Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 255: Standing

"You are able to reconcile as before, and I am very pleased. If I can see your second child is born, I can close my eyes and I will be able to smile at Jiuquan." Mother Lin looked at Tang Feng and said softly.

The woman sitting next to her laughed uncontrollably when she heard the words of her own elder sister.

"The eldest sister is still looking forward to holding her grandson."

Tang Feng sat there, listening to the words of the two elders, and smiled.

This big family pays most attention to the inheritance of descendants. Having sons and grandchildren are always topics that cannot be avoided.

He could feel Lin's expectations of himself and Lin Mengjia.

"You may think that I think feudalistically, I am a little patriarchal, but this is no way. The education I have received since childhood is like this. Since Jiajia has followed you, she should give you the Tang family to continue the incense and give birth to a son. "Mr Lin continued.

As a person returning from the world of monks, Tang Feng's thinking is more feudal than Lin Mu, but at his stage, he also knows that heirs cannot be forced.

Even if he doesn't have a son and has a daughter like Yaoyao, he can still continue his old Tang family's bloodline, and the heirs will continue.

"There is one more thing. Yaoyao is the blood of your Tang family. Now that you come back, you should have entered your Tang family tree and changed the forest to Tang. If you are not good about this matter, you can speak to Jiajia. Let me talk to her."

Tang Feng paused when he heard Mother Lin mentioned Yaoyao's surname.

To be honest, he hadn't really considered this matter after returning to Earth for so long.

"Didn't you think about this?" Seeing Tang Feng's expression change at this moment, Lin Mu was also shocked, and then asked somewhat unexpectedly.

Tang Feng gave a wry smile and shook his head.

"Your medical skills are extraordinary, and you are destined to be famous in the world and become a genius doctor respected by the people of the world. Your eldest daughter is surnamed by your mother's family. This makes the world people how to talk about you, how to talk about Yaoyao, and how to talk about Jiajia. What?" Mother Lin's face sank, and she said in a serious tone.

Looking at the stern Mother Lin and listening to her words, Tang Feng couldn't help but stand in awe. This woman from a prominent family was indeed extraordinary.

"This matter is so decided. If my illness can't be cured, I will discuss the matter with Jiajia in advance before I die. If my condition really improves, I will discuss it with her after my condition is stable. "Mr Lin continued.

Seeing that Mother Lin had already decided, Tang Feng naturally wouldn't say anything more, nodded, and silently agreed.

"Then you should discuss with Jiajia after your condition stabilizes." Tang Feng said with a smile.

Then, there was a brief silence in this room.

Mother Lin moved her body slightly to make herself more comfortable.

"There is one more important thing. At first, you and Jiajia had a life-long private agreement, and you gave birth to Yaoyao without getting married, so that, over the years, Jiajia and Yaoyao have been laughed at by others. Now you are back. Give them an explanation for their mother and daughter." Then, Mother Lin said again.

When Lin Mu spoke these words, Tang Feng was stunned on the spot.

Even, he has the urge to give himself a big ear scrape.

After he came back, he arranged everything and even arranged the future of Lin Mengjia's mother and daughter, but he ignored one of the most important things, which was the status of Lin Mengjia's mother and daughter.

As the saying goes, the name is not right.

Even if he and Lin Mengjia are reconciled now, and they are married again, but they still don't have the status of husband and wife, and Yaoyao is still a wild child in the eyes of others.

"I haven't considered this matter. Because I have suffered so much, Jiajia's mother and daughter, I must give them a satisfactory explanation." Tang Feng got up, bowed to Mother Lin, and said loudly. .

Mother Lin sat there with a smile on her face again and nodded slightly.

"You don't need to worry about other things for the time being. Let me give you a treatment first. Although it won't be immediate, but at least it can make you feel more comfortable." Putting aside these tedious things for the time being, Tang Feng Turn the topic back to treatment.

Mother Lin nodded with a smile.

Because Lin Mu's condition was serious and various internal organs were exhausted, even if Tang Feng's medical skills were extraordinary, he could not do it without the corresponding elixir, and immediately stabilize Lin Mu's condition.

What he can do now is to use the aura to comb Lin Mu’s internal organs, stabilize the internal organs, and leave an aura in her heart, which constantly stimulates the anger in her body, so that she will not suffer the same pain as before. .

After this combing, for more than an hour before and after Tang Feng's palm moved away, Lin Mu was already asleep.

"Wait, after I go back, I will think about it and draw up a prescription. At that time, I will ask someone to deliver the medicine. I will trouble you to take care of it." Tang Feng took a deep breath and looked at the person next to him. The woman said.

The woman looked at the elder sister who was sleeping soundly, and the stone in her heart fell to the ground.

Until this year, the eldest sister was tortured by illness and hardly ever slept for a solid sleep, but now, after this treatment, she fell asleep, and there was no pain in the eyebrows. It is obvious that Tang Feng’s The treatment is effective.

"It's all a family. How can it be troublesome or troublesome? If you say that such a life, it's not a family anymore." The woman said with a gentle smile on her face.

Tang Feng smiled and nodded, and said nothing.

After that, he did not disturb Mother Lin, bid farewell to the woman, got up and left.

After returning to the villa, he thought about it a little, and then quickly worked out a prescription, and then he was asked to grab the medicine.

When all the medicinal materials were bought, he tormented by himself.

In order to ensure the efficacy of the medicine, the water used to boil the medicine is the spring water that contains spiritual energy. In addition, he also added a leaf of the magic medicine in it.

Taking into account the insecurity of other people, he specifically called the old housekeeper and gave instructions so that the old housekeeper would send the boiled soup medicine to the Lacrosse Hotel.

It's a coincidence.

The old housekeeper went out with this front foot, and Lin Mengjia arrived home with the back foot.

"Uncle Zhang, where are you going?" Lin Mengjia asked casually looking at the old housekeeper with a thermos in his hand.

At this time, the old housekeeper was already worried. When he was bumped into by his eldest lady, he was shocked. Fortunately, he reacted quickly enough without revealing anything.

"Miss, Mr. Tang asked me to send medicine to Zheng's house." This excuse is not bad.

The old man Zheng came only at noon, and it was reasonable for Tang Feng to ask him to deliver medicine to the Zheng family.

Although Lin Mengjia felt that there was a problem, she didn't ask any more.

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