Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 258: Subtle changes

Lin Mengjia stood there, watching this scene, and couldn't help turning her head to look at the man beside her.

In the past, Yaoyao was always bullied by the boys in the class because of her introverted personality. She would often come to school to argue with the parents of the children who bullied Yaoyao.

But now, the situation is completely reversed. Xiao Yaoyao, who was bullied by others, is now bullying others on the other hand, and she has also been asked by other parents for theories.

When such a thing happened, as a parent, it is natural to apologize.

But now it's okay. When Tang Feng came forward like this, he only had to watch him by the side, and the other party's parents took the initiative to show their favor.

This was something that never happened in the past.

That kind of relaxed feeling made her like it, the more obsessed it became.

"Doctor Tang, can you also show my big treasure, he always said that his leg hurts, but he went to the hospital for an examination, and nothing can be found." The mother of the fat child couldn't help but be moved by this scene. , Afterwards, said with a smile on his face.

Tang Feng did not refuse this lady's request.

My daughter beat other children, and help them check their bodies and see if they are sick, which can be regarded as a kind of compensation.

He walked up to the fat boy, squatted down, and grabbed the chubby calf with his palm.

"When he was very young, this leg should have been pulled by something?" After a moment, Tang Feng raised his head and asked the mother of the fat child.

"Yes, when he was two years old, he was entangled in his legs by my big dog's dog chain, and when the big dog ran, he pulled him a lot." The fat child's mother nodded and responded.

As Tang Feng spoke, the gazes of several people present looking at Tang Feng were completely different. In those gazes, there was obviously a little more admiration.

"After you go back, you can buy some medicinal materials such as Xuanming powder, mulberry sticks, a little blood, eucommia, and astragalus root. Ask the skilled doctor to boil the plaster and stick the plaster on him every day and at night. , Within a week, his leg will be healed.” Tang Feng said, pointing his finger on the outside of the fat child’s left thigh.

The mother of the fat child was there holding a mobile phone to record quickly, and she was highly concentrated throughout the process, for fear of missing something.

"Doctor Tang, see if I missed anything." After finishing the recording, she didn't forget to ask Tang Feng to read it again for herself to make sure there were no omissions.

"In terms of the dosage, you can remember again, Xuanming powder, mulberry sticks, ten dollars each, a little blood eight dollars, eucommia fifteen dollars, and astragalus nine dollars." Tang Feng glanced at the phone screen, and then said.

The mother of the fat child hurriedly recorded again.

During this whole process, the office was quiet, and everyone was looking at Tang Feng.

"Doctor Tang, I really trouble you too much." After confirming that she hadn't missed anything, the mother looked at Tang Feng again and said thankfully.

Tang Feng smiled and didn't say much.

Poor parents in the world, these parents, no matter what it is, often think of their own children first. Perhaps, parents in this world hope that their children will grow up healthy and healthy.

"Dabao, in the future, you can't mess around, and be good friends with Yaoyao." After the fat child's mother put away the mobile phone, she pulled her son in front of her, saying very solemnly.

The fat kid nodded as if he didn't understand, but when he looked at Xiao Yaoyao, his face still showed a timid expression. Obviously, he was scared by the little girl.

In this way, an accident caused by Xiao Yaoyao was solved satisfactorily after Tang Feng's Surgery, and everyone was happy.

Watched by the two parents, Tang Feng's family of three got in the car and left the kindergarten.

"Mom and Dad, why do other children follow his father's last name? Why, I followed my mother's last name?" Yaoyao, who was sitting in the back row of the car, crawled to the front and asked with a pouting mouth.

"Because, when you were born, my father was not with me, and my mother thought that my father would not come back, so she was sad, so she let you follow her last name." Tang Feng thought for a moment and said in a calm tone.

Lin Mengjia, who was sitting in the passenger seat, leaned her head on the car seat, her beautiful eyes looked at Tang Feng with a very quiet expression.

"But I want to be the same as other children, and I also want to follow my father's last name." The little girl pouted and said grievedly.

Tang Feng was about to persuade the little girl, but before he could say it, Lin Mengjia interrupted him.

"Tomorrow we will go to the police station and change your surname to Tang. From now on, you will not be called Lin Yaoyao, but Tang Yaoyao. Let's go ahead." Lin Mengjia sat up, turned around, looked at the little girl and said.

"Really?" The little girl didn't seem to believe it, she looked at her mother and asked again.

"When did mother lie to you? Of course it is true." Lin Mengjia said softly with a gentle smile on her face.

"Mom is the best." The little girl became happy, climbed onto Lin Mengjia's face, and took a sip of fragrance.

Tang Feng looked at the little woman next to him from the corner of his eye, and a warm feeling surged in his heart.

"You don't have to be like that," he said.

"In her blood, there is already the blood of the Tang family. She changed her surname, which is reasonable and reasonable. I don't want to let my daughter be laughed at. I don't want to hear it. Others call you a son-in-law." Lin Mengjia He shook his head and said.

Hearing Lin Mengjia's words, Tang Feng couldn't help laughing.

"Well, I listen to you, when shall we get the certificate?" He changed the subject and asked with a smile.

At this moment, Lin Mengjia turned her head mechanically, and the expression on her face appeared momentarily sluggish.

"Why, don't you want it?" Tang Feng asked, looking at Lin Mengjia's sluggish expression.

It took Lin Mengjia for a long time before she woke up. She shook her head.

"Give me some time, I'm not ready yet." Lin Mengjia said hesitantly with a complicated look on her face.

Regarding the matter of obtaining a certificate of marriage, let alone Lin Mengjia, even Tang Feng was not prepared. Since Lin Mengjia said so, he would not force Lin Mengjia.

On the next road, Lin Mengjia fell into silence, sitting there absent-mindedly.

The little girl is innocent and doesn't know the thoughts of her parents. She is still excited about her being able to change her surname to Tang.

When he returned home, the old butler had already returned.

It's just different from when he left. At this time, between the old housekeeper's eyebrows, Tang Feng could read the hidden sadness.

Obviously, he was worrying about Lin Mu's illness. The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: Return, Becoming a Dad Full Text Reading Address: return as a dad txt download address: return to be a dad mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record this (Chapter 258 Subtle Changes) reading record, next time Open the bookshelf to see it! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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