Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 1836: Dream demon

Not long after, Li Guanghe came with his mother.

The old woman looked more energetic than when she first came.

Although still a bit old, it is not haggard.

Li Guanghe also said gratefully: "Mr. Tang, my mother's sleep has returned to normal now. She hasn't had nightmares or drowsiness for a long time. Thanks to you, Mr., otherwise, we really don't know what to do."

The old woman also thanked her with joy.

Tang Feng nodded and said to them: "According to the original plan, it will take some time to recover, but recently I got a magic formula. Today, I can completely resolve the disease and I won’t need treatment anymore. ."

"Really?" Li Guanghe looked surprised.

It wasn't that he didn't believe Tang Feng's words, but he felt that such good things had come too fast, which made him a little bit overwhelmed by surprises.

The old woman bowed to Tang Feng again and again: "Thank you genius doctor, thank you Mr., you are really my savior!"

Tang Feng waved his hand to stop them.

Xuanji watched from the side, and his eyes showed a little bewilderment.

It could be seen that he could detect the abnormality of the old woman, but it was because Tang Feng had taken the medicine to put the dream demon in a deep sleep state. For a while, Xuan Ji couldn't tell where the problem was. In his eyes, there was a bit of uncertainty.

Tang Feng used the method of sound transmission to say to him: "In this woman's body, there is a dream demon sojourner."

Xuan Ji couldn't help but lightly "Ah".

He had also heard of this dream demon, but he had never seen it before, and curiosity suddenly appeared in his heart.

Tang Feng motioned to Li Guanghe to take the old woman to the regular treatment room, then nodded to Xuanji and asked him to follow.

Of course Xuan Ji couldn't wait to follow suit.

After entering the room, Tang Feng asked the old woman to lie on the bed to relax, and then, beside her, lit an incense burner.

When the white smoke filled the air, a faint fragrance lingered around everyone.

Xuan Ji sniffed the smell, it was only a slight fragrance, and if there was a sweet smell in this fragrance, he couldn't help but whispered, "Requiem fragrance."

Tang Feng let out an "um".

This requisite fragrance, for people, can relax the spirit and calm the emotions, but it has a hypnotic effect for the dream monster.

Although Tang Feng has already used medicine to make the Meng Yao sleep peacefully in the body of the old woman, it is extremely sensitive and will cause it to be alert if it is not careful. Therefore, when taking it out, it needs to add a little more. Meng material.

Under the effect of Requiem, the old woman breathed smoothly, her eyes closed slightly, as if she was going to fall asleep.

Tang Feng stretched out his hand, stopped in the void above the old woman's forehead, and entered her body with an aura.

Through the movement of the spiritual energy, Tang Feng could feel the dream demon curled up in a deep sleep state. He carefully wrapped the dream demon with the spiritual energy, dragged it, and moved along the veins.

This dream demon is a very small thing, otherwise it would not be possible to hide in the human body and be undetected.

When Tang Feng took the Meng Yao out of the old woman's body, the Meng Yao fell in his palm, not even more than a small grain of rice, its whole body was transparent, as if it had no entity, most people would just look at it. Not sure.

Therefore, Li Guanghe and the old woman had no idea that there was something more in Tang Feng's palm.

When Tang Feng's palm was turned over, Meng Yao put it into a small jade bottle that had already been prepared, and put it in his pocket.

Then, he said to Li Guanghe, mother and son: "This disease has been completely cured, and there is no need to come over in the future."

The two thanked again and again.

When they were gone, Tang Feng took out the jade bottle and handed it to Xuanji, who was looking eagerly, and said, "Be careful, don't wake it up. If it escapes, it will be difficult to find it."

Xuan Ji quickly took it and opened the bottle cautiously.

Above the mouth of the bottle, a cloud of light green mist immediately surged, and this little dream demon was wrapped in the green mist, floating in the air.

Xuan Ji squinted his eyes and looked at it carefully. Even though the dream demon was curled up into a ball, he could still see the limbs after carefully distinguishing it.

It seemed that Meng Yao was like a reduced version of a dragonfly, with a huge head, a small body, and transparent wings on its body, but it was shaped like a cicada's wings, which was wrapped outside the body.

"There are actually such monsters in the world, it's a wonderful workmanship."

Xuan Ji sighed lightly.

His voice was very low. When he was speaking, he avoided the position of the mouth of the bottle, lest he exhaled in one breath, and blew away the hard-won little thing. Even when he was observing, he was holding back. Breathing.

After watching carefully for a long time, Xuan Ji took the dream demon back into the jade bottle and returned it to Tang Feng, curiously saying, "The immortal long caught this dream demon, but what is the special use?"


Tang Feng put the jade bottle away, and looked at the courtyard again. Jueming and Sun Qing were still chatting together, and said: "Sun Qing is the jewel in the palm of his father. You want to take her away. Possibly, if she really has the predestined relationship with Zen, you might as well just stay here and take her to practice."

"This—" Xuan Ji hesitated a little.

At this time, he and Jue Ming stayed here just to find out about Fenzong. He was thinking that when the truth of the matter became clear, he would continue his previous life.

But listening to what Tang Feng meant, I wanted him to live here for a long time.

Tang Feng also understood Xuanji's thoughts, and then said, "Where you want to go and what you want to do, naturally you will continue to do so, but this place can be your foothold."

Xuanji thought for a while, nodded with a little helplessness, and said: "It is indeed a lot of inconvenience to bring a girl, but unfortunately, in this way, her practice will probably not be improved soon."

Tang Feng said disapprovingly: "I have already started the formation in this garden. The spiritual energy gathered here is very suitable for cultivation. After some time, I can give you some spiritual books for meditation, which is more convenient. ."

Upon hearing this, Xuanji's heartbeat was speeding up.

You know, meditation has been passed on to him, but it has been gradually declining. The mental texts and the like are either incomplete or lost.

It was a miracle that Xuan Ji could break through the foundation building realm.

He was thinking that in his life, probably this cultivation level would end here, but he heard what Tang Feng said, how could he not get excited? The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: Returns: Becoming a Dad Full Text Reading Address: return as a dad txt download address: return to be a dad mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 1836 Dream Monster), and open it next time You can see it on the bookshelf! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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