Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 265: Lingjing

"Regarding your physical condition, I can restore you to a normal state, and even make you stronger as you were ten years ago. If you recover, you dare to follow me on a trip to Kunlun Mountain. "Tang Feng looked at the old man and asked.

At this moment, the old man in the wheelchair could no longer remain calm.

He raised his head, his eyes fixed on Tang Feng tightly, his expression agitated.

However, after the initial excitement, he calmed down again. After all, he was already old and was no longer the age at which he was easily impulsive.

"That python, I don't know how many years it has lived. Ordinary weapons can't kill him at all. Even if he goes again, it's just sending him to death." He shook his head and said helplessly.

"You don't need to worry about this. Since I dare to go, I have absolute certainty that I can surrender the snake." Tang Feng said indifferently.

The python, if it has been entrenched in the place where the dragon energy exists for a long time, and if it absorbs the dragon energy, it will gradually metamorphose. After completing nine molting times, the python will metamorphose into a water snake.

Judging from the description of the old man, the python in the cave under the cliff of Kunlun Mountain has definitely transformed into a water snake.

Otherwise, no matter how powerful the python is, it is impossible to withstand the power of the grenade.

Now that there has been a flood in the cave, then it is certain that there must be a real dragon in the cave, and this real dragon is already dead.

If this true dragon was still alive, how could a group of mortals walk into that cave?

The silent old man slowly raised his head, looked at Tang Feng that way, and fell into hesitation again.

However, after a short while, he raised his head again, and there was no hesitation on that face.

"Okay, I promise you, if I can recover completely, then I will go to Kunlun Mountain with you again." The old man said firmly.

Seeing the old man's choice, Zhao Gongming finally showed a smile on his face.

Dragon Qi.

Although it is domineering, it is a dead thing after all, even if the dragon aura of a real dragon is out of the body, it will become a dead thing over time.

And the ray of dragon energy in the old man's body has been away from the main body for ten years, in fact, it is almost impossible to hold on.

Of course, the old man's meridians have been eroded by this dragon energy for ten years. Even if the dragon energy has completely dissipated, his meridians cannot improve naturally. In the end, he will die in pain as well.

However, repairing the meridians eroded by dragon qi is much simpler than removing the heart eroded by yin qi.

If the meridians are damaged, as long as it is not too serious, the person will not die, but the viscera is damaged. If it is severe, the person will definitely not survive.

Moreover, for practitioners, the meridian is too familiar.

A treatment like this could hardly waste too much time and energy of Tang Feng.

In just half an hour, this first treatment was over.

The effect of this treatment is undoubtedly obvious. Although the old man still has to sit in a wheelchair, his spirits have improved a lot.

"This kind of treatment only needs three or four more times, then you can heal." Zhao Gongming stood up, looked at the old man lying on the bed in the break room, and said peacefully.

"Thank you, Mr. Tang." The old man said gratefully.

"You don't need to thank me. If you go to Kunlun Mountain smoothly, I will give you an extra reward after you return, so that you can live healthy and healthy to a hundred years old." Zhao Gongming said.

For a monk, if he wants to make a mortal live a hundred years old, it couldn't be easier.

But for mortals, being able to live a hundred years old, and living to a hundred years old in good health, is enough for anyone to rush.

The old man was taken aback for a moment, and then, a ray of light gushed from his eyes, and that light carried a wave of blazing heat.

Obviously, he is also very eager for a long life.

After all, in this world, who doesn't want to live a few more years.

Without any more nonsense, Zhao Gongming helped the old man into a wheelchair, removed the prohibition in the house, and pushed him out of the room.

"According to this prescription, take the medicine once a day in the morning and evening." Zhao Gongming handed out a prescription, and Zhao Gongming gave it to the old man's son and told him.

"Thank you, Doctor Tang." The old man's son repeatedly thanked him before he left.

Zhao Gongming smiled without saying a word, and watched the other party leave before returning to the villa.

After returning to the lounge, he took out a few jade charms he had made before, then placed them in various places in the house, and then activated them. As these jade charms were activated, a mini formation covered them. The entire lounge.

After all this was done, Tang Feng picked up the wooden box.

Carefully opening the wooden box, what you see is a crystal-clear spar.

In this spar, brilliant blue gas flows.


A strange spiritual thing conceived in the depths of the Lingshi vein, and this kind of spiritual thing contains the purest essence of spiritual energy.

Even though this spirit crystal is only half the size of a fist, it contains more spirit energy than the best spirit stone.

The key is that this spiritual crystal contains the source of spiritual energy, which is the purest spiritual energy. After the monk absorbs it into the body, it can be transformed into his own spiritual energy without much refining.

Although it had been guessed before, that the wooden box contained something related to the spirit stone, but he did not expect that it would be such a precious spirit crystal.

Just say that the value of this spirit crystal is much higher than ten spirit pills.

Unexpected joy, this is definitely an unexpected joy.

With this spirit crystal, once again to hit the fourth layer of Qi Refining, there is no more suspense.

Now, what he lacks is not realm, but spiritual energy. His soul cultivation has already reached the top. Now he only needs to restore spiritual energy. When it reaches a certain level, he can make a natural breakthrough without needing to be like again. It was the same as before, to break through the shackles strenuously.

Forcefully suppressing the little joy in his heart, he temporarily put away the spirit crystal, and did not store it in the lounge, but took it with him.

If it were in the past, he would not care about this spirit crystal at all. In his primordial spirit space, there are tens of thousands of such spirit crystals, but the problem is that he can't open his primordial spirit space now, let alone take it. Don't get out of the stuff inside.

The earth lacks spiritual energy and spiritual materials are scarce, and he wants to quickly restore his cultivation base, this spiritual crystal becomes very precious.

Things like this that are extremely important to him are naturally to be carried with him. The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: Returns: Becoming a Dad Full Text Reading Address: return as a dad txt download address: return to be a dad mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 265 Lingjing), next time you open the bookshelf Can be seen! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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