Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 292: Sun Xiande's grievances

In these two days, the city of Pingyang was so lively.

First, the police raided Tang Feng's villa. Then, the two comrades from the provincial government were taken directly from Pingyang, and Zhao Yue, the spoiler, was promoted to the second-level superintendent.

Then, Feng Fei, the vice president of the First People's Hospital, reported Tang Feng with his real name.

Then, Mengtang Group sued Liren Rongzhuang Chairman Sun Lili for stealing the company's core technology, and also took the new products developed by Mengtang Group as its own and illegally marketed them for sale.

On the same day, the police seized the company and factory of Liren Rongzhuang. At the same time, Sun Lili, who was still in the hospital, and a group of middle and high-level members of Liren Rongzhuang were taken to the police station for investigation.

The audience was dazzled by this great show.

While screaming, everyone was a little surprised and surprised.

Originally, they all thought that when the Sun family took action against Tang Feng, this young man without any background would definitely be unable to stand it up, and eventually he would be killed by the Sun family.

But who could have thought that it turned out to be like this.

The Sun family used the big trick, but as a result, Tang Feng was still fine, still walking with the happy little woman in his family, and as usual, like a dad, picking up her daughter to and from school every day.

On the contrary, it was on the side of the Sun family that he ate.

Only then did everyone start to re-examine Tang Feng.

They suddenly discovered that this young man with no background does not seem to be as simple as they thought.

at this time.

Inside the house of the Sun family.

Sun Xiande was cold, holding a mobile phone in his hand, and was calling someone.

The phone dialed.

"Mr. Zhu, what is going on?" Sun Xiande asked after the call was connected.

"Surnamed Sun, you still have the face to call me. This time, I was murdered by you." The angry roar came from the phone.

"I don't believe it. You don't know who Tang Feng is. I'll tell you, this time, we will not finish." The person on the other side seemed to be in extreme anger. The voice was almost roaring. .

Sun Xiande sat there, and was yelled at by the people over the phone with a cloud of confusion, just feeling baffled.

Tang Feng's background, he has investigated, is definitely a person of unfamiliar background, and there is no big background.

Even if it is said that Tang Feng got acquainted with the Zhang family, the Zheng family, and the Zhou family because of his medical treatment, but these families, but the local families, are far from their grandson family.

With the energies of those two, how could you be afraid of these few?

Could it be that there are other people standing behind Tang Feng!

"Mr. Zhu, I really don't know whose person Tang Feng is." Sun Xiande said aggrievedly.

"Okay, I'm still pretending to be confused now. I don't believe the old man Ji family is in Pingyang these days. You wouldn't know about this." The person on the phone snorted and asked loudly.

Old man Ji family!

When he heard this name, Sun Xiande was stunned.

"Old man Ji called my grandfather early in the morning last night, and my grandfather told me to go back to Yanjing today. I tell you, if Lao Tzu gets beaten after going back because of you, Lao Tzu will never end with your grandson. "The man on the other end of the phone roared.

Sun Xiande still wanted to say something, but the person on the other side of the phone had already hung up.

Looking at the hung up phone, Sun Xiande sat there, stunned for a long time.

Old man Ji family!

How could Tang Feng know this old man!

If it was just a simple acquaintance, but now, because of Tang Feng, this noble old man actually called the old ancestor of the Zhu family in the wee hours of the morning.

Tang Feng is Mr. Ji's person!

When he thought about this, he was taken aback by himself.

Although the Ji family had already retired and seldom talked about the affairs of the Central Plains, as the ancient family guarding the Northland, the influence of the Ji family throughout China was terrifying.

Even the five big families didn't dare to fight against the Ji family, let alone their Sun family.

By this time, he suddenly realized that he knew why so many things were happening today.

In the past, he did not dare to think of such crazy things against Ji family and old man Ji.

But now, because of a Tang Feng, he is on the opposite side of the Ji family and the old Ji who is doing some evil things, and it seems that he has also played against the other party.


At this moment, he was really scared.

Just as he can easily kill an ordinary family, Ji family can also kill their grandson family.

Just when Sun Xiande was uneasy, the cell phone in his hand rang again.

Sun Xiande, who was anxious, answered the phone without taking a look.

"Lao Sun, this is Feng Fei. I have done all the things you told me. I have already said hello to the Health Bureau. This time, Tang Feng will definitely not be able to run away." After the call was connected, A voice full of compliments came.

"I see." Sun Xiande just said indifferently, and hung up the phone directly.

In a certain office of the People's Hospital, Feng Fei was stunned for a while looking at the hung up cell phone.

what's the situation!

I did everything perfectly. The Patriarch Sun, shouldn't he praise himself a lot, and then promise himself some benefits!

Why? Listening to the voice, Patriarch Sun didn't seem to be very happy.

Tang Feng naturally didn't know the nasty things of the Sun family and Feng Fei's tricks. Even if he knew, he didn't bother to take care of it.

At this time, he was busy treating the old man who had come from Jinyang.

Meng Qiongyun.

This is the name of the old man.

As the essence of the spiritual energy in the spiritual crystal gradually depleted, Tang Feng began to feel a little eager to travel to Kunlun Mountain.

Therefore, when he treated Meng Qiongyun, he was particularly concerned.

Now, the key to going to Kunlun Mountain is to heal Meng Qiongyun, and to strengthen his physique so that this old man over half a hundred years old will have a strong physique. Only in this way can he not become a drag.

For this purpose, he not only spent a lot of spiritual energy to help Meng Qiongyun dredge the meridians of his body and repair those damaged places, but also prepared a medicated bath for Meng Qiongyun.

The aura combing regardless of the cost, coupled with the expensive medicated bath, when Meng Qiongyun walked out of the bath, his whole person had changed drastically.

Those reluctant legs finally regained consciousness, and even Meng Qiongyun could walk on his own, holding on to the wall.

Meng Qiongyun, who stood up again, and his simple and honest son looked at Tang Feng with a look of admiration. The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: Returns: Becoming a Dad Full Text Reading Address: return as a dad txt download address: return to be a dad mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record this reading (Chapter 292 Sun Xiande’s grievances). Open the bookshelf once to see it! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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