Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 1441: The beginning of the matter

Follow the road when you came, and turn back to the place where you parked before. This time, everyone’s footsteps were as fast as they were when they didn’t come. They were no longer in a hurry. They finally had some free time and were able to ask some questions to Tang Feng. Up.

Now, everyone knows that the huge building before is not a tomb. According to Tang Feng, it is more appropriate to say that it is a paleontology laboratory. People are still quite curious about this place.

However, when Tang Feng killed the big-headed monster, he said that he already knew some things. In their hearts, they couldn’t wait to know these things, especially Zi Xuan. There were more problems in her mind. Can't hold back.

As he walked, Lin Mengjia had already spoken first, and asked Tang Feng, "Tang Feng, what is the matter with that demon spirit and why are there so many defective products? You said it was manufactured, manufactured. What do people want to do?"

Xue Rui was also full of question marks, and hurriedly asked: "Mr. Tang, you said before that there are some spells and forbidden formations related to monks, and they have nothing to do with Gu art, but the big head The monster is clearly the work of the Gu Master. What is the origin of it? It can't appear out of thin air, right? And where do those puppets come from?"

Hearing Xue Rui mentioned the big-headed monsters and puppets, Zi Xuan raised her eyebrows and said, "Why are there people who die at different times in there? And what about the longevity you mentioned? Are they related to puppets?"

Everyone didn't even know about the longevity. Hearing Zi Xuan's question, they looked at her in confusion.

Zi Xuan also didn't care to explain anything, she still asked Tang Feng again, "There is still there, why are there souls older than this place? Is this place really in the pre-Qin period? Will it? Longer history?"

What she said immediately attracted the attention of Li Jia and Black Peony, and the two couldn't help but exchange their eyes, looking surprised.

The rest of the people, although they didn’t ask much, but from the look they looked at Tang Feng, it could be seen that the questions they wanted to ask had already been asked by these people, and they waited eagerly for Tang. Feng gives an answer.

In the face of everyone's eager gaze, Tang Feng just smiled.

He and Lin Mengjia were walking in the forefront, arm in arm. Lin Mengjia asked him questions. In fact, they were gossiping between the two. It was only when Xue Rui who was behind heard them that Zi Xuan's series of questions arose.

But it was already at this time. Tang Feng certainly didn’t intend to hide it. He brought these people with him. He originally wanted them to gain insights. So he slowed down the speed that was a bit fast before. Turning his head slightly, glanced at the crowd, Fang said: "You are a little troublesome to answer these questions one by one."

"We are not too troublesome, just say it." Zi Xuan was rather rude, and immediately replied with a grin.

Tang Feng was in a good mood at the moment, but he didn't care about it. He just said, "Rather than answer your questions, it's better to say, I will tell what I know from beginning to end, and then you will be clear."

His proposal immediately received everyone's approval, and he nodded hastily.

Zi Xuan couldn't wait to say: "Good, good, you say it!"

During the time when they walked over from the lake, Li Jia and Hei Mudan had already come from Ji Ning and learned of some things that happened after they left. Even some details, Ji Ning also said quite clearly. .

Knowing about the demon spirit, the couple already understand that these are not something ordinary people like them can contact and understand. At this moment, what Tang Feng said is nothing to them. What's the matter, but after experiencing all this, anyone wants to clarify these doubts in their hearts.

Therefore, the two of them also looked at Tang Feng with curious eyes.

Perhaps the only ones present and not interested in these things are Xiao Hui and Xiao Tao.

The farther away from that place, the two of them become more lively. They are already jumping from the branches at the moment, and they are far away from everyone. However, Tang Feng is not worried, after all, there is nothing in this forest. Can hurt them.

Tang Feng coughed softly, and said: "Although this place was built during the pre-Qin period according to what we have seen, the beginning of the whole thing has to be pushed forward for quite a long time. , At least, there are still thousands of years."


Upon hearing Tang Feng's words like this, everyone's faces showed undisguised horror.

They originally thought that this place was from the pre-Qin period, and it was already long enough right away, but this incident was even longer than they thought, which made them a little unimaginable.

Lin Mengjia couldn't help but asked Tang Feng, "How did you know?"

"Those souls," Tang Feng glanced in Zi Xuan's direction as he spoke. Just now, Zi Xuan mentioned the question of why the souls inside are older than this ancient building. "Those souls, there are Has been suppressed for thousands of years."

Zi Xuan nodded, affirming Tang Feng's statement, still frowning slightly, seemingly puzzled: "Yes, although the number is very small, but there are indeed, about, there are more than a dozen souls. I was very surprised at the time. Why did there exist such souls in the pre-Qin architecture? At first, I thought I had made a mistake."

Tang Feng gave an "um" and explained: "Strictly speaking, these souls have nothing to do with this ancient building. They were moved here to suppress them after a long time after their deaths, where they died. It is different from the time period, but their death is the beginning of the whole incident. It can be said that without them, there would be no what we have seen today."

Tang Feng's words immediately attracted everyone's interest.

Hearing Tang Feng talking about ten thousand years ago, Rong Guocheng thought a little bit, "At that point in time, it was the ancient times of Huaxia Kingdom. There are quite a few legends about that period, people and gods. , Demons, and demons are mixed, and the power of man is also quite powerful, so powerful that it can be compared with gods through practice. The world at that time was completely different from now."The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: Returns to Be a Dad Full Text Reading Address: of Longevity and Become a Dad txt download address: of Longevity to be a dad mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record the reading record of this time (the beginning of Chapter 1441), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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