Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 1492: Confuse

Lin Mengjia knew that her father wanted to kill the little girl, but with his position and energy, there were too many methods that could be used, and Lin Mengjia himself could not even imagine it.

However, these were all solved after Tang Feng appeared. Any problem is no longer a problem, at least, it is a problem that no longer troubles Lin Mengjia.

Zhou Xiaohai also smiled, but his smile was not like Lin Mengjia’s happiness from the heart, but a bit bitter, and said: “When my mother understands this, it’s too late. I’ve already passed it. The best years of practice-but since my husband said that I am not suitable for practice, I have no regrets when I want to come. For me, there is probably no change, but if I want to come to Waner, it won't be the case. , She shouldn't have to suffer for so many years."

"Wan'er?" A very surprised expression flashed across Lin Mengjia's face. I don't know what Zhou Wan had to do with Zhou Xiaohai's failure to cultivate.

Zhou Zhengyang had never mentioned this matter before.

Zhou Xiaohai shook his head and said: "The incident that Mr. Wan'er saw a doctor on that day also saw that Wan'er's illness was caused by a congenital deficiency. Let me tell you the two, when Wan'er's mother was pregnant, some minor incidents occurred. This is the case with accidents, and when the accident happened, I was right next to me, but I was helpless and could only watch it happen."

Speaking of this, Zhou Xiaohai's brows furrowed. He picked up his teacup and took a sip of tea. After calming his mood, he continued: "Although my aptitude is not good, I may not be able to cultivate to a high level, but at least If I can improve, if I have the ability, I won't hurt Wan'er's mother, and won't make Wan'er. That's how I was born."

There was a bit of regret in his voice. Obviously, after so many years, this incident still couldn't make him completely relieved, and he was also a bit guilty for Zhou Wan's misfortune.

Seeing Zhou Xiaohai like this, Lin Mengjia hurriedly comforted: "President Zhou, this matter has passed so long, so don't think about it. Besides, now Wan'er has recovered to health and there is no sequelae. You should rest assured. Up."

Zhou Xiaohai concealed the regret and sadness on his face, and said with a smile: "If Wan'er hadn't had this disease, she wouldn't have known Mr. Tang and President Lin, and would not have been so lucky to be able to worship Mr. Tang as a teacher. This can be regarded as a blessing in disguise."

Tang Feng didn't want to talk to Zhou Xiaohai more about this matter. He just said: "President Zhou asked me why I entered the garden before, and he felt very happy. Unexpectedly, the topic was far off."

Hearing that Tang Feng deliberately changed the subject, Zhou Xiaohai was naturally busy following: "Yes, Mr. Tang, what is going on? What does this matter have to do with cultivation?"

"Lao Zhou's practice is mainly to practice martial arts, which is called martial arts. Although this martial arts practice is not too demanding on the surrounding environment, if there is aura, it is for cultivating. In order to improve, it is of great benefit. The reason why people feel refreshed in my garden is because of the existence of spiritual energy."

Regarding this matter, Tang Feng did not intend to hide Zhou Xiaohai. After all, he is Zhou Wan’s father. Even if he doesn’t say it, when Zhou Xiaohai and Zhou Wan are together, she will ask her. tell him.

It’s just that Tang Feng had thought that Zhou Xiaohai really didn’t understand Wu Xiu, so what Tang Feng said before, he didn’t understand, and didn’t understand very much, so Tang Feng could only speak to him straightforwardly. Up.

Zhou Xiaohai understood Tang Feng's words this time, but immediately, he had a new question again, and hurriedly said: "Aura, Mr. Tang, this aura is also a kind of qi? Then it won't run outside? "

Tang Feng looked at Zhou Xiaohai with a smile but a smile. He really didn't want to answer such a simple question. It seemed like a mathematics professor specializing in doctoral students, but now he was going to explain to a primary school student why one plus one. Equal to one.

But Zhou Xiaohai's face was filled with real questions, and he didn't feel that there was any problem with what he asked.

Seeing this, Lin Mengjia hurriedly smiled and said, "President Zhou, since Tang Feng can generate aura in the garden, naturally there is a way to prevent them from running outside. Otherwise, what's the point? "

"Yes, yes," Zhou Xiaohai nodded again and again before suddenly realizing, and said in a hurry: "That's the truth. I didn't expect it for a while. It made both of you laugh."

Lin Mengjia still smiled and said, "It's nothing, President Zhou usually doesn't come into contact with these. It's normal not to understand."

Zhou Xiaohai nodded again and again, and then asked Tang Feng: "Mr. Tang, I see that the plants in your garden do not look like ordinary ornamental flowers and plants. It is impossible. You said earlier that the effects of these plants ,it is true?"

Tang Feng wanted to laugh even more.

it is true? of course it's true.

And the elixir out there are also delivered by your Zhou family!

However, Tang Feng didn't speak directly, he just slightly nodded and said, "These, after you go back, ask Lao Zhou, it will be clear naturally."

Zhou Zhengyang responded, thinking of other things, and said: "Mr. Tang, you said that your father and them are all martial arts. After that, if you bring Wan'er, do you want to practice? Then she, too Become a Wu Xiu?"

Although he didn't directly ask Tang Feng whether he was Wu Xiu, he still meant it.

Zhou Wan worshipped Tang Feng as her teacher. If she could become a martial artist, then she would naturally be taught by Tang Feng.

Tang Feng put the teacup in his hand on the coffee table, his expression was already a little serious, and he said to Zhou Xiaohai: "I am not a martial artist, and I am not a martial artist in the future. Wan'er will not be a martial artist. I will give her the practice. The technique will lead her into a more mysterious and mysterious world, and this, in this world today, is something very few people can do."

Zhou Xiaohai couldn't help but his eyes widened, and there was something unknown in his eyes.

But he also understands that he is a layman on the subject of cultivation, and now he is asking Tang Feng, he can't ask anything. Now he already knows what Zhou Wan wants to cultivate, he can be regarded as achieving his goal, and there is still For any other doubts, he was planning to take some time to go back to Pingyang and ask his father Zhou Zhengyang carefully. The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: Returns: Becoming a Dad Full Text Reading Address: return as a dad txt download address: return to be a dad mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record this reading (Chapter 1492 Solve the confusion), and open it next You can see it on the bookshelf! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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