Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 260: Garden in the morning

In the darkness, Tang Feng lowered his head, kissed on the smooth forehead, and then closed his eyes.

Perhaps, sleeping is a waste of time for him, but he can put his arm around his beloved woman to sleep, he does not think it is a waste of time.

Dou Zhuan Xing Yi.

In a blink of an eye, the sky was bright.

After waking up in the morning, the first thing Lin Mengjia did was to get up and ran to the bathroom to look in the mirror.

In the mirror, the face reflected in it became more and more tender and white, and fingers stretched out to touch the skin on the face, silky and silky, like the finest silk.

After looking carefully, she just withdrew her gaze from the mirror, and then lowered her head.

The palm rested on the fat-free lower abdomen and gently stroked.

On the flat lower abdomen, those unpleasant stretch marks disappeared completely, and even the smallest traces were gone. The touch of the palms was as smooth as the skin on the face.

However, what she was thinking about was not the change in the skin on her abdomen, but something else.

After a brief wash, Lin Mengjia left the bedroom and went downstairs.

Upstairs and downstairs, I didn't see the figure.

When she walked out of the villa, she only saw the figure she was looking for in the pavilion in the garden, sitting cross-legged, her eyes slightly closed.

In this early morning, the morning mist is hazy, and the figure sitting in the morning mist feels like a fairy.

She stared at the figure in a daze for a long time, and then walked over.

Walking in the small garden, she suddenly discovered that the air in the small garden seemed to be a little different. There was a cool feeling between breathing. After a deep sniff, the whole person was refreshed.

She looked around suspiciously.

The air quality in Pingyang is notoriously poor, even in spring and summer, the air here has some unpleasant smells.

But the air in her small garden was surprisingly fresh, even cleaner than the air in the best places she had been to.

Suspiciously in her heart, she couldn't help but looked at the man who was sitting there cross-legged again.

Intuition told her that most of the air changes in the small garden had something to do with this man.

As for how this man made the air in her garden fresher, she naturally couldn't guess, but she had reason to believe that this man was capable of doing such things.

Maybe there is nothing in this world that he can't do.

Tang Feng in the pavilion opened his mouth, and an invisible suction flowed out of his mouth. Most of the aura gathered from the surroundings of the Spirit Gathering Array was swallowed by him.

When the spiritual energy enters the body, the exercises in the body start to operate autonomously.

In a short time, these heaven and earth auras transformed into his own aura.

After refining these heaven and earth auras, Tang Feng opened his eyes, and after seeing the little woman sitting sideways in front of him, he smiled slightly and responded with a smile.

"Why did you get up so early?" Tang Feng said softly, looking at the little woman in front of him.

Lin Mengjia sat there sideways, smiled lightly, leaned forward and lay on Tang Feng's lap.

The morning mist is lingering, the flowers are blooming, the graceful body that is covered by the white nightdress, and the stray black long hair, in this early morning, there is endless beauty.

"I want to go home and see my mother." Lin Mengjia whispered while lying on her man's lap.

Tang Feng lowered his head, looked at the little woman lying on his lap, and listened to her whisper. He couldn't help but feel pity in his heart.

He gently stroked the loose long hair, and his eyes were full of affection.

At that time, he couldn't help but want to tell Lin Mengjia that her mother was now in Pingyang City, but in the end he still held it back.

If she was allowed to see what her mother was like now, perhaps, she would be more painful.

Rather than making her feel painful, it's better to just let her miss her mother and family in her heart.

Missing is nothing but sorrow, and watching a loved one suffer from illness is the most painful thing.

"Wait a second, when everything stabilizes, I will follow you back to Yanjing." Tang Feng said softly, stroking the silky long hair.

Soon, the people in the villa got up and began to prepare breakfast.

After eating breakfast, Tang Feng originally planned to drive Lin Mengjia to the company, but Lin Mengjia persuaded him.

"Today, instead of going to the company, let's go to the police station." Lin Mengjia said.

Hearing Lin Mengjia said that he was going to the police station, Tang Fengxian hesitated at first, but he quickly remembered what happened yesterday.

He originally thought that the little woman was just saying it casually, but he didn't expect that she was actually playing it.

However, since Lin Mengjia had decided, he naturally wouldn't say anything.

After all, he is going to leave this planet and return to the northern constellations. At that time, if Yaoyao still has the surname Lin, what capacity should he enter into the Ziwei Immortal Palace? Since he is the eldest daughter of Xingjun Ziwei, he should be named Tang, otherwise, Yaoyao's identity will be criticized.

In order to avoid these many troubles, it is imperative for Yaoyao to change her surname and return to the Tang family genealogy.

Dongcheng Police Station.

Tang Feng drove Lin Mengjia's mother and daughter to the police station, and someone was already waiting there at the door.

Lin Mengjia also has assets of hundreds of millions, and she has been operating in Pingyang for several years, and she has some connections. It is naturally not difficult for her to come to the police station to change the surname of her daughter.

After parking the car, Tang Feng's family of three, accompanied by the deputy director, went to the household registration section.

Almost no time was wasted. On the household registration, the little girl's last name changed from Lin to Tang.

From then on, there was no Lin Yaoyao in this world, only Tang Yaoyao was left.

The little girl who changed her body and changed her name to Tang Yaoyao, holding the household registration book, her small mouth cracked, her smile was like a flower.

"Now, are you happy?" Lin Mengjia said irritably when she looked at the smiling girl.

The little girl raised her head and giggled like a silver bell of laughter.

"Okay, Mom and Dad will send you to school." Lin Mengjia pursed her lips and said with a smile.

Just out of the door of the household registration department, a figure hurried up to face him. The figure walked quickly, seeing it, it was about to hit Lin Mengjia's body.

Tang Feng had quick eyes and quick hands, and pulled Lin Mengjia into his arms, avoiding the flying figure.

Arms wrapped around Lin Mengjia's waist, Tang Feng looked at the figure, and when he saw the face clearly, he couldn't help but curled his lips. He really complied with that sentence. It's not that the enemy doesn't get together.

"Tang Feng, it's you." The figure stopped just before it got closer, and when it saw Tang Feng, it shouted in excitement. The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: Returns: Becoming a Dad Full Text Reading Address: return as a dad txt download address: return to be a dad mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record this (Chapter 260 Early Morning Garden) reading record, next time Open the bookshelf to see it! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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