Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 1539: One time success

Tang Feng stood on the hill where Dabai they were before. From this position, you could see the manor.

The entire manor can be seen in full view. However, only Tang Feng can see it. Even if others are standing here and looking down the mountain, they can only see a cloud of mist, and they can't see the manor at all.

At this moment, the golden branches and jade leaves in the manor plus the spirit gathering array have already played a role. Tang Feng can see that the spiritual energy in this mountain is already flowing slowly in the direction of the manor. Although the speed is extremely slow, it can be as a whole. This trend has already been shown.

In addition, the dragon aura also rises in the manor, deterring the Quartet, forming an extremely domineering aura.

In Tang Feng's eyes, the corners of his mouth were already slightly upturned, showing a rather satisfied smile.

Anyway, there was nothing to do when I was idle, and after finally getting down, Tang Feng took Dabai them around in the mountains.

When he just came back, in order to improve his cultivation and his soul, Tang Feng did not come to this green hill, but at that time he came at night.

In normal times, he always accompanies the little girl, and only at night, he has some time to come out alone.

Later, as the restoration resources he could obtain became more and more, there was no need to go to this mountain, so it was the first time for him to visit Daqingshan during the day for such a long time.

He also took advantage of this opportunity to appreciate the scenery in the mountains, and walked all the way up the mountain to see how the waterways go here, and how to draw down the spring from the mountain.

This mountain spring water, sweet and pure, is much stronger than tap water.

It seemed that they were afraid that they would not be able to return to the manor if they left Tangfeng for a short time. They followed him every step of the way. With the three of them by their side, all the animals around were hiding far away, and they didn't dare. Being close makes Tang Feng a little funny.

There were no beasts in this mountain, even if it was a beast, Tang Feng didn't care about it. Now that these three guys are by his side, it saves all trouble.

After wandering in the mountains for a short period of time, Tang Feng took Da Bai and the three of them back to the manor. Of course, they didn't have to go through the main entrance, and they entered directly from the back garden.

After they entered the manor, they immediately felt that the aura here was extremely strong, that is, they immediately refreshed and ran towards the direction of the spiritual tree.

Tang Feng didn't stop either, he knew they wouldn't be fooling around.

Sure enough, when they got close to the elixir, they stopped consciously.

Dabai stretched his body lazily, crawled down beside the elixir, put his nose close to the elixir, and took a few vigorous inhalations. The expression in his eyes revealed a quite comfortable expression. It was obvious that he had found it. With the familiar feeling in Dongcheng Haoge Villa, I want to sleep comfortably.

Xiao Hui and Xiao Tao were also playing with Huan'er near the elixir, and they looked timid when they disappeared at all.

Tang Feng allowed them to play here, and he had more important things to do.

When he returned to the vicinity of the spirit tree, the fire in the cauldron just went out. His time was just right.

Above the cauldron, a faint smoke appeared, permeating, and in it, there was a medicinal fragrance, which was much richer than the pill that Tang Feng had refined before.

Tang Feng slowly arrived near the cauldron with a smile on his face.

Using a jade symbol as a fire seal was also a method he came up with for a while, but he didn't expect it to be really useful.

The igniting materials needed to refine the pill are very special. Of course, they are not easy to find on the earth. Tang Feng had the mentality of trying it out. He wanted to try it with this jade talisman, but he didn’t expect it. It really works.

Other things are hard to find, but there are still quite a lot of these jade charms on the earth. Today, Tian Houde sent a large number of jade stones. When he is free, he can carve some more jade charms.

Now, Lin Mengjia can be considered as a master on this, even if the speed is not as fast as Tang Feng, the sculptures that can be carved are still different.

Tang Feng's hand gently grasped in the air, and the pill in the cauldron had already flown out and appeared in his palm out of thin air.

It is two elixirs.

One is cyan, and the other is light green.

On each piece, there was a faint white mist lingering around. After seeing the air, the mist quickly dissipated, and soon disappeared.

Tang Feng took two pills in front of his eyes and nodded with a smile.

Of these two pills, one was for Li Jia and the other was for Lin Mu.

After several treatments by Tang Feng, Li Jia has basically suppressed the death curse on him. However, the curse directly affects the human soul. If this spell is not eliminated, people will be forever The curse, even if you die and enter the cycle of reincarnation, the death curse on the soul cannot be eliminated. It is almost life after life, and you will suffer.

And the cyan pill in Tang Feng's hand was called Soul Clearing Pill. Its function was to completely clean up all the curses attached to the soul, so that they could completely get rid of the death curse.

And the pale green one is Guiben Pill, which can cure hundreds of toxins and has an excellent effect. One pill can remove all the toxins in the body.

However, although this kind of pill has such a magical effect, it is usually not used in the northern star field.

Before taking it, the patient's requirements are relatively high, and the toxicity needs to be suppressed and completely stable before taking it.

This means that if a person is poisoned, he cannot use it to rescue an emergency, and it must be treated for a period of time before he can use this pill to play an icing on the cake.

But once people are poisoned, they all want to detoxify immediately, who can hold it for so long?

Therefore, in the presence of other detoxification elixirs, Guibendan is not so much valued.

But on Earth, Tang Feng didn't have the opportunity to obtain so many raw materials for refining the pill. Moreover, Lin Mu's current physical condition is already quite stable, and it is suitable to take this pill to remove all the toxins in the body.

And Aunt Lan, who is also poisoned, needs to slowly recuperate for a period of time before he can take Guibendan.

This was also because Tang Feng didn't refine the pill for her at the beginning.

Looking at the two medicines that were done at once, Tang Feng felt very happy. The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: Return, Becoming a Dad Full Text Reading Address: return as a dad txt download address: return to be a dad mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 1539 is successful once), and open it next time You can see it on the bookshelf! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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