Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 1546: Little girl's insight

Mother Lin always had a smile on her face, she looked in a good mood, nodded, and said, "I haven't been out for a walk for many years. The changes outside are really big. I don't know much about some places. Fortunately, Today, Chu Chu has been following, this girl is really smart."

Chu Chu, who was sitting on the side, also had a good smile, a good looking female.

Tang Feng knew that Lin Mengjia was mainly going to pick up Zhou Xiaohai and his wife today, and she wanted to talk with Xu Xin about cooperation. Naturally, she didn't have much time to accompany Lin Mother and Auntie, but Chu Chu helped.

Zi Xuan hurriedly said to Lin Mu: "Old lady, I know this shopping thing best. If you want to go out in the future, just call me. No matter what you want to buy, I can take you there, absolutely not. There will be any questions!"

Mother Lin smiled and nodded, and said, "Okay, okay, in the future, we will have to go out and shop more."

Today, everyone is in a good mood, talking and laughing while eating, very warm.

Lin Mengjia was also discussing various topics with everyone, with a smile on her face. Tang Feng looked at her and felt relieved.

After dinner, Li Jia and his wife left first. They took the prescription and couldn't wait to dispense the medicine and perform conditioning according to the above.

Zhou Xiaohai and Xu Xin also brought Zhou Wan back to Zhou's house. The three of them finally got together and wanted to reunite. Tomorrow, they will bring Zhou Wan back when they formally negotiate with Lin Mengjia.

Chu Chu played with the little girl for a while before returning to her home reluctantly.

This busy day, in this quiet, gradually fell into the night.

Mother Lin, who had been shopping for a day, and Lin Mengjia's aunt, went to rest early, and the rest of the people went back to their respective rooms.

Tang Feng brought Lin Mengjia and the little girl to the rooftop of the small building, naturally, following them, there was also Feixue who had always been inseparable from the little girl.

The night is already full of stars, and the sky is full of stars.

The night in the mountains is a little bit cooler than that in the city. In addition, it’s now in the autumn. The autumn breeze brings a bit of coolness. However, in this manor of Tangfeng, it is a bit cooler. The temperature is suitable, although the small wind blows gently, it does not make people feel cold, but it is very comfortable.

The air pollution in the mountains is not as serious as in the cities. Looking at the sky from here, the stars are dotted with the Milky Way across the night sky. The sea of ​​stars, staring for a long time, seems to be able to **** people in.

A family of three, looking up at the stars, all have different moods in their eyes.

Lin Mengjia looked foolishly for a long time before saying, "Tang Feng, did you come back to me from one of the stars? Was it that one? Or, that one? Can you show me? ?"

Her voice smelled a little ethereal, and the whole person was also immersed in this star sea. She stretched out her finger and pointed towards the night sky.

But in fact, the stars in the night sky can’t be counted at all. Even if she points her finger in one direction, there are thousands of them. How can she tell which one she is pointing at? Where are you?

In fact, even Lin Mengjia herself can’t tell the difference clearly. She just feels in a daze that she sees a very bright star and points to it, but in the blink of an eye, it seems that the star next to it will be brighter, she He also lost the goal he had seen before.

In the little girl's eyes, there are also the reflections of stars, shining, as if there is an endless ocean of stars in her eyes.

Tang Feng also looked at the boundless starry sky, smiled slightly, and said, "The place I came back is not the stars you saw."

"That--" Lin Mengjia finally retracted her gaze and looked at Tang Feng, seeming a little puzzled.

She once heard Tang Feng say that he had cultivated from another star field and then returned to the earth. Why now, Tang Feng denied it again?

The little girl also showed doubts on her face, and said to Tang Feng: "Dad, where did you come back from?"

Tang Feng stretched out his hand and beckoned to the little girl, who immediately came to him.

Tang Feng picked up the little girl and let her sit on her lap. The father and daughter sat in one place. Tang Feng pointed towards the sky above her head and said to her: "In the entire universe, there is a huge It can be almost infinite. No one has reached the end of the universe, and no one can tell how big the whole universe is. What we can see with our eyes is only a small part of the universe. It’s a small area. If the universe is as big as an earth, then what we see at this moment is only a tree on the earth."

The little girl nodded gently, and then said: "An ant under the tree, looking up and seeing this tree, there are lush branches and countless branches that cover everything, so I thought it was all. The leaves, like the stars we see, seem countless, but what we see in our eyes is just a trivial part of the entire universe."

There was a bit of childishness in her voice, which was a peculiar childlike voice, which sounded crisp and sweet, and in this silent night, it was especially beautiful.

Listening to Lin Mengjia's ears caused a wave of surprise in her eyes.

She knows that the little girl knows a lot now, but her remarks are still far beyond Lin Mengjia’s imagination. She did not expect that the little girl could say such philosophical things, and even hit it. An analogy.

Tang Feng nodded in satisfaction, with a gratified smile on his face, and looked at Lin Mengjia, who was shocked, with a little triumph in his eyes.

This is the daughter he educated. He has contributed to all of this. His heart is naturally full of sense of accomplishment.

Especially in front of Lin Mengjia, this little show off made him extremely happy.

The little girl was able to have such insights, in fact, in Tang Feng's heart, she was a little bit surprised.

Her vision has been quite broad. Not only children of the same age cannot have such insights, but even teenagers may not consider these things.

After all, those children today are either busy with their studies, or secretly talk about a relationship while the teachers and parents are not paying attention. Where can there be time to think about something so profound? The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: Returns: Becoming a Dad Full Text Reading Address: return as a dad txt download address: return to be a dad mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the "Favorites" below to record this reading (Chapter 1546 Little Girl’s Insights). Open the bookshelf once to see it! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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