Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 1463: Who poisoned

After Lin Mengjia and Tang Feng returned to their suite, they just closed the door, and she couldn't wait to ask Tang Feng, "Tang Feng, what is going on? Why does Aunt Lan's condition be completely the same as my mother's. Is it the same? What kind of disease did they get?"

When it came to the word "illness", she deliberately increased her tone. Obviously, she already had doubts about this matter.

Tang Feng knew that Lin Mengjia was Bingxue smart, and now he couldn't hide it from her, so he said quite directly: "They are poisoned."


Lin Mengjia repeated these two words, her voice slightly improved a little bit. Although she was mentally prepared, she knew that it was definitely not easy. But when Tang Feng told such frankly, her face was still slightly pale. .

Tang Feng took Lin Mengjia’s hand, and the two of them sat down on the sofa before he slowly said, “I didn’t tell you about this matter before, because I was afraid that you were worried, but now there is a way to understand the poison. It doesn’t matter, even if it’s poisoned, you don’t need to care if you have a green cherry seed. You can definitely remove the poison completely without any sequelae."

Lin Mengjia nodded, she was already a little relieved, but she still eagerly said to Tang Feng: "Who is the poison? Why is my mother and Aunt Lan, both of them will be poisoned? Apart from them, will there be any Others are also poisoned?"

Tang Feng shook his head and said, "These things are still unclear, and I don't know. However, after discovering that my mother was poisoned, I deliberately searched for information about the poisons and found that this was not the case. The poisons of nature are deployed in laboratories, and the cost of these poisons is quite high."

Lin Mengjia's brows were already frowned following Tang Feng's words, and she hurriedly asked: "Then you know, which laboratory made this poison?"

Tang Feng shook his head again, and said, "There are many laboratories with such capabilities. There are hundreds of laboratories in China, let alone overseas. In addition to the registered legal laboratories, there are also some private institutions. It’s almost impossible to find the source of this poison through the laboratory."

Lin Mengjia bit her lip, her face still showing a bit of worry, and said: "Who is it that will do this kind of murder to my mother? And Aunt Lan, there is nothing between her and her mother. Relationship, even, they may not have met in Yanjing."

Although Mother Lin and Aunt Lan were both in Yanjing at the time and belonged to a large family, their identities were very different, unless Mother Lin was a guest at Zhu's house or Aunt Lan accompanied Zhu's family. The host is out, otherwise, the two people will have no chance to meet at all, even if they meet, it is probably impossible to have spoken.

Why are these two women infected with the same kind of poison?

More importantly, it is impossible for ordinary people to enter the family like the Lin family and the Zhu family. The security measures are also quite good. Even if you are a nanny, the environment is quite safe. Who is it? What about poisoning under such circumstances?

Tang Feng looked at Lin Mengjia’s worried look, stretched out his hand, gently stroked her long hair, and comforted her softly: "Although now, I don’t know who poisoned him, but don’t worry, now mother Being with us is safe. Even if someone wants to start, there is no chance. You can rest assured about this."

Lin Mengjia gave an "um" and nodded, but there was still a bit of worry in her eyes.

When Tang Feng saw this, he was still comforting: "When we go back, the manor in the Daqingshan is about to be handed over. We moved there and there are no others around. I will put some prohibitions and battles around. Law, inside, absolutely safe."

Lin Mengjia smiled when she heard Tang Feng's words and nodded.

She knew Tang Feng's abilities, and she had also seen those invaders in the villa of Dongcheng Haoge, being played around by Tang Feng's little tricks.

There, Tang Feng also took into account the presence of other neighbors around him, as well as the presence of cameras. He didn’t show his fists. When he arrived in the green mountains, he didn’t care about what he did. Under his technique, the manor The safety factor is absolutely no problem.

Lin Mengjia relaxed, thinking of another question, and said to Tang Feng: "Since you already have a way to understand poison, why don't you treat Aunt Lan directly, instead let her take the medicine?"

Tang Feng smiled and said: "The medicinal properties of Qingyingzi are relatively violent. Its function is to separate the toxins in the body and clean it up. However, this process is not a comfortable thing. Aunt Lan's body, so For many years, I have been in a very weak state. In this way, I cannot accept the strong drug reaction and must be adjusted before taking the detoxification pill."

"Then, my mother—"

As soon as she heard the medicinal properties of Qingyingzi, Lin Mengjia's face showed a look of worry again.

Tang Feng smiled and said: "Mom now has no problem. After all, she has been taking the medicine I prescribed during this period of time. Some time ago, after I knew I could find Qing Yingzi, she deliberately In the prescription, a few medicines were added to make her physical condition more adaptable to the medicinal properties of the green cherry seeds. When we go back, we can refine the detoxification pill and give it to her. She took it. After that, the reaction will not be very strong, and it will be cured soon."

Listening to Tang Feng's patient explanation, Lin Mengjia finally relaxed, nodded gently, with a smile on the corner of her mouth, and said, "Tang Feng, thank you."

Tang Feng stretched out his hand and scratched Lin Mengjia's nose gently, and said, "What are you still saying thank you? If you really want to thank you, you have to show some sincerity."

Lin Mengjia raised her eyes and met Tang Feng's smiling face. In his smile, there was a bit of ambiguity, and the angle of the corners of her mouth was also a playful look.

Lin Mengjia naturally understood Tang Feng's meaning immediately. Her cheeks instantly turned red, and she stretched out a small hand, gave Tang Feng a light blow on the shoulder, and said, "You pervert!"

Tang Feng smiled "hehe", and didn't stop Lin Mengjia, just put his lips to her ear, and said, "Be sincere with his wife, is it also called a satyr?"

While speaking, before Lin Mengjia could react, she was already embracing her sideways and walking towards the bedroom. The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: Returns: Becoming a Dad Full Text Reading Address: return as a dad txt download address: return to be a dad mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the \"Favorite\" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 1463 Who Poisoned), next Open the bookshelf once to see it! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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