Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 1433: Zi Xuan in a good mood

After another distance, everyone saw that there was light ahead.

This kind of light was different from the light just seen in the cave where the demon spirit was located, but it looked like natural light.

This light didn't feel the slightest flutter of fire, but was quite soft, so that everyone who had walked a dark road suddenly felt a very comfortable feeling in front of them.

Although they can see things clearly in the dark after taking the pill, those feelings are not the same as what they see under the light. After all, there is a dark feeling.

Seeing the light, Lin Mengjia couldn't help but let out a soft "Huh". When she was still looking at it carefully, Tang Feng had already said to her, "It's dawn."

Lin Mengjia was suddenly stunned.

They were already in the passage when they came, and the light they saw in front of them came in through the thief.

Seeing the exit right in front of them, everyone speeded up their pace, and soon they came to the front. They also heard a slightly anxious conversation between Li Jia and Hei Peony and his wife.

"It's almost dawn, why haven't they come out yet? Me, I have to go down and take a look!" Li Jia's tone was a little worried.

Hei Mudan is also very anxious, but he discourages him: "According to Mr. Tang and their ability, they don't know how much they outperform you. Naturally, they will be fine. If you really encounter something that can't be solved, you go. , It is of no avail."

Li Jia sighed heavily.

Obviously, even though he still had some worries in his heart, he couldn't refute what he said about Hei Mudan.

According to the rules of their tomb robbery, the tomb robbery is to be carried out at night. Before dawn, they must come out of the robbery hole and fill in the hole.

It's summer now, it's already early in the morning, and the sun shines earlier on the mountain, Li Jia's heart is already anxious looking at the white light on the horizon.

Even if Tang Feng and the others are not in his line of business, Li Jia will inevitably have a bit of care in his heart.

Moreover, when Tang Feng was below, he also mentioned that it was quite dangerous, and he couldn't help but not worry.

However, Li Jia and Hei Peony's anxiety did not last too long. Soon, they had heard a slight noise coming from under the passage.

The two looked at each other, and the corners of their mouths showed a faint smile.

Even if they are just ordinary people, the ear power they can get through robbers all the year round is not comparable to ordinary people.

Xiao Hui, who was on the side, looked rather languid, but suddenly he was energetic, squeaked, and then jumped into the hole.

Already the few people who were about to reach the entrance of the cave suddenly saw the white shadow jumping from above. There was not much surprise, but they all showed a little smile.

They all know that Xiao Hui will gradually recover after leaving this place. Xiao Hui can jump down to greet him after hearing Tang Feng's voice, which means that its condition is good, at least, it has been before recovery. Mental state.

This is naturally excellent news.

Xiao Hui jumped on Tang Feng’s shoulders, stretched out two small paws, and patted his shoulders lightly. He was very anxious, and he was still making uncontrollable "squeaking" noises in his mouth. It was nervous and anxious.

It looked like it was asking Tang Feng about something.

Seeing this, Tang Feng smiled and said, "Now I know I am worried about others? Why don't you think about whether it will be dangerous when you leave it there and run away?"

In Tang Feng's tone, there was a bit of ridicule.

Everyone also understood that what he was talking about was Xiao Tao, and he showed a smile that couldn't help but looked at Xiao Hui and laughed.

Obviously this Xiao Hui, after recovering, thought that Xiao Tao was still inside, his heart became more anxious, but he didn't have the courage to go down and take a look, even more anxious.

Now that I saw Tang Feng, I was looking forward to the savior, so I hurried up and asked Tang Feng about Xiaotao. Unexpectedly, Tang Feng made fun of him.

Xiao Hui looked a little embarrassed, grabbed his head with his paws, and screamed softly again, as if even blushing.

Seeing its appearance, Tang Feng couldn't make fun of it anymore, and winked at Zi Xuan.

Originally, Zi Xuan wanted to tease a few more words, but Tang Feng nodded at her, obviously there were other things to do, so she didn't waste time.

Zi Xuan understood, she took out the mirrorless mirror, and didn't bother Xiao Hui anymore, and directly released Xiao Tao from the inside.

At this moment, Xiaotao is in a much better condition, but there is no Xiaohui as it is now. It seems to be restored to life, still a little cringe, until she fell on the ground and noticed the surrounding environment, she was relieved. Looks like.

As soon as Xiao Hui saw Xiao Tao, she jumped off Tang Feng's shoulders, jumped in front of Xiao Tao, and gestured to her, still "squeaking" in her mouth, showing concern and warmth.

When Xiao Tao saw Xiao Hui, she felt relieved again. Soon, the two little guys rushed out of the thieves one after another, and talked alone without anyone else.

When these people were still below, Li Jia and Black Peony, who came back first, had already widened the thief a lot. They were already thinking that when everyone came back, if they were in a state of urgency. , The hole is bigger, so anyone can come up easily.

Although it didn't happen as they expected, the widening of the hole also saved Zi Xuan from the trouble of putting everyone in the mirror.

As Li Jia heard the voices of the crowd, he had already lowered the rope from the entrance of the hole.

Everyone looked towards Tang Feng. In this situation, Tang Feng naturally went up first. Even if they knew that Tang Feng would definitely not need this method, no one dared to act rashly.

Tang Feng waved his hand gently to everyone, saying, "You go up first, and Zi Xuan and I have things to do."

While speaking, she nodded slightly towards Zi Xuan.

Zi Xuan knew immediately.

Tang Feng told her before that when he came back, he would go to the place where the eyes were and release all the souls here and let her collect them.

Along the way, she had always been thinking about this matter in her heart, thinking that these souls could improve her realm by a few points.

Hearing Tang Feng's words, she was even more overjoyed, the smile on the corner of her mouth became more obvious, and she did not hide her good mood. The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: Returns: Becoming a Dad Full Text Reading Address: return as a dad txt download address: return to be a dad mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the \"Collection\" below to record this reading (Chapter 1433 Zixuan in a good mood). You can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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