Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 1528: Suddenly

Tang Feng said to Lin Mengjia who was on the side: "Back then, your grandfather, did you still have such skills?"

When I was with Lin Mengjia before in college, I heard Lin Mengjia talk about a lot of family affairs, but at that time, Lin Mengjia cleverly avoided her family background and just said something interesting.

However, Tang Feng hadn't heard her mention anything about her grandparents.

Lin Mengjia lightly shook her head and said, "My grandpa and grandma both died early. I have never met them. I heard that they both died shortly after my parents got married. That's why my aunt will always follow my mother. For so many years, when she was still young, she had no relatives anymore, and she could only stay by my mother's side all the time."

Tang Feng nodded and looked at the two old ladies again.

Lin Mengjia’s aunt is facing Mother Lin: "At the time, you, older sister, were quite gifted in Feng Shui. Even when I was young and didn’t understand anything, I also knew that my father’s ancient scrolls, When you look at it, you will understand that many things are said to be the best. Many people who come to my father to look at Feng Shui, but can’t ask him, can ask you a few words, and they are all satisfied. Let me teach you, now, you are also one of the best Feng Shui people in the country!"

When she said this, there was a bit of regret in her tone.

When Tang Feng listened, he couldn't help being a little curious, and said, "Since he was so proficient at the beginning, then later--"

In fact, after listening to Aunt Lin Mengjia’s description, Mother Lin at that time was quite accomplished. Even if her father refused to let her learn later, everything she mastered was enough for her to gain a foothold in this profession. It seems that Mother Lin seems to have a good understanding of Feng Shui, she just knows some furs?

Mother Lin sighed and said, "At that time, I was only a teenager. My father didn't prohibit me from studying at the beginning, so I followed him and learned some, but later, I don’t know why, father. Suddenly changed his attitude. Not only did he stop teaching me, he even refused to let me go in his study room, and he didn’t allow me to talk to those guests. Later, something happened. , So far I am a little strange."

At this point, Mother Lin frowned, and the expression in her eyes also revealed a little bit of puzzlement.

When Shangguan heard Mother Lin's words here, he glanced at her again, his lips moved slightly, as if he had something to say, but in the end he didn't speak, but in his eyes, it seemed that there was something faintly with him. Sympathy.

Looking at this situation, the Shangguan obviously knew something.

Ji Ning also noticed this, and looked at her curiously, but Shangguan just shook his head slightly and still did not speak.

Obviously, under these circumstances, she couldn't say much about Lin's family affairs.

Lin Mengjia hurriedly asked her: "Mom, what's the matter?"

Although Lin Mengjia is the daughter of Lin's mother, she hasn't heard much about Lin's mother from her childhood.

After all, her grandfather and grandmother died young. Lin Mengjia didn't have much curiosity about them. Lin Mum didn't mention it, and she rarely asked about it.

Now that I heard Mother Lin talk about this, I realized that there had been such glorious things in Cheng's family.

Not only that, even Shangguan knew more than her.

This made Lin Mengjia a little surprised.

She couldn't help being a little curious about the Cheng family's affairs.

Mother Lin sighed, and then said, "When I was about sixteen, the second year after my father strictly forbidden me to study Feng Shui, I suddenly fell ill with a serious illness. I was in a coma for a few days. When I woke up, I couldn’t remember many things that happened before, especially the Feng Shui and other things I learned.”

When Mother Lin said this, her eyes were full of sad expressions.

She is always happy, angry, and invisible, even if it is a disease that happened to her, she still sees it lightly, but when it comes to this matter, on her face, it is really true. It's so sad, it can be seen that for her, this matter is indeed quite concerned.

Lin Mengjia’s aunt also sighed and said: "Later, my elder sister was also unwilling to give up. When my father was not paying attention, she secretly went to his study to check the ancient books, but I don’t know why. No matter how you learn, you won’t be able to learn that kind of aura."

In Mother Lin’s eyes and reminiscences, there was still a faint sorrow, and she also said: "Although I can't remember the things I learned before I fell ill, I still have an impression. No matter what the book is, it only has to be Putting it in front of me, I took a look, and the contents inside would be clearly printed in my mind. It was easy to understand, but later on, no matter how I look at it, the contents above are all It's obscure and difficult to understand. It makes me distraught, but I can't understand it at all. I have cried secretly and don't know how many times. In the end, I can only give up. Probably, this is destined. I didn't learn this feng shui. Your fate."

Looking at the sadness in Mother Lin's eyes and her slow and sad tone, Tang Feng's brows were already slightly wrinkled.

He felt that the illness caused by Lin Mu was really strange.

And what Mother Lin said, what she could understand immediately after seeing those ancient scrolls, seemed to be learning Taoism.

Could it be that Lin Mu had learned Taoism before?

But how is this possible?

Taoism is very difficult to learn. If Mother Lin had learned it, she would definitely have forgotten about this aspect, even if it was because of illness, but such an important thing, can't be forgotten completely, right?

Could it be that Lin Mu had a root of wisdom back then?

But if she has a root of wisdom, Tang Feng can tell at a glance, but after living together for so long, Tang Feng saw that she was just an ordinary person.

That illness, that inexplicable illness, Tang Feng frowned. It was that illness that ruined her roots of wisdom?

But who did this thing? What is the purpose of this?

Why did her father change her attitude so much that she suddenly stopped her from studying Feng Shui?

Tang Feng always felt that Mother Lin was just an ordinary old woman, and her only relationship with him was that she was Lin Mengjia's mother.

But now, it seems that there is still some big secret hidden in her body. The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: Returns: Becoming a Dad Full Text Reading Address: return as a dad txt download address: return to be a dad mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record this reading (Chapter 1528 Sudden Change), next time Open the bookshelf to see it! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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