Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 280: Cultivate Rong Guocheng

After he had sent away the housekeeper Ji, Tang Feng pondered for a while, and he still called Rong Guocheng.

Although now, he has Ji Ning, a master martial artist by his side, but outside, he still needs a loyal subordinate like Rong Guocheng.

And Rong Guocheng's current cultivation base is no more than the day after tomorrow. Such cultivation may be okay for ordinary people, but if he encounters Wu Xiu, then he is determined to be ravaged.

In order to avoid this situation, it is necessary to enhance Rong Guocheng's strength.

Precisely, this little Yi Bendan is undoubtedly of great benefit to Wu Xiu's improvement.

Don't say how high it is, as long as Rong Guocheng's cultivation level can be raised to the fifth or sixth level of the acquired, then he will do a lot of things for him.

Two Xiao Pei Yuan Pills and one Xiao Yi Ben Pill, this is what Tang Feng prepared for Rong Guocheng.

When Rong Guocheng rushed over and took the three pills from Tang Feng, there was a blank inside his head.

Happiness came so quickly that he was a little unexpected.

Looking at the pill in his hand, thinking about the things in these days, he has mixed feelings in his heart.

He didn't seem to have done anything, but the husband gave himself these many benefits in vain.

"Sir, Guocheng hasn't done anything since he came to Mr.'s door, but he has got so many benefits from Mr. Guocheng. Guocheng is ashamed." Rong Guocheng endured the turmoil in his heart and said with shame.

Tang Feng waved his hand indifferently.

"Don't be ashamed, your top priority is to improve your cultivation level. Only when your cultivation level is improved can you do better for me. As for other things, don't think too much about it for the time being." Tang Feng said kindly. .

Hearing Tang Feng's words, Rong Guocheng became more ashamed.

"The grace of Mr. reinvention, Guocheng will never forget. From now on, he will do everything he can for Mr.." Forcefully suppressing the shame in his heart, Rong Guocheng bowed his head and said loudly.

Tang Feng is quite satisfied with Rong Guocheng.

Although the ability is a little bit weak, but it is still very practical to behave.

Just need to train, and in the future, it can be a very good help.

"Mister told me before and asked me to investigate things, I already have some eyebrows on my side." Rong Guocheng stood up and said.

While speaking, Rong Guocheng took out a data bag and handed it over.

Tang Feng glanced at the information bag and took it over.

Although he already had conclusive evidence that Li Ren Rongzhuang had stolen the core information of the Meng Tang Group, but since Rong Guocheng struggled to find the information in front of him, he was not good at accepting it.

"Let's go back and try to raise the cultivation base to the fourth level of qi refining as soon as possible." After receiving the information bag, Tang Feng exhorted Rong Guocheng.

"Yes, sir."

After carefully putting away the bottle containing the medicine, Rong Guocheng left the villa.

Looking at Rong Guocheng's excitement when he left, Tang Feng couldn't help but smile.

People who know how to be satisfied and know how to be grateful are worth training.

After Rong Guocheng left, Tang Feng went directly to the study. In the study, the little girl and Zhou Wan were already waiting here.

Taoism learning on this day begins again.

The boring study, for the little girl, has already adapted. Although Zhou Wan was exposed to Taoism for the first time, this girl has the roots of wood, talent and intelligence, and is very comparable to that of others. When she learns, she is familiar with the road.

After just over an hour of learning, Zhou Wan, who was first exposed to Taoism, actually remembered the first Taoism.

This made Tang Feng sigh again.

People with the five innate spiritual roots are indeed abnormal.

After completing the study of Taoism, Tang Feng took Zhou Wan to the lounge.


Tang Feng stretched out her hand to signal, Zhou Wan nodded obediently, and sat down.

Later, Tang Feng took out a Xiao Pei Yuan Dan and handed it to Zhou Wan.

"Eat this pill."

Zhou Wan took the pill and swallowed it directly without hesitation like the day before.

After swallowing Xiao Pei Yuan Pill, Zhou Wan closed her eyes, and a touch of pain gradually appeared on that face.

However, compared with the previous visit, the pain on Zhou Wan's face was significantly weakened.

The innate wood spirit root is so powerful.

If you change to another person and don't have any cultivation base, taking this Pei Yuan Dan will be painful and intolerable, and Zhou Wan can easily bear this kind of pain after only taking it once.

The Xiao Pei Yuan Pill, which is not too strong in medicinal properties, quietly changed Zhou Wan's body.

In just these two days, her thin body has undergone obvious changes, and her whole person no longer looks as sick as before.

Tang Feng sat there, watching his only disciple.

Looking at Zhou Wan, who had quickly absorbed the power of Xiao Peiyuan's medicine, if he hadn't been determined, I was afraid that evil thoughts had already been born in his heart, and he would directly dig out the innate wood spirit roots in Zhou Wan's body and take it for himself.

After half an hour, Zhou Wan's face gradually unfolded.

The medicinal power of this Peiyuan Pill was completely absorbed by her.

Soon, Zhou Wan opened her eyes.

When Zhou Wan opened her eyes, she looked at the master who was guarding her. After that, she crawled down and made an ancient worship to Tang Feng.

"The disciple thanked the teacher."

Although she seemed timid, she was in fact transparent. She also understood that the pill that her teacher gave to herself was extraordinary, because she could feel the changes in her body in the past few days.

In just two or three days, this weak body has gradually become stronger. She doesn't cough from time to time like in the past, and she has some strength.

After taking this pill today, she only felt that the spirit inside her body had become more vigorous, and she would run outside, fearing that she wouldn't pant.

At the beginning, Grandpa went around looking for doctors for himself, but no results were seen. If it were not for the teacher, he was afraid that he would be alive and sick as before.

Thinking of this, the warm current in her heart surged, her eyes were sour, and tears actually fell.

Looking at the girl who burst into tears, Tang Feng stretched out his hand to help her up.

"As my disciple, I definitely can't be so sentimental. From now on, I won't cry anymore." After helping Zhou Wan up, Tang Feng said sternly and solemnly.

"The disciple knows." Zhou Wan wiped away the tears from her face and nodded in response.

After guarding Zhou Wan and taking the second Peiyuan Pill, Tang Feng went to the rest room to get a bucket of spring water, and took a few elixir to the bathroom to prepare a medicated bath.

Although I now have a disciple, I can't care about this and lose the other, and forget my daughter. The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: Returns: Becoming a Dad Full Text Reading Address: return as a dad txt download address: return to be a dad mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 280 Cultivating Rong Guocheng), next Open the bookshelf once to see it! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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