Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 1597: Xu Xin's helplessness

Xu Xin politely owed Tang Feng and said: "He has some things to deal with in the company, and he can't get out of it for a while, and there is a working meal over there. Usually at noon, he follows along. Everyone, eat two bites as you like to save time."

"That's really a shame. With so many delicious dishes, President Zhou is no blessing at noon today." Tang Feng said as he sat down at the table, and said to everyone, "There are no outsiders here, so don't be cautious."

Xu Xin heard the words, and a flash of joy and gratitude flashed in his eyes, and he said hurriedly: "Yes, thank you Mr. Tang for showing your love."

These people present, Lin Mengjia and the little girl need not say, even Zhou Wan is also a disciple of Tang Feng’s entry, in fact, strictly speaking, only she is an outsider. Tang Feng said that, just telling her that he She is not treated as an outsider here.

Nowadays, I don't know how many people, whether they are high-ranking officials or dignitaries, have hollowed out their minds to curry favor with Tang Feng. It is a supreme honor to get Tang Feng's words.

However, Xu Xin was not overly complacent. She knew in her heart that the reason why Tang Feng said this, in the final analysis, was based on Zhou Wan's face.

It can be said that now their whole family is borrowing Zhou Wan's light.

Her daughter can be regarded as a disciple by Tang Feng, which can be said to be the blessing of their entire family. Now, even if the other big families don’t say anything, they are full of Zhou family. Envy and jealousy.

And Zhou Wan's position in the Zhou family is undoubtedly more stable.

Even if Zhou Wan’s blood line is in the Zhou family, the entire family’s property will ultimately belong to her, but she has been sick and sick before. Everyone thinks that she will not live long, and naturally there will be many collateral lines. The people, staring at me.

Now that Zhou Wan is not only in good health, coupled with the halo of Tang Feng's disciple, this Zhou family's collaterals, even if they want to come, they dare not have any coveting for her position.

When Xu Xin thought about it this way, her gaze towards Zhou Wan was already full of infinite love.

After all, it is the mother and daughter that are connected. Zhou Wan felt that Xu Xin's gaze was also looking at his mother, with a sweet smile on the corner of her mouth.

Lin Mengjia watched Xu Xin and Zhou Wan's mother and daughter look at each other and smiled, her eyes were full of affection, and she couldn't help but smile knowingly.

Then, her gaze turned to Tang Feng, and she squeezed her eyes towards him, the corners of her mouth were also slightly upturned, revealing a somewhat mischievous appearance.

Tang Feng was a little funny, he knew what Lin Mengjia meant.

Two days ago, they said together that they could help Zhou Xiaohai and Xu Xin to conceive another child. Lin Mengjia wanted to find an opportunity to ask Zhou Wan's opinion on this matter.

Now that the mother and daughter are both present, it's a good opportunity.

Tang Feng calmly nodded towards Lin Mengjia.

The corners of Lin Mengjia's mouth were instantly curved, showing a very charming smile, as if chatting, and said to Xu Xin: "Sister Xu, the relationship between you and Wan'er is really good."

Xu Xin didn’t know what Lin Mengjia meant, but just smiled and said, “Wan’er’s health has been bad since she was a child. The whole family loves her, and the relationship with her is very good. At that time, she was right. She would meet any request she had, and she would be considered spoiled, but fortunately, Wan'er did not develop an arrogant personality."

While speaking, Xu Xin looked at Zhou Wan, her eyes filled with love and compassion.

Tang Feng also looked at Zhou Wan.

When he first saw Zhou Wan, she was still a little girl who looked rather timid.

This is born in a big family, and is the only orthodox bloodline in the family, and has always been spoiled when he was a child. Such a growing environment does make it easy for children to develop quite bad temperaments.

However, as Xu Xin said, fortunately Zhou Wan was not like that. If the Zhou Wan Tang Feng saw was really spoiled and self-willed, he would definitely not accept her even if he was helping her treat her illness. For beginners, even if the wood spirit root on her body was ruined, Tang Feng would not accept such a disciple.

Tang Feng has always been man-made, a person's virtue is more important than his foundation.

Lin Mengjia nodded slightly, still smiling, and said: "When Wan'er was born, you and President Zhou were still young. Why did you only give birth to this daughter?"

Xu Xin sighed softly, a look of helplessness flashed in her eyes, and said: "At the beginning, we did think the same way. We hope to spread the branches and leaves for the Zhou family. This Xiaohai herself is the Zhou family. He grew up in this environment and was trained as the heir of the Zhou family. He once said that he felt tired like this. He hoped that he could have brothers and sisters around him and share the burden with himself. He would not be the heir, the future Patriarch of the Zhou family, and help his brothers and feet, he was also willing, but unfortunately, this wish could not be realized after all."

There was a flash of sympathy in Lin Mengjia's eyes.

Moreover, she was not only sympathetic, but also a little empathetic from Xu Xin's words.

After all, she herself is also the only daughter of the Lin family. She was also cultivated as an heir since she was a child.

When the children of the same age were still playing wantonly, she had to take on many things that she didn't need to bear at that age, and needed to learn various courses to prepare for her inheritance in the future.

However, Lin Mengjia was relatively lucky compared to Zhou Xiaohai's situation that Xu Xin said.

Because in the Lin family, her father nurtured her in this way, hoping that she could inherit the family business, but also to grow the family, he did not hesitate to make her pay all the price, but fortunately, there is Lin mother.

Lin Mengjia’s love for Lin Mengjia comes from the heart, and her wish is quite simple. Instead of making Lin Mengjia live so tired and working hard for the family, she hopes that Lin Mengjia can live happily and carefree. This life.

When Xu Xin said this, the helpless look on her face was even more obvious. She paused and looked at Zhou Wan again, with a look of pity in her eyes, and said, "Xiaohai said. He didn't want Wan'er to live the same life as him, and to be as hard as him. He just wanted to give her a younger brother or younger sister, and be able to stay with her for the rest of her life, and help her in times of difficulty. In any case, this blood relationship is the most profound."Longevity Return: Becoming a Daddy, the latest chapter address: https :// full text of Longevity Return, Becoming a Dad, Reading Address: https: // return as a dad txt download address: https:// will return to be a dad mobile phone reading: https://m. the convenience of reading next time, you can click on the \"favorite\" record below This time (Chapter 1597 Xu Xin's helplessness) reading record, you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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