Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 1469: Tang Feng's plan

In fact, strictly speaking, Zi Xuan is not completely unfamiliar with prohibition.

As a monk, she still mastered some of these skills. When she hadn't encountered Tang Feng before, she would also set a ban around her hiding place, just in case.

Compared with Tang Feng’s, her prohibition is almost like a child’s play. Not only can Tang Feng be easily broken, even the monks who practice similar to her can’t stop it, and even more. Don't talk about tens of thousands of souls.

Over time, Zi Xuan also realized this, so she didn't bother to use this prohibition, which was useless.

However, Tang Feng's prohibition was obviously higher than hers by several grades.

At least, his prohibition has never been broken by anyone, and now that these souls are showing such horror, they have already used all the methods to escape, but they have failed to break through this prohibition.

This means that Tang Feng's prohibition is not only for people, but also for souls.

When he heard Tang Feng say these words, Zi Xuan first stunned for a moment, then she beamed her eyebrows, and her expression was filled with uncontrollable excitement, and she nodded desperately.

But immediately, she seemed to realize something again. The joy on her face instantly solidified, and then a suspicion appeared, saying: "Tang Feng, why are you so kind suddenly? It's also teaching me Yin Luozhi's spell. It teaches me the formation method again, does it have any special purpose?"

Tang Feng had originally planned to tell Zi Xuan that some of the rules and formulas of this formation method, but he did not expect that such a few words came out of her mouth, and she immediately became speechless.

Do you have a special purpose? What special purpose can you have? Is it money or color?

Figure money? He wants to get money, as long as a word, those big families, I am afraid that they will rush to send money, it is much simpler than this.

Picture color? Does she have such a thing? The corners of Tang Feng's mouth curled, and he looked a bit disdainful.

In all fairness, Zi Xuan looks pretty good, but the flat figure of this underage girl really makes him not interested. It is probably Xue Rui. I don’t know which of the tendons is wrong, and I will have a good impression on Zi Xuan. .

Zi Xuan still frowned slightly, and said solemnly: "Are you planning to accept me as a disciple? I tell you, this is impossible! I already have a sect, and I will never betray the sect. The door, betrayed my master, and transferred to other people's sect! Although you are indeed better than my master, but it is impossible to seduce me, I advise you, let me die. !"

Tang Feng's patience that lasted all night, finally couldn't help it. The muscles on his face twitched a few times, and from between his teeth, he spit out a few words: "Are you sick?"

Accept her as a disciple? What is this woman thinking? Does he think so much?

This life is so beautiful, his happy life, but it has just begun, accepting Zixuan as an apprentice, he feels too happy to live, want to add some obstacles to himself, tortured himself?

Zi Xuan blinked her eyes and said, "I'm fine! I think you are not normal, for no reason, and suddenly you are so good to me. I always feel that you want me to betray the teacher."

"I will not accept you as a disciple, now, in the future, forever, in this life, in the next life, at any time, do you understand?" Tang Feng's voice was indifferent, saying every word.

Only then did Zi Xuan take a sigh of relief, and she patted her heart lightly with fear, and said, "That's good, um, let's talk about it, how to do that about the restrictions you imposed. Come, why is my prohibition completely ineffective?"

When she was speaking, Zi Xuan's expression became quite focused again. She looked at Tang Feng with big eyes, her long eyelashes flickered and she looked like she was thirsty for knowledge. She was a good student humbly asking for advice. .

What happened just now, is that over?

Tang Feng was still thinking about saying a few words, but he did not expect that Zi Xuan turned so fast, before an instant, she turned into a curiosity full of knowledge, turned out to be just throwing away the previous things in an instant. Go behind the head.

If it was at this moment, Tang Feng would say a few words about this matter, it would seem that he was stingy.

However, it was also fortunate that Tang Feng was too lazy to care about Zi Xuan, and thought in his heart, to teach Zi Xuan these things soon, or to leave, not seeing or worrying.

Of course, the reason why Tang Feng gave Zi Xuan the Yinluo branch and taught her such spells is not only because, this method of controlling the soul happens to be something Zi Xuan can use, he is right. Has its own purpose.

Nowadays by Tang Feng’s side, there are indeed many people who sincerely follow, but these people are all martial arts, and the real monks are only Zi Xuan, and once something happens, it can really help. Tang Feng's only Zi Xuan.

In order to maximize Zi Xuan's role, Tang Feng hoped that her cultivation base could grow rapidly and her ability would be greater, so that she could help herself to the greatest extent.

Although Zi Xuan's aptitude is acceptable, it is convenient for Tang Feng to practice, but Zi Xuan is helpless for this practice, she keeps saying that by following Tang Feng, she can get the best resources, but she can't do it. It's quite tired. Except for the look of full scheming when asking for medicinal pills, most of the rest of the time is lazy and trying to make money.

Since she didn't work hard like this, Tang Feng needed to be urged, otherwise, if she wanted to wait for her to improve, it is estimated that Tang Feng's primordial spirit had been repaired, and she was still a little monk in the Qi refining stage.

Although in this world, there are many other monks. In the Qinghong Sect, I have seen a lot of them. Many of them are better than Zi Xuan. But at present, Tang Feng does not think that anyone is better than Zi Xuan. Xuan is more suitable to stay by her side.

She has a good personality. She gets along well with Lin Mengjia, Xiaoyao, Zhou Wan and others. She is a woman, and it is more convenient to protect them.

Moreover, on Tang Feng's side, there is another plan that has been considered for a long time, yet to be implemented, and the implementation of this plan also requires Zi Xuan's assistance.

Therefore, Tang Feng was a little anxious, hoping that Zi Xuan could quickly raise her realm above the foundation, so as to better help herself.

This is the reason why Tang Feng not only directly gave Zi Xuan the appropriate artifacts, but also tolerated Zi Xuan's various behaviors. The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: Returns: Becoming a Dad Full Text Reading Address: return as a dad txt download address: return to be a dad mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record this reading (Chapter 1469 Tang Feng’s Plan) and open it next time You can see it on the bookshelf! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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