Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 2: Domineering shot

"Brother Black, you said, Lin Mengjia, will the woman send the money here honestly?" In the warehouse, these six or seven strong men were drinking and chatting.

The young man called Brother Hei, with a cigarette in his mouth and a card in his hand, sneered when he heard the question from the person next to him.

"It's best for her to send money obediently. If we don't send money, we will let her evaporate from her precious boudoir. Anyway, the money has already been given over there. No matter what the outcome of this matter is, we will make a steady profit. "

"Have you arranged all the brothers who asked you to arrange?" Then, the black brother looked at the strong man sitting on the right and asked.

"Don't worry, Brother Hei, the four of them are all good at playing crossbow arrows. Four specially made military crossbows can be killed in one shot within 20 meters." The strong man said, and glanced at the top of the warehouse. Hey smile.

"Remember, it was explained over there. This time, we will only kill the woman next to Lin Mengjia, and we can't hurt Lin Mengjia any bit." Black brother lowered his voice and said.


A loud noise interrupted their chat.

Looking at the sound, in his eyes, the closed iron door suddenly bounced out of the door frame and fell to the ground a few meters away from the door.

And outside the door that opened, a sturdy figure walked in slowly.

After a moment of stunnedness, Brother Hei was the first to react, kicking over the table in front of him, and stood up. The others also stood up, picking up the guy next to him.

Seeing this young man walking in alone, Brother Hei looked up and down, and didn't see anything unusual, but he was just an ordinary person who couldn't be more ordinary.

"Boy, you are lost." Brother Hei tilted his head and looked at the young man who had stopped a few meters away, and said Yinyin.

Tang Feng stood there, glanced at these brawny men, then raised his head again and looked upwards for a week, after which he gave a cold snort of disdain.

But they were all mortals without any cultivation base, like this kind of existence, when he walked in the starry sky, he wouldn't even look at it.

Seeing the disdain on Tang Feng's face, Brother Hei's pupils shrank, and a cold light flashed in his eyes. After that, he made a look at the person next to him, and the strong man understood it and nodded secretly.

Then, the strong man squeezed the iron rod in his hand, stepped out in two violent steps, picked up the iron rod in his hand, and smashed it towards Tang Feng's head.

This person's movements are very sudden, if it is an ordinary person, it is impossible to react at all.

Seeing that the iron rod was about to fall on Tang Feng's head, the black brother standing in place, the corners of his mouth raised, and a cold smile appeared on his face.

However, his smile only existed for a moment, and it quickly solidified.

In his gaze, the falling stick suddenly stopped. When he took a closer look, he found that a palm was caught on the iron rod.


There was another muffled sound, and the brawny man carrying the stick flew directly from the ground, flew several meters out, and slammed into the wall behind.

After landing, the brawny man had passed out.

The whole process happened so fast that everyone, including Brother Hei, failed to react.

Inside the warehouse, it was deadly quiet.

"Kill him for me." After all, Brother Hei was not an ordinary person, and soon awoke from the shock, and then shouted loudly.

On the iron shelf above the warehouse, four men leaned forward, each holding a military crossbow in their hands, with sharp arrows already installed on the bowstrings.

Tang Feng didn't even look up. He flicked his fingers upwards several times, and four consecutive stones flew out.

Immediately afterwards, four muffled hums rang out in the warehouse. The four archers who had just poked their heads directly fell from above, and fell heavily on the floor, completely motionless.

Brother Hei stood there, looking at the scene in front of them, they were all dumbfounded.

Even if he has seen a lot of wind and waves, he really hasn't seen the situation before him.

The person in front of him just flicked his fingers, and the four archers he hid in the dark were all shot down. Is this person the legendary martial arts master!

"Big Brother, I think there should be some misunderstanding between us." After swallowing a spit, Brother Hei put on a smile on his face and said with a smile.

Tang Feng only glanced at this black brother, looking at his stinky face, a disgust rose in his heart.

Although he has been at the bottom and knows the hardships of the people at the bottom, he has always held that philosophy. To be a man, he must have spine.

Perhaps it was precisely because of the qi in his heart that he was able to climb up step by step in the cannibalistic world, and eventually became the star of Ziwei who suppressed the northern stars.

"Abandon yourself, you can live, otherwise, die." A cold voice without the slightest emotional color sounded in this warehouse.

When the cold voice reached their ears, Brother Hei and others shuddered involuntarily. They only felt that they were as cold as if they had fallen into an ice cellar.

After a moment of shuddering, Brother Hei finally calmed down. The initial smile on his face gradually disappeared. The eyes that looked at Tang Feng flashed cold light again.

"Today, it's not..."

Brother Hei wanted to say something cruel, but unfortunately, before he finished speaking, he saw a black shadow flashing in front of his eyes. Then, a palm like iron tongs was pinched on his chin, and then , He couldn't speak anymore.


The sound of broken bones seemed particularly clear in this warehouse.

Then, there were several screams.

Brother Hei and the brothers beside him, just like that, all fell to the ground, everyone screamed with arms or legs around.

Tang Feng didn't even look at these people again, stepped over them, and walked towards the little girl in the corner.

At this moment, the little girl who was still wiping her tears in the corner had already calmed down. Her big beautiful eyes blinked and looked at Tang Feng who was coming by.

Tang Feng, as the star of Ziwei, his blood and strength, even if the little girl in front of him was born to a mortal woman before he was a mortal, but when he returns to the earth, the little girl in front of him is bound to be There will be a backlash.

When the bloodline recurs, the bloodlines of their father and daughter are connected, even if they have never seen each other, but they will be extremely close to each other. At the same time, with his strong bloodline, the future of this little girl can no longer be ordinary.

Without verbal communication, Tang Feng stretched out his arm, the little girl curled up in the corner, watching him for a moment, cleverly plunged into his embrace. The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: Returns: Becoming a Dad Full Text Reading Address: return as a dad txt download address: return to be a dad mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record this (Chapter 002 Overbearing Shot) reading record and open it next time You can see it on the bookshelf! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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