Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 1834: Kong Qinghua's plan

Seeing a bit of suspicion on Tang Feng's face, Kong Qinghua took a deep breath and said, "In fact, when I saw my grandfather some time ago, I had a vague idea about this matter, but at that time, It hasn't been decided yet."

Lin Mengjia stretched out her hand and took Kong Qinghua's shoulders, with some comfort in her eyes.

Then, she looked at Tang Feng again and said: "Over the years, Qinghua has lost too much. Many things that should belong to her have been taken away by others. Now what she wants is just getting back. It's nothing that belongs to me."

Kong Qinghua's eye circles were slightly red, and he bit his lip lightly, and said: "For so many years, in fact, I have been tolerating it all the time. I hope I can keep my eyes out of my heart. As long as I don't see those things at home, It is possible to stay away, but not long ago, I saw my grandpa and he has been inviting me to go home. I think grandpa is at this age, and I feel sad in my heart, thinking that I should be with him, but if I go home, again It is inevitable to be in the same room with these people."

These people in Kong Qinghua's mouth are of course referring to her father Kong Shuchou, stepmother and the half-sister Kong Qingrong, and there is already a deep disgust in her tone.

When Kong Qinghua was young, Kong Liangji treated her pretty well, at least treating her equally with other grandchildren. Kong Qinghua didn't want to be treated specially, just not to be looked down upon.

In her heart, she still had feelings for Kong Liangji.

It’s fine if I haven’t seen each other all the time. But when I met this time, I saw Kong Liangji caring for her. Kong Qinghua felt uncomfortable, thinking that he was so old and that he was a grandson. He should also satisfy his wish and go back to Yanjing.

Kong Qinghua didn’t know how cruel Kong Liangji was. He wanted to sacrifice her at the beginning, but Lin Mengjia knew about it. Of course she couldn’t let Kong Qinghua go back like this, and she couldn’t tell her about Kong Shuchou, otherwise they would not be so good at first. The relationship between father and daughter is even more precarious. Secondly, this will also make Kong Qinghua sad.

But not telling the matter, does not mean that Lin Mengjia will let Kong Qinghua go back unpreparedly. All she can think of is that only when she becomes stronger can others not hurt herself. If Kong Qinghua has the best position in the Kong family, Then you have the right to speak, afraid of any small actions behind it?

Listening to Kong Qinghua and Lin Mengjia saying what you said to me, and clarifying the matter, Tang Feng nodded slightly.

He understands Kong Qinghua's mood quite well.

Tang Feng said to Kong Qinghua: "Your grandpa's body is getting better now, but I will give you a solid foundation. If I want to let him live for another 30 to 50 years, it won't be a problem."

Kong Qinghua couldn't help taking a breath.

She knows how old her grandfather is.

He was already about to die, and his body was not very good before. After treatment at Tang Feng's place, he had a complexion. Tang Feng actually said that he could survive for another 30 to 50 years.

Don't say that Kong Qinghua can't believe that Kong Liangji can live that old age. It is a question whether Kong Shuchou alone can live for so many years.

Seeing Kong Qinghua’s shocked look, Tang Feng still smiled slightly, and then said: "So, what to do in the future, you already know, don't you?"

Kong Qinghua nodded, but still couldn't hide the shock on his face.

She turned her gaze to Lin Mengjia.

Lin Mengjia also nodded towards her, as Tang Feng said, it was true.

Kong Qinghua only calmed down the shock for a while, and slowly said: "As long as you can get the approval of your grandfather, you can gain a firm foothold in Kong's house."

Lin Mengjia smiled and said: "Yes, Qinghua, with your current ability, you have some skills in business, and you have the approval of Mr. Kong. As long as you can give you part of the family business, you will You can gradually grow bigger. One day the old man is alive, you can get asylum for one day. You still have so much time, and there is no time."

Kong Qinghua said with an "um" and said with some emotion: "Actually, I know that my uncle and aunt in my family are fighting for the family property. It can be described as an undercurrent, but I never thought that one day, I will also participate in it. ."

Lin Mengjia said: "They probably think that the old man is short of time, so he will be eager to do this. If they learn that their lifespan may not be worthy of the old man, they may not be able to say what kind of mood they are in their hearts. Yeah!"

Kong Qinghua couldn't help laughing when Lin Mengjia said so.

After a while, she said: "Jiajia, this time I go back to Yanjing. If I really enter the conflict of interests of the Kong family, then I will have to deal with other families."

Before speaking, Kong Qinghua's eyes looked at Lin Mengjia, which was a little worried.

Lin Mengjia knew what she meant.

She said she had to avoid contact with other families. In fact, she was referring to the Lin family, or more precisely, Lin Mengjia's father.

Lin Mengjia showed an indifferent smile on her face and said, "Qinghua, you don't have to think too much, just do what you want to do. Life is short, so you don't really need to care too much."

"Life is too short."

Kong Qinghua pondered this sentence carefully, and he was also looking at Lin Mengjia carefully.

Obviously, this short life is for her.

And Lin Mengjia herself?

Want to come to her life, will it be too short?

Lin Mengjia seemed to have thought of something, and then said: "Qinghua, don't you rush back to Yanjing. Tomorrow, the aunt of Zhu's family will be here, so you can reminisce about the past when you meet her."

Kong Qinghua was a little surprised and said: "Zhu Wei? Is she coming tomorrow?"

Speaking of Zhu Wei, everyone in Yanjing’s circle is known to everyone. Even if Kong Qinghua is far away from that circle, she is absolutely no stranger to her, and he met her when he was a child. .

Kong Qinghua also knew that Lin Mengjia let her meet Zhu Wei, it was definitely not as simple as recounting the old, but let her take the opportunity, but Zhu Wei could join hands.

Zhu Wei is a businessman, no matter from which aspect, it is very cost-effective to have a good relationship with the daughter of a family like Kong Qinghua.

For Kong Qinghua, this is even more beneficial.

She entered the Kong family and wanted to gain a firm foothold, she must need strong support.

Lin Mengjia is her support, and Zhu Wei can also become the next supporter.

Thinking of this, Kong Qinghua once again cast a grateful look at Lin Mengjia. The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: Returns: Becoming a Dad Full Text Reading Address: return as a dad txt download address: return to be a dad mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record this reading (Chapter 1834 Kong Qinghua’s Plan), next time Open the bookshelf to see it! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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