Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 283: Doctor's card?

Perhaps the child's nature always likes freedom, and always likes to be unrestrained.

However, if children want to grow, they always have to be restrained, just like the tree that is planted, it always needs to be beaten, otherwise, it will grow crooked.

Looking at the little girl who walked into the gate of the school with a small face, Tang Feng couldn't help laughing.

When the little girl walked into the gate of the school, she turned her head and looked around again, and cast a look for help. Tang Feng spread her hands helplessly, expressing that she was powerless.

"Lin...Tang Yaoyao, what are you doing slowly, don't hurry up." Lin Mengjia who was standing beside her sternly shouted loudly.

It seems that women in this world will become shrews after they become mothers.

No matter how well-mannered and educated you are, in the face of bear kids, you will eventually lose all your cultivation and culture and continue to run wild.

When her mother was violent, the little girl could only follow the teacher into the school obediently, and finally disappeared in the teaching building.

"What's next? Go to the company?" After the two got into the car, Tang Feng looked at Lin Mengjia in the passenger seat and asked.

Lin Mengjia leaned there and shook her head.

"I don't want to go. Anyway, the company has nothing to do in the past two days."

Looking at the lazy little woman, Tang Feng smiled and nodded.

Suddenly, Lin Mengjia thought of something and sat up.

"You promised me to help that girl." Lin Mengjia approached Tang Feng and said loudly.

Looking at the serious little woman, Tang Feng stretched out his hand and pressed his forehead, rather helpless.

"Do you know where the girl is in the hospital? We went. Will the people in the hospital agree to let us in? Will the doctor allow me to treat her?" Then, he asked several questions in a row.

Hearing these questions raised by Tang Feng, Lin Mengjia was shocked.


So far, I don't seem to know which hospital the girl lives in.

Even if he knew where the other party lived, how could he persuade the people in the hospital to let Tang Feng enter the intensive care unit and treat the girl.

"Forget it, let me do it."

Looking at the stunned little woman, Tang Feng smiled and shook his head. Then, he took out his mobile phone, found Zhao Yue's mobile phone number from the address book, and dialed it out.

At this time, Zhao Yue was looking at the computer in a daze in her office.

The mobile phone on the computer desk rang suddenly, and she picked it up and connected it without even looking at it.


"It's me, Tang Feng."

Zhao Yue paused when she heard the familiar voice on the phone.

"The genius doctor Tang is looking for me, what's the matter?" Thinking of Tang Feng's merciless refusal, Zhao Yue couldn't help but feel angry. When she talked, she naturally didn't have a good temper.

"Ten minutes later, I will be at the door of your police station. During this time, you think about how you can take me into the intensive care unit and treat the girl."

At this moment, Zhao Yue stood up fiercely, and the whole person became excited.

"You still have some conscience, you don't need to worry about other things, I will take care of it for you." Zhao Yue said without thinking about it.

"I hope there is no trouble."

In the phone, Tang Feng's last sentence, and then the phone hung up.

Zhao Yue took the hung up cell phone and stood there, grinning fiercely.

"Domineering man, I don't know how Lin Mengjia can look at you." After angrily said to the phone, she didn't dare to waste any more time, and quickly walked out of her office and walked towards the director's office. .

When Tang Feng drove to the door of the city police station, Zhao Yue was already waiting at the door.

In addition, the deputy chief of the police station is also there.

Seeing the battle at the police station, Tang Feng couldn't help but smiled. It seems that this woman is not the kind of woman with **** and no brains. At the very least, she knows she has insufficient energy, so she asked the leader of the bureau to come forward.

"Mr. Tang, Miss Lin."

After Tang Feng and Lin Mengjia got out of the car, the deputy director surnamed Zheng quickly greeted them.

"Since Mr. Tang is willing to help that girl, our police station will fully cooperate with us. We have also contacted the hospital. The director of them knows that her husband is going and welcomes them very much." Deputy Director Zheng said.

Tang Feng smiled and nodded, and did not go to the other side to get close to the relationship.

"Director Zheng, time is running out, let's go to the hospital first." Lin Mengjia also knew that Tang Feng didn't like this kind of official twists and turns, interjected and said.

Deputy Director Zheng was shocked for a moment, then glanced at Tang Feng, thinking of the arrogance of this doctor Tang in the rumors, he already understood, so he didn't say anything more.

Afterwards, Tang Feng and Lin Mengjia returned to their car, while Deputy Director Zheng and Zhao Yue got into the police car, and the two cars headed for Xicheng District one after the other.

Pingyang First People's Hospital.

Pingyang has the best tertiary hospitals with the best hardware and software equipment.

When Tang Feng and the others arrived at the hospital, the two directors and deputy deans of the hospital were already waiting here.

"Mr. Tang, this is Dean Ma Yuanma of our hospital, and this is Vice Dean Feng Fei." Director Zheng gave a brief introduction to Tang Feng after getting off the car.

"Doctor Tang, I have heard of your name a long time ago, and I have only seen you now. It's really a long time to look up." Dean Ma walked up with a smile on his face, and shook hands with Tang Feng very kindly.

"This time, both of you are in trouble." Tang Feng said calmly after shaking hands with the two deans.

"It should be our trouble with Doctor Tang." Dean Ma said, shaking his hand.

This Dean Ma, who is over half a hundred years old, is tall and thin, and he feels clean. Tang Feng looks at him, but he feels a little more fond of the Dean.

He has never been bad at seeing people. The person in front of him does not have that kind of strong utilitarianism, nor does he have any sour and rotten aura. He has a calm temperament, and has a taste of moderation. Obviously he is the kind of willingness to dare. Real people.

Looking at Dean Feng Feifeng, he was completely different from Dean Ma. He had a strong utilitarian heart and a sour smell of money. At first glance, he knew that he was a master who likes to drill.

"President, the hospital has the rules of the hospital. You privately let an unknown person to treat the patients in our hospital. If something goes wrong, who should be held responsible!" Feng Fei approached and said Yinyin.

As Feng Fei spoke, the place was instantly cold.

"Doctor Tang, don't you know if you have a doctor's certificate?" Then, he looked at Tang Feng again and asked slowly.

Tang Feng stood there, looking at the yin and yang vice-president Feng, his brows moved slightly.

Doctor's card?

what is that? Will he need it!

However, instead of answering Feng Fei's questioning, he looked at Zhao Yue and Zheng Deputy Director.

He is here to see a doctor, not to ask for trouble.

Now that they have encountered a problem, Zhao Yue and the others should solve it. If this problem cannot be solved, he will just walk away, just to take a leisurely time.

"Mr. Tang is a descendant of ancient medicine. People like them who don't have a doctor's certificate are normal." Zhao Yue said.

"Traditional Chinese medicine, but dross. We have used the best medical equipment and the best drugs, but Hu Yueer can't be cured. Does he think that only a few silver needles and some Chinese herbal medicine can wake Hu Yueer." Feng Fei gave a cold snort and said disdainfully. The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: Return, Becoming a Dad Full Text Reading Address: of Longevity and Become a Dad txt download address: of Longevity to be a daddy mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 283 Doctor's Card?), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Daddy", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you your support! (

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