Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 288: Lin Mengjia's suspicion

"Uncle Zhang, who are you going to deliver the soup?" Lin Mengjia stepped up, stopped the old butler who was about to leave, and asked with a smile.

Being stopped by Lin Mengjia, the old butler was shocked.

"Miss, it's the decoction for Zheng's family." Although I was nervous, the old housekeeper had seen the big wind and waves anyway, his face was as old as he did, and he answered.

Lin Mengjia was not surprised by the old answer.

But the problem is, she doesn't believe the answer to this at all.

She knows Tang Feng's character too well. As for Tang Feng's character, if he were an outsider, he would never go to the kitchen and make soups himself.

"Oh, so." She nodded slightly and said playfully.

"Tang Feng is the same. Your legs and feet are inconvenient, but you have to go to Zheng's house to deliver the decoction. There is no one else in the house." Then she said again.

The old butler stood there, listening to Lin Mengjia's words, his heart instantly lifted.

This is because the young lady is beginning to have doubts.

"Uncle Zhang, you go first." Just as the old butler was thinking about how to reply, Tang Feng's voice came from the kitchen.

Then, Tang Feng walked out of the kitchen.

Lin Mengjia heard Tang Feng's voice and looked over.

Taking advantage of this gap, the old housekeeper hurriedly walked out of the room with a thermos barrel.

Seeing the old butler leaving in a hurry, Lin Mengjia felt more and more wrong in her heart.

However, she didn't chase the old housekeeper anymore, but looked at Tang Feng.

"Who did you make the soup medicine for?" She just looked at Tang Feng and asked.

Looking at the more real little woman, Tang Feng gave a bitter smile in his heart.

A woman’s sixth sense, in many cases, is really unreasonable.

"An old friend."

This was Tang Feng's answer, a vague and prevaricating answer, which naturally made Lin Mengjia very dissatisfied.

"You are in Pingyang and you no longer have any relatives. With your personality, if you weren't your relatives, you would definitely not go to boil the medicine yourself, and you insisted on asking Uncle Zhang to deliver the medicine. This person must know Uncle Zhang, right? Lin Mengjia stared at Tang Feng and asked in a deep voice.

At this moment, Tang Feng felt that sometimes finding a smart woman to be his wife is really not a good thing.

Too smart, you can't hide many things from her at all.

How to deal with it!

This is Tang Feng's most hesitant and most troublesome thing.

"Can we not ask anymore." Looking at Lin Mengjia, Tang Feng said with a headache.

"No, you have to say it now." Lin Mengjia began to play tricks.

Looking at Lin Mengjia, who had a stern face, made Tang Feng a headache.

"I really can't tell you now. Give me some time. After half a month, I will take you over." After a moment of indulgence, he looked at Lin Mengjia and said.

In half a month, basically, Lin Mu's condition can be stabilized.

Although it's impossible to get better quickly, at least it looks like it's not as sluggish as it is now.

At that time, I took Lin Mengjia and saw my mother, the little woman in my own family wouldn't be too sad.

Lin Mengjia stood there, biting her lower lip, struggling in her heart, and finally nodded.

"Don't try to follow the old housekeeper. If you really want to do that, from today onwards, I will no longer make soups." Seeing that the little woman in her family had promised so simply, Tang Feng immediately guessed that she wanted to do it. what.

Lin Mengjia was stunned there, her beautiful face was full of annoyance, and even more anxious.

She can almost guess that the person who doesn't know should be her close relative.

And the one who can let Tang Feng put down and cook the soup himself, besides his mother, is the only one left with his grandfather.

She also knew that this man had always done what he said, and if he really followed the old housekeeper, he might really leave it alone.

"Are you so cruel?" Lin Mengjia endured her inner anxiety, staring at Tang Feng bitterly, and shouted in that sad voice.

Looking at the sad little woman, Tang Feng felt unbearable for a while.

He reached out and pulled Lin Mengjia into his arms.

"Be obedient, wait another half a month, and in half a month, I will take you there." Tang Feng said softly, hugging the little woman in his arms.

Fortunately, Lin Mengjia is not the kind of willful woman, after the initial anger, she gradually calmed down.

Lying in Tang Feng's arms, those jade hands fell on Tang Feng's shoulders, and she raised her head, looking at Tang Feng with those poignant eyes.

Tang Feng lowered his head, his eyes met.

After staring for a while, they gradually got closer to each other, and finally, no longer distinguished from each other.

When Tang Feng and Lin Mengjia were tired and crooked at home, Sun Xiande, who was far away in Jinyang, walked out of the luxurious villa with a red face, got in the Bentley, and embarked on the way back.

Things are surprisingly smooth.

Those two also agreed to his request and agreed to use their strength to solve that Tang Feng.

Thinking of the energy behind these two, he was full of confidence.

After all, these two parents are all Yanjing children who are rooted in the realm, and they have unparalleled influence in the entire circle of China.

Sitting in the car and looking at the scenery outside, Sun Xiande thought of this time again, and his heart became irritable again.

It can be seen from this incident that the strength of the Sun family is still lacking after all.

Outside of Hebei Province and Shanhaiguan, the Sun family may have a great influence, but outside of these places, they are a little weaker.

If they were replaced by the five great families of the Lin Family, Zhou Family and Confucian Family, no matter where something happened, as long as they were willing, they could mobilize various forces there for their own use and strangle those who dared to challenge their authority.

"In my lifetime, I will definitely let the Sun Family rank among the super-big families." He told himself like this in his heart.

Still in Binh Duong city.

When night fell, the invisible place was covered with clouds.

But those who have some energy, at this time, all choose to stay away, so as not to be affected by the pond fish.

More people's eyes are focused on the Sunjiazhai in Nancheng District.

They don't understand why Sun Xiande, the head of the Sun family, has been in Pingyang for two or three days, but he hasn't seen it.

In their view, using the energy of the Sun family to clean up Tang Feng without any background is just a matter of minutes.

But now, things seem to be a little weird.

Sun Xiande arrived in Pingyang in person, but two or three days have passed. Tang Feng is still fine, and he still picks up the Lin family's mother and daughter to school and get off work as usual every day. The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: Returns: Becoming a Dad Full Text Reading Address: return as a dad txt download address: return to be a dad mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click \"Collection\" below to record this (Chapter 288 Lin Mengjia’s Suspicion) reading record, next time Open the bookshelf to see it! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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