When Tang Feng saw Lin Mengjia’s slightly worried look, he smiled and comforted her: "No matter how far this matter is, there will still be a way to solve it. If someone really has something wrong in their hearts, I will definitely not. Will let them go."

Lin Mengjia nodded slightly. With Tang Feng's assurance, she felt a little relieved.

Tang Feng said to Zi Xuan again: "As for what you just asked about the souls that died more than two hundred years ago, they belong to the immortals. They should have been living there forever, relying on their life to continue. , It should be possible to live for at least a few thousand years, or even more, but just two hundred years ago, there were other people who entered that place."

"That Gu Master?"

This answer can be regarded as ready to come out, Zi Xuan didn't even need to think about it, she just said it directly.

In the ancient building in the mountain, everything shows that this is a place related to practitioners, but the appearance of the big monsters and puppets seems out of place. If it is really more than 200 years ago, there were people inside. Enter, what happened, presumably, it must be related to the Gu technique, obviously, it was the Gu master who made the big monster.

Tang Feng gave an "um" and said again: "Perhaps it was a coincidence, or he was looking for it deliberately. Of course, I prefer the latter. In short, two hundred years ago, he entered the place and saw it. Those who live forever."

Lin Mengjia listened to Tang Feng's words and said, "I also think he did it on purpose. Otherwise, how could there be subsequent things?"

Tang Feng nodded approvingly and said with a smile: "Yes, I also judged this, but I still don't know what the purpose of this person was. He didn't do other things in it, nor did he take it. Whatever goes, it just kills all the immortals, turns them into puppets, and introduces their souls into the Nine Nether Realm. In the end, the big-headed monster, as the controller of the puppet, stays there. That place, Xu is to make preparations for things to be done in the future."

Zi Xuan's face was shocked, and said: "This Gu master can crack the spell in that place. After entering, he comes out unharmed, and knows how to suppress the soul. It seems that he is a rather simple character!"

"It's certainly not easy to be able to do things like this," Tang Feng's mouth evoked a faint smile, but he didn't take this Gu Master too much to his heart, but looked at Li Jia's direction again. , Said with a smile: "If it hadn't happened two hundred years ago, when Li Jia and the others went in, they would have seen a group of living people."

Li Jia originally thought that these topics had nothing to do with him. He just listened silently, and suddenly heard Tang Feng mentioning himself and talking about such terrifying things, he couldn't help but fight a cold war.

Now the weather is starting to heat up, but he is cold all over his body. Thinking about the scene at that time, his face has changed slightly, and a look of panic is also revealed in his eyes.

Tang Feng smiled at him and said, "The matter is over. When we go back, I will refine your curse-relieving medicine. After taking it, there will be no problems with you."

Li Jia nodded again and again, with a grateful expression in his eyes, and said to Tang Feng, "Thank you, Mr. Tang! If you haven't met you, I'm afraid I will be dead at this time!"

Tang Feng smiled slightly, and said indifferently: "It's not too polite. The reason why you didn't die is not just because of me, but you were originally not on the list of those who sacrificed."

What he said was an understatement, but Li Jia's ears were shocked, and the rest of the people also showed quite puzzled expressions.

Before, Zi Xuan suggested that someone had used sacrifices to awaken the demon spirit, and the group of six people were sacrifices. They had already received the approval of everyone. Even Tang Feng nodded, why now , Deny this again?

Hei Mudan asked Tang Feng first: "Mr. Tang, why do you say that?"

Lin Mengjia also said: "Yeah, Tang Feng, you already feel right about what Zi Xuan said before, how could Li Jia not be the one who sacrificed?"

Tang Feng still smiled softly and said: "In the beginning, I did think so, and the whole process seems to be completely reasonable, and there is nothing wrong with it."

Hearing Tang Feng's affirmation, Lin Mengjia was even more puzzled, and said, "In that case, why--"

Tang Feng waved his hand gently towards her, saying, "But after I saw the demon spirit, especially after the engraved spell on the ground, I realized that this sacrifice had already been completed. As I said before, there is a very delicate balance everywhere in that place, the yin and yang and the five elements are the same, and the forbidden formation that traps the demon spirit is even more so."

"Five elements..." Li Jia repeated these two words gently. As the person involved, he seemed to have thought of some of the details, but for a while, he couldn't sort out the thoughts.

When Tang Feng saw that Li Jia had already said that he had guessed the point, he smiled and said, "It is the five elements forbidden formation that traps the demon spirit. It is not difficult to break this forbidden formation. The soul that matches the forbidden formation can be broken through."

"Five is all right? Isn't it, there is one more?" Ji Ning's eyes flashed with a bright light. Obviously at this moment, he also understood what Tang Feng said, "So, the other five people, It is enough. At the beginning, Li Jia was not on the list of sacrifices? But why should he go with him? Isn't it enough for the five people?"

Tang Feng glanced at Li Jia, and Li Jia was also looking at him with a rather incomprehensible gaze.

The rest are probably the same. Since five people are enough, why add more Li Jia?

"Before you said that the second master Luo, the reason why he let you do it is because you are the life of a tree, he is the life of fire, this aquatic tree, so this position is determined by you." Tang Feng turned towards Li Jiasuan Said slowly.

Li Jia nodded quickly, and replied, "Yes, that's right."

This matter was exactly what he had talked about with everyone before. Everyone knew it clearly, but they didn't know why Tang Feng brought up this matter again.

But facing Li Jia's affirmation, Tang Feng shook his head and said, "Your fate is not a dead end, but it happens to be this that saved your life."

"What?" Li Jia's face was full of consternation. The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: https://www.readwn.com/book/103189.htmlLongevity Return, Becoming a Dad Full Text Reading Address: https://www.readwn.com/read/103189/Longevity return as a dad txt download address: https://www.readwn.com/down/103189.htmlLongevity return to be a dad mobile phone reading: https://m.readwn.com/read/103189/In order to facilitate the next reading, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record this reading (Chapter 1447 Doubtful Points), and open the bookshelf next time You can see! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (www.readwn.com)

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