Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 1592: Takeshi? Master?

With the movements of the two people, there are more and more jade charms that have been formed.

Tang Feng looked at the few remaining jade and said to Lin Mengjia: "Jiajia, rest for a while."

Lin Mengjia also glanced at the remaining jade, and said: "I'm not tired, I just sculpt it soon, and we will rest together."

While speaking, the movement in the hand began to continue again.

Tang Feng smiled and got up, reached behind Lin Mengjia, stretched out his hand, and gently kneaded twice on her shoulder.

His movements are very gentle, and will not affect Lin Mengjia's movements, nor will it cause the carving knife in her hand to shift, but the effect it can play is quite large.

Lin Mengjia kept the same posture for sculpting for a long time. The shoulders and arms are always in a state of tension, and it is inevitable that there will be some soreness. Tang Feng's simple kneading action made her soreness disappear in an instant. Clean.

Lin Mengjia couldn't help but move her shoulders, turned her head and smiled at Tang Feng behind her: "Your technique is quite professional."

"Serving a wife must naturally be very professional."

Tang Feng smiled and helped Lin Mengjia press twice before sitting back to where he was before. He picked up the carving knife in his hand and started carving again, saying: "Jiajia, your Lin family is not an ancient family, right? "

"Yes," Lin Mengjia said without raising her head, "didn't you know this for a long time? Ask it knowingly."

Tang Feng nodded slightly.

Of course he knew this a long time ago.

After Lin Mengjia finished speaking, her subordinates stopped, raised her head, and looked at Tang Feng again. She also realized that Tang Feng would definitely not ask such a thing that he already knew for no reason.

Sure enough, Tang Feng had a thoughtful look on his face, and then asked, "Then, where is the Cheng family?"

Lin Mengjia smiled bitterly, and said, "Are you asking me? I will only understand what my grandfather and grandmother's house is about after listening to you today. And now, look at my mother and aunt, which one is like Wu Xiu? of?"

"I think it is very possible that your grandfather is Wu Xiu, or even, he may be a monk."

Tang Feng didn't pay attention to Lin Mengjia's words, but pondered and said his own guess.


Lin Mengjia’s voice immediately rose a few degrees, and the movements in her hands were also obviously frozen. She looked at Tang Feng, and her eyes slowly showed incredible expressions. Obviously, she didn’t expect it at all. Tang Summit said Come like this.

Tang Feng's brows were frowning slightly, and the expression in his speech was a bit hesitant. It seemed that in his heart, he was not quite sure.

Lin Mengjia saw this, and then said: "Aren't you kidding me? Wu Xiu and other things, I only found out after meeting the Shangguan. Now you want to tell me that, in fact, I am with this monk and Wu Xiu. Between, is there a closer relationship?"

"Actually, I'm not quite sure. It's just that, today I heard those three Patriarchs talk about your grandfather, saying that he is very old, but his bones are unusually strong, without any disease, and very healthy. If he is an ordinary person At the age of eighty, this situation is true, but it is not very common, but if he is a martial artist, he can explain it well."

"However, at the beginning, my grandfather used to show people Feng Shui, especially those big families, who had contact with him. Zhang and Zheng were all ancient clans and masters of martial arts. If my grandfather is Wu Xiu, don't they have any reason why they can't see it? This is unreasonable."

Lin Mengjia shook her head, obviously not agreeing with Tang Feng's words.

Tang Feng nodded and said, "I also thought of this. I felt that there was something unreasonable, so I felt that he was probably not a martial artist, but a monk."

Lin Mengjia still shook her head, and said, "It's really unreasonable to guess like this just because he is in good health. With grandpa's identity and status, he must be well maintained on weekdays, and the wise doctors around him are not. What’s weird about being less, and having good health? Nowadays, it’s not uncommon for old people at this age to have good health. In my opinion, it’s not surprising.”

"Your grandpa has never been sick," Tang Feng added, "However, until his death, his health was excellent. The three said that before, none of them I heard that your grandfather had ever seen a doctor, whether it was a hospital, a private doctor, or even the most basic physical examination."

Lin Mengjia frowned, thought for a while, still shook her head, and said, "This doesn't explain anything. Maybe, my grandpa has some knowledge of ancient medicine in addition to the study of Feng Shui, and he can treat himself as well. Uncertain, and, as you said, whether it is a martial artist or a monk, the life span is very long. My grandfather passed away in his eighties. Obviously, it is not a long life for the practitioners, right?"

Tang Feng slowly nodded his head, his eyes flashed a little bit of spirit, and said: "This is also the biggest strange thing to me. A person who usually has no sickness, but ends up without any symptoms. But he himself seems to have anticipated his death, don't you think it is strange?"

Lin Mengjia's lips moaned slightly, as if she wanted to say something, but after all she didn't say anything, she still stared at Tang Feng and waited for him to continue.

"I think his identity is not that simple, and his death is even more weird. This matter is more related to the marriage between the Lin family and the Cheng family."

When Tang Feng said this, his tone was no longer the hesitation he had before, but a certain degree of certainty was already revealed.

"What's weird?" Lin Mengjia asked.

Tang Feng didn't answer, but shook his head, and said, "These things are very important. I can't guess at will. When I go to the Cheng's old house, I may be able to figure it out."

Although Lin Mengjia still had doubts in her mind, Tang Feng had already said so, she didn't ask any more questions, just nodded gently.

In her mind, a big question mark also appeared at this moment.

After more than two hours of hard work by Tang Feng and Lin Mengjia, the jade in this box has become a jade symbol, neatly placed around them.

Tang Feng had to admit that without Lin Mengjia's help tonight, it would take him at least one more hour to finish carving these jade symbols.

Next, it was Lin Mengjia's favorite link.

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