When Tang Feng returned to the villa with Lin Yaoyao, who had been playing for a day, it was already evening.

He thought Lin Mengjia had returned, but in the villa, there was only the old housekeeper.

"The young lady is busy with work during this time and often comes back late. Mr. Tang and the young lady should have a meal first instead of waiting for the young lady." The old butler had already prepared a sumptuous dinner and said to Tang Feng.

When Tang Feng saw a table of delicious food, he had an appetite, but when he heard the old housekeeper's words, he slightly frowned, "She often works late?"

"Yes, since the start of the company, the lady has always been so busy," the old housekeeper shook his head helplessly, "Miss is a girl with her own children, and it is not easy to create this career."

Tang Feng felt a little distressed. He should have sheltered Lin Mengjia from these wind and rain, but when she needed herself most, she could not be by her side, no wonder she was annoyed with herself.

"Let Yaoyao eat first, I'll wait for Jia—Miss Lin comes back to eat together."

As a result of playing for a day, Lin Yaoyao had dinner, and after a brief refreshing, she climbed into bed and asked Tang Feng to tell her a story. Before Tang Feng finished telling a story, she fell asleep.

When she fell asleep, there was a sweet smile on her mouth.

Seeing the little girl like this, Tang Feng couldn't help but kissed her gently on the forehead.

As soon as his lips touched her forehead, the little girl suddenly stretched out her hand, wrapped his neck around his neck, and whispered, "Dad."

Tang Feng froze in his entire body, hitting the fixation method and staying in place.

The little girl didn't make any other movements, turned over, continued to sleep, and let out a chuckle from time to time. The call just now was just a dream.

But because of a dream statement, Tang Feng maintained this position. For five minutes, he slowly straightened up. Under the white moonlight through the curtains, he looked at the cute face of the little girl and muttered. He whispered: "Dad is here, here, one day, you will face me and call out these two words."

It was late at night when Lin Mengjia and Shangguan came back, and Tang Feng was still with the little girl's room, sitting by the bed watching her sound asleep, hearing the noise, and walking out the door.

Lin Mengjia's fatigue and tiredness that can't be concealed, it seems that it is not only physical fatigue, but also a little mentally sluggish, with frowning eyebrows, her pressure is very low, her mood is not good, and her face is written " I'm in a bad mood, don't mess with me".

Shangguan followed her silently, like a shadow.

"Miss is back," the old butler greeted him, "the food is cold, wait for me to warm it up."

It's rare for him to stay up all night at his age and wait till now.

"Uncle Zhang, don't have to work hard, you go and rest, we have already had a working meal." Lin Mengjia barely forced a smile at the old housekeeper.

The old butler looked at Lin Mengjia worriedly, sighed, and went back to his room without saying much. Obviously he was accustomed to this situation.

Lin Mengjia walked to the door of the children's room and opened the door to look inside.

Tang Feng said to her: "Yaoyao is already asleep, she had a great time today."

Seeing the little girl lying on the bed, Lin Mengjia's tired face showed a light smile, which was different from the polite and strong smile to the housekeeper Zhang just now, but a smile from the heart.

She walked into the room, went to the little girl’s bed, bent down and stroked her hair gently, and whispered: "Sorry, Yaoyao, mom is back late again and didn’t tell you a story. Mom will definitely make it up tomorrow. you."

After speaking, Lin Mengjia watched steadily by the bed for a few more minutes, then retired gently and closed the door.

Throughout the process, Tang Feng was by Lin Mengjia's side, but she didn't seem to have seen him. After leaving the door, she walked straight to the stairs.

There was no one in the hall, and Shangguan had already returned to his room.

Tang Feng stepped forward, caught up with Lin Mengjia, and whispered, "Jiajia, what happened?"

Lin Mengjia stopped and looked at Tang Feng for a few seconds before slowly saying: "Don't forget the three chapters of our contract. No one else is present. It doesn't mean you can call me Jiajia."

Tang Feng smiled helplessly: "Well, Miss Lin, you look terrible, have you encountered something embarrassing?"

Lin Mengjia did not answer, turned around and walked upstairs.

Her appearance made Tang Feng so angry and funny, so he took another step and said, "If you say it, maybe I can help you figure out a solution."

"It's useless to say it, you can't help me." Lin Mengjia said very directly, but in her tone, it was not a contempt for Tang Feng's ability, but a sense of helplessness and heartfelt bitterness.

This matter has probably come to an end. I am afraid that no one can help herself, and she is powerless. She does not have any mood or energy to tell others about it. At this moment, she just wants to take a good rest.

After walking two steps upstairs, Lin Mengjia stopped, turned her head and asked Tang Feng, "Did you go to the cemetery?"

Tang Feng didn't tell anyone about going to the cemetery, and it only took more than an hour to leave, but Lin Mengjia easily guessed it.

The heart between the two of them still exists.

Tang Feng said, "Yes," he saw that Lin Mengjia didn't want to answer, knowing that it would be useless to ask further, so he stopped asking, and just whispered to her: "Thank you."

This thank you was so boring, but Lin Mengjia knew that he was burying his mother for himself and going to worship from time to time. She stopped looking at Tang Feng, and continued to walk upstairs, while whispering: "It's me. What I should do is not for you, but for the aunt. She treats me like my own daughter, and I treat her like my own mother."

Her voice became lighter and lighter, and when she finished speaking, her whole person had fallen into the darkness of the second floor.

Seeing her back disappear, Tang Feng's gaze was complicated.

Tang Feng returned to his room, did not sleep, but sat cross-legged on the bed, and led the airflow from the dantian to travel around his body, so that the power in the meridian was integrated.

However, he did not stay asleep to meditate, but was waiting for someone. He believed that this person would definitely come to him tonight.

As expected, a familiar breath appeared at the door after half an hour.

The person seemed to hesitate, standing at the door hesitating whether to knock on the door, Tang Feng spread his voice out, and only that person heard: "The door is unlocked, come in."

The door was pushed open silently, and a slim figure appeared under the moonlight. The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: https://www.readwn.com/book/103189.htmlLongevity Returns: Becoming a Dad Full Text Reading Address: https://www.readwn.com/read/103189/Longevity return as a dad txt download address: https://www.readwn.com/down/103189.htmlLongevity return to be a dad mobile phone reading: https://m.readwn.com/read/103189/For the convenience of reading next time, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record this reading (Chapter 019 Chat), and open the bookshelf next time You can see it! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (www.readwn.com)

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