Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 1575: Old things

In the face of the three people’s appreciation for this marriage, Tang Feng faintly "hum", with a somewhat disapproving expression on his face, and said: "Do you really think this is a good place to stay? ?"

Although Tang Feng didn't know much about Lin's mother joining the Lin family, through the contact with Lin's mother during this period of time, she could also know that she had not lived in the Lin family as well as others had imagined.

When he saw her for the first time, apart from the physical pain, the spirit was quite distressed. It can be seen that she usually does not worry about her livelihood, but she is definitely not happy when she lives.

Of course, this situation may also be related to Lin Mengjia’s things back then, and it cannot be entirely attributed to this marriage. However, the poison in Mother Lin’s body is not simple, at least, her situation, and Marrying Father Lin is inseparable.

Tang Feng has no evidence to prove that Lin’s mother’s poisoning is related to Lin’s father, but she was in the Lin’s deep house compound and did not have any contact with the outside world. However, she was infected with this very difficult to contact poison. For so many years, many famous doctors have consulted doctors for medicine. If there is no cure, Father Lin is afraid that he can't get rid of the relationship.

Therefore, when the three people thought that Lin's mother and Lin's father's marriage was a beautiful thing, Tang Feng's face was a little sneer.


The three of them obviously didn't expect that Tang Summit said this, and for a while, they didn't know how to answer. They could only look at each other, and no one spoke.

And, in their hearts, there was a faint regret.

They shouldn't talk about household chores at will. If they are not careful, they will say the wrong thing.

This is related to Tang Feng's wife's family. What they said is not correct, and the relationship between Tang Feng and Lin's family is quite subtle.

As outsiders, whether they say more or less, or shallow, they will eventually be a little inappropriate. It's better to keep their mouths closed. Even if they open their mouths, they just drink tea. Don't talk more.

In fact, none of the people present are fools.

These three old foxes were able to mix to their current positions, all of which were clever in their heads.

Regarding Tang Feng's matter, they had already investigated clearly, and they had already found out everything they could find.

The things before and after are all connected, even if they don't know the truth about Tang Feng's disappearance six years ago, they can guess the truth through the contact with Tang Feng during this period of time.

There must be some contradiction between Tang Feng and Lin's family, especially Lin Mengjia's father. Even if there is no direct contradiction between them, because of Lin Mengjia's affairs, there is absolutely no friendly relationship between the two.

In front of Tang Feng, they said that Mother Lin was a good home for marrying Father Lin. Tang Fengcheng felt unhappy, as it should be.

But in their eyes, this was the situation at the time. They couldn't tell Tang Feng that it was bad luck for your mother-in-law to marry your father-in-law, right?

Seeing that the three of them began to pretend to be dumb again, Tang Feng couldn't help but feel good and funny in his heart. Are they afraid of him being like this? He only said a word, and they were silent, afraid to speak out.

Just when it was a bit cold, the old butler came over with a pot of hot tea and said with a smile: "Is the tea cold? I'll bring you some new tea."

His arrival eased the atmosphere a bit.

The three patrons began to praise the tea for its good taste.

When the old butler left, the expressions on the three people's faces became a little more natural.

Tang Feng said to them again: "In the beginning, why did the Cheng family and the Lin family marry?"

"Mr. Tang, if you ask us such a question, it will be difficult for us to be older." Old Sun said with a wry smile, "The status of the Lin family, but our families can't reach it, and Cheng Gong back then, They are like living gods, and they are what we look up to. In such a marriage between two families, what happened in it, how will it tell us?"

Zhang Qingyu also echoed: "These two marriages all happened when our previous generation of Patriarch was in charge of the family power. At that time, our families just heard the news and gave them to the two families. Congratulations, at other times, we are not able to intervene, just like Mr. Tang, what you do now, you will not discuss the details with us!"

Zheng Songru also nodded constantly, like a chicken pecking at rice.

His family did not develop in the Yenching generation. Even when his father was alive, he didn't have too much contact with this circle. How could he know such secret things?

And, don't say that these three people don't know the situation, even if they know it, looking at Tang Feng's face, they don't dare to speak at will, and they all have to consider it carefully.

Tang Feng's gaze swept across their faces, and when they saw their appearance, it didn't seem to be a lie, then he nodded.

He wanted to come too. In those days, with the status of these three people, he really couldn't get in touch with matters related to the marriage between the Cheng family and the Lin family.

Tang Feng then asked again: "Then what weird things happened during the period after the Cheng family and the Lin family were married?"

"Weird things? There is no impression." Sun Laoming thought hard, but in the end, he shook his head with a helpless expression on his face.

Zheng Songru thought for a while, but didn't think of anything, and finally gave up. He had the least contact with these two families. Of course he couldn't think of things so long ago, so he could only look at Zhang Qingyu. .

Zhang Qingyu also frowned, and he could see that it was quite laborious to think, but in the end, he also shook his head disappointedly, saying: "Mr. Tang, this matter has been more than 30 years in the past, and now they My daughters are all this old, and if I think about what happened back then, I really can’t think of it at this moment.”

Tang Feng said with an "Um" and said, "What you said is correct. What happened 30 years ago is not like it was three days ago. You just opened your mouth. You might as well think about it after you go back. What did you think of? , It’s not too late to tell me."

He was not in a hurry to urge them. The tighter they urged these things, the more difficult it would be for them to remember them, so it would be better to give them some time and let them think about it.

"Okay, we must do our best." Old Sun nodded, but then he looked a little curious, and said, "Mr. Tang, what do you want to know about this Cheng family? Why do you want to ask? Something unrelated to this?"Longevity Return: Becoming a Daddy, the latest chapter address: https://www.readwn. com/book/103189.htmlLongevity Returns to Be a Dad Full Text Reading Address: /read/103189/Longevity Return, Becoming a Dad txt download address: /103189.htmlLongevity return to be a dad mobile phone reading: /For the convenience of reading next time, you can click "Favorites" below to record this time (Chapter 1575 Old Things ) Read the record, you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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