Feng has rejected this all at once. Doesn't it mean that all the inferences they later made were wrong?

Tang Feng saw the confusion of the people, and while walking towards the entrance of the passage they entered, he briefly explained: "Contrary to what we guessed, this place was actually built to suppress the demon spirit. If it must be Said it is a tomb, it is the tomb of this demon spirit, the most appropriate."

The others followed Tang Feng towards the entrance of the cave, still with a rather puzzled expression on their faces. The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: Returns: Becoming a Dad Full Text Reading Address: return as a dad txt download address: return to be a dad mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record this reading (Chapter 1430 is not a tomb) and open it next time You can see it on the bookshelf! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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