Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 1500: Cannibalism

Looking at Zi Xuan's boring look, Tang Feng said with a smile, "In this case, it happens to be on the Xue family's side, and there are still some things that have not been dealt with. You might as well go to Xijing's side to go around."

"Really?" A touch of joy passed across Zi Xuan's face.

To be honest, this time, she really wanted to go to Xijing.

Over there, there is no worries about eating and drinking, everyone around is flattering her, almost all the requirements can be met immediately.

On the other side of Xie Huo, she still sincerely wanted to give her a house to settle in Xijing. To be honest, if it weren’t for following Tang Feng and improving her cultivation level, Xie Huo’s gift is really true. Zi Xuan's heart moved quite a bit.

After all, people like Xie Huo can give her a house, but they can not only buy it with money.

Moreover, now that her cultivation level has been improved, but she has not been applied, and unable to show her fists, Zi Xuan will inevitably feel a little disappointed in her heart.

And the place she wants to show is naturally Xijing, and she wants to meet the guy who teased her back then.

Seeing Zi Xuan's overjoyed look, Tang Feng said faintly, "I learned everything I taught you?"

Zi Xuan nodded quickly and said, "I have practiced many times in the past two days, and I am already proficient. Although it is not comparable to you, I think there is probably no one who can surpass me in this world."

The corner of Tang Feng's mouth twitched slightly.

Presumably now, there are not many people who can understand these techniques. In other words, apart from him, Zi Xuan is the only one who has been passed on by him personally.

I want to come to Zi Xuan to know this too. No one knows it anymore. Of course no one can surpass her. She is still cheeky and complacent here.

"There are also a few common formations. In the past few days, I will spare some time to teach you. When you are almost done, you can go to Xijing. If you want to come, the people over there are also looking forward to your past. It's."

When Tang Feng spoke, he didn't have any expressions at first, but after speaking, the corners of his mouth were slightly upturned, and the smile on his face was obviously a bit playful.

Lin Mengjia, who was on the side, also showed a slightly gossip expression.

Tang Feng said that the people who looked forward to Zi Xuan obviously meant something, not those of the Xue family, but merely referring to Xue Rui.

Not only her, but even people like Ji Ning and Shangguan, who are not very gossiping, after hearing it, they also glanced at each other, revealing a somewhat knowing look.

But when they looked at each other, Lin Mengjia saw the gossip smile on her face even more obvious.

At this moment, Tang Feng felt a little speechless.

With such a few people around him, Lin Mengjia could actually make so many gossips.

Moreover, what made Tang Feng particularly speechless was that Ji Ning and Shangguan were eating the melons of Zi Xuan and Xue Rui, while Zi Xuan often looked at them secretly, burning in his eyes. With the fire of raging gossip.

These melons can also be eaten with each other, which really made Tang Feng feel that he would live a long time to see each other.

Zi Xuan didn't care about the gaze around her. After hearing Tang Feng said that she still had to teach her some formations, she couldn't close her mouth with a smile. She was too excited to be herself. Where could she be in the mood to take care of other things?

She nodded hurriedly and said: "Well, I have time at any time!"

The old housekeeper and Lin Mu, in the living room, asked the little girl and Zhou Wanxihan to warm up, and then hurriedly walked out the door and said to the people: "The food is ready, everyone comes over for dinner first."

In order to wait for a few people to come back, everyone in the family hasn't eaten yet.

Tang Feng nodded to the old butler, and said, "Uncle Zhang, you have work."

Then, he took Lin Mengjia's hand, and the others followed them, walking towards the back garden.

It is still an open-air platform in the back garden with a large dining table. Even with a few bright lights hanging on it, there is not a single mosquito in this garden.

The night breeze blew, bringing a very sassy coolness.

When Tang Feng came back, it was still midsummer and the weather was hot, and now it was beginning to fall, and there was a significant temperature difference between day and night.

However, in his villa, the temperature is always suitable and the most suitable for people to stay.

Everyone here was seated and ready to eat. On the other side, the old butler also prepared a lot of food for Da Bai.

Dabai naturally consists of bones and meat, which are all fresh, and the old housekeeper directly packed them in large pots and delivered them.

Da Bai immediately began to shake his tail at him, very excited.

The old butler stretched out his hand, touched Dabai's back lightly, and said, "Dabai, I haven't seen you for a while, I still miss you."

In normal times, he actually didn't dare to touch Dabai directly. Although he knew Dabai had human nature, it was a bit scary to look at this big dog with such a huge body.

This time I haven't seen it for a few days, and I really think about it in my heart, and the old butler can't help but move his hand.

Normally, Da Bai would not allow others to touch it like this, but now the old housekeeper gave him a big pot of flesh and blood. It is said that he has a short mouth, and he can only let the old housekeeper pick up two. .

Lin Mengjia's aunt also prepared a large basket of fruit for Xiao Hui and her new friends.

Usually Xiao Hui steals her fruit plate, she scolds fiercely, but some days, she misses this naughty little guy, and when she sees it brings a new little monkey, especially knowing that this is still a female monkey. Lin Mengjia's aunt looked even more excited, watching the two little monkeys eating and drinking, she showed her aunt's smile.

When Tang Feng saw it, he shook his head helplessly.

Can you even eat melons from monkeys?

As for Feixue's side, the requirements for food are not high, and I have not seen it eat much. It seems that it is enough to rely on aura.

But that is the case, the old housekeeper also prepared some for it, there are meat and vegetables.

"Mom, how are you doing these days?" Lin Mengjia looked at Mother Lin with a look of concern.

Mother Lin with a gentle smile on her face, she retracted her gaze from the little girl's body, looked at Lin Mengjia again, and said with a smile: "It's much better, my whole body feels a lot more relaxed. I felt tired before. It’s completely gone. If I don’t need to drink medicine every day, I really feel that I’m fine."

Lin Mengjia heard her words and immediately looked at Tang Feng again, her eyes sparkling and full of excitement.

Tang Feng said before that if you want to use Qingyingzi to treat a disease, you need to adjust your body first. Look at Mother Lin, is it almost the same? The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: Returns: Becoming a Dad Full Text Reading Address: return as a dad txt download address: return to be a dad mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record this reading (Chapter 1500) Open the bookshelf once to see it! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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