Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 1508: Terrible fact

The old butler smiled and said: "Miss is really smart, and I thought of this at once. At that time, when someone saw Alan, they felt that between her eyebrows, she was somewhat similar to Liu Huixue, who had appeared once and left. , She is also a Jiangnan woman, so she has to think about it, and she also thinks about what happened when Zhu Wei was born."

Lin Mengjia remembered what she had said before, and hurriedly said: "At the beginning, Madam Zhu, who gave birth to a daughter who thought about it day and night, didn't feel very happy?"

Her aunt nodded in agreement, and went on: "Not only that, some people say that in the previous days, when Madam Zhu was pregnant, she did not shy away from many things, even When I was still pregnant for about seven months, I traveled abroad for a while, that is, after returning to Pingyang, I didn’t go out behind closed doors, saying that I was raising a baby. At that time, Mrs. Zhu was not young anymore. When she was really pregnant, she couldn't raise her mind at ease. How could she be able to take the plane and train, so much trouble? Especially some people said that when she was going abroad to play, she couldn't see her pregnancy at all. "

The woman blinked her eyes as she spoke with a mysterious look on her face. This was not a hint at all, but clearly told Lin Mengjia that at the beginning, Mrs. Zhu was not pregnant at all, and Zhu Wei was indeed born by someone else. give her.

And judging from these circumstances, this matter seems really so general.

Mother Lin did not miss the opportunity to add: "These things, we all listen to others."

For these, she still looks pragmatic.

Lin Mengjia nodded and said: "In this case, everything makes sense. Liu Huixue is the lover of Mr. Zhu. She is pregnant. Perhaps at the time Mr. Zhu knew that he was pregnant with a girl, so he decided to let her have a baby. She came down and carried it to Mrs. Zhu to raise her. Although Mrs. Zhu was not very happy about this matter, she finally agreed to it. After more than ten years, Liu Huixue came to see Mr. Zhu. I guess she was not just for status. Instead, she wanted to go back or see her daughter. After she met with Mr. Zhu, she might have seen her daughter, or reached some kind of agreement, and finally left, and Aunt Lan came to Zhu’s house again to help her take care of Zhu. Wei."

After listening, Lin Mengjia connected the causes and consequences. The old housekeeper couldn't help but gave her a thumbs up, saying: "The young lady is really clever. Although you haven't experienced those things back then, you can speculate about the situation. It’s the same thing. Some people suspected that at that time, Liu Huixue was not worried about her child, but after all, it was impossible to enter Zhu’s house in her capacity. Not to mention that Mrs. Zhu would not allow it. Even Elder Zhu, It is impossible to keep Zhu Wei's biological mother by her side, it is simply a time bomb, and Liu Huilan, perhaps it is the compromise made by the Zhu family to Liu Huixue, allowing a person she can trust to enter the Zhu family silently. To accompany Zhu Wei to grow up."

This is to sort out Zhu Wei's life experience. Lin Mengjia nodded, but then, looking a little confused, she looked at Tang Feng and said, "Do you think Zhu Wei knows her life experience now? If she doesn't. , Why are you so close to Aunt Lan? But if you know it, relying on her current situation, it is perfectly possible to bring her own mother by her side. Why haven't you heard her talk about it?"

Tang Feng smiled and said: "It's very simple. Zhu Wei asked me to treat Aunt Lan. This matter has nothing to do with her biological mother. Even if they are already together now, she doesn't need to deal with this matter. Tell us, but I believe in another possibility, that is, Liu Huixue is no longer alive."

Lin Mengjia said in disbelief: "Not alive? How is this possible? It is quite normal to live to be more than 70 years old now? When Liu Huixue went to Yanjing, she was in her early thirties, and at that time, Zhu Wei was only a teenager. Counting this way, she only gave birth to Zhu Wei in her early twenties, and now she is only in her sixties, so she wouldn't have died so early, right?"

Tang Feng smiled and shook his head, and said, "She didn't die in recent years. I suspect that she passed away soon after she left Yanjing, and this is also an exchange condition for Liu Huilan to enter the Zhu family. "

"What?" Lin Mengjia stood up suddenly, staring at Tang Feng with an incredible expression.

Just as shocked, there are other people present.

Especially Lin Mengjia’s aunt, because she was too surprised, the tea cup in her hand was overturned. Fortunately, there was not much water in it. It was just that there was some water stains on her skirt. She also ignored her and was surprised at Tang Feng. He asked: "Where did you start this? Uncle, you mean, the Zhu family forced Liu Huixue to death?"

Mother Lin also appeared quite shocked, but she was not as exaggerated as her sister showed. She leaned slightly in the direction of Tang Feng, and said with a slightly trembling voice, "Tang Feng, how did you think Did this happen?"

It can be seen that Mother Lin's surprise is different from that of her younger sister.

Lin Mengjia's aunt was obviously surprised by what Tang Feng had said. She did not expect that Liu Huixue was already dead, and her death was related to the Zhu family.

Mother Lin seemed to have thought of this ending, but she was a little surprised that Tang Feng could think of this.

The old butler stood aside, also fixedly looking at Tang Feng, waiting for him to speak.

Tang Feng just smiled, and said to Lin Mu: "This matter, in fact, you can guess it a long time ago? Uncle Zhang, think about it, it's not the first time you have heard this kind of saying."

While speaking, he looked at the old butler again.

The old butler was dumbfounded and nodded subconsciously, but then he shook his head quickly, and waved his hand, saying: "No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, this kind of thing is just speculation, but it can't be taken seriously, even if there are occasional rumors, It's all the wind released by some people who oppose the Zhu family..."

"Actually, you know, this matter is not only a rumor, it is more likely to be a fact, but with the strength of the Zhu family, the rumor can be turned into a fact, or a fact can be turned into a rumor, as long as the hands have the right Powerful and rich, you can reverse black and white and do whatever you want."

Tang Feng's tone was light, with a faint smile on the corners of his lips, and his voice was not high. Hearing it in the ears of everyone present still made them shudder. The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: Returns: Becoming a Dad Full Text Reading Address: return as a dad txt download address: return to be a dad mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record this reading (the terrible facts of Chapter 1508), next time Open the bookshelf to see it! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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