
This word, it seems to him once, is so far away.

In the thousands of years in the sea of ​​stars, although there will always be women of all kinds beside him, he has never promised any woman.

He never even thought about giving a certain woman status.

Looking at the little woman on his body and listening to the soft voice, his heart could not help but be moved.

Are you married?

"What's the matter? Why didn't you speak?" Lin Mengjia raised her head, looked at Tang Feng up close, and asked.

"Happiness came too suddenly, and I couldn't react to it. Are you serious?" Tang Feng reacted and said with a smile.

"Naturally, I'm serious, but right? I'm afraid I don't have time to get married now. Or, after this period of time is over, let's talk about the wedding." Lin Mengjia came and started talking.

"You decide." Looking at the cheerful little woman, Tang Feng stretched out his hand and stroked the soft long hair, and said with a smile.

The night darkened, and soon the two of them hugged each other and fell asleep deeply.

Speechless this night.

On the second day, Lin Mengjia got up early, and after a simple meal, accompanied by her Shangguan, she left the villa and rushed to the company.

In the next few days, she will be very busy, very busy.

The threat of the Sun family has been lifted. Naturally, she must restore the Mengtang Group's raw material channels as soon as possible, and then in the shortest time, let the company resume operation and start the listing of new products.

In addition, there is also a beauty who takes over makeup.

Although the Montgomery Group has been developing for several years, the company's employees are also limited. Now that she suddenly took over such a company two or three times larger than the Montgomery Group, she naturally did not have enough manpower on hand.

Especially at the management level, the manpower needed is even more stretched.

Liren Rongzhuang was established by Sun Lili alone. Over the years, the two companies have been in the same situation. Many of the managements in Liren Rongzhuang were pulled up by Sun Lili with one hand. Naturally, these people can no longer be used.

The recruitment of the management alone was enough to keep her busy.

After Lin Mengjia left, Tang Feng personally sent the little girl to school, and then returned home. In his free time, he made a pot of tea and enjoyed the tea made by this mountain spring.

Someone came before the pot of tea was finished.

Looking at Zhao Yue with sweat on his forehead, Tang Feng stared at Zhao Yue for ten seconds.

"Feng Fei, due to financial problems, has now been taken away by the relevant department." Zhao Yue wiped the sweat from her forehead and said.

Feng Fei?

For the first time, Tang Feng didn't think of who Feng Fei was in Zhao Yue's mouth.

But soon, he remembered again.

It seems that this product is still on Weibo, reporting his illegal medical practice under his real name.

"Oh, I see." He responded casually, and then picked up the tea bowl and continued to taste the fragrant tea.

In the morning, a pot of tea with a trace of aura can always make people feel refreshed. It seems that this life has become wonderful.

Looking at Tang Feng, who had a dull reaction, Zhao Yue couldn't get out of her heart.

If it was possible, she could only wait to rush forward and beat this nasty man violently.

But, she knows, she can't beat this man.

"Feng Fei has left the People's Hospital. Now, you can go with me to treat Hu Yue'er." Zhao Yue said, holding back the anger in his heart.

"I don't have a doctor's certificate. It is illegal to see a doctor." Tang Feng continued tasting tea, said lightly.

Zhao Yue curled her lips, took out a notebook from her pocket, and threw it away.

Tang Feng casually clamped the flying notebook between his fingers, and took a look in front of him. It was a bunch of new doctor's certificates.

"Are you fake certificates too?" He asked with a smile looking at this new cluster of doctor certificates.

Zhao Yue gave him an angry look.

"How could the certificate issued by the Jin Provincial Health Department be fake?"

Hearing what Zhao Yue said, Tang Feng smiled nonchalantly.

In this natural way, the certificate Zhao Yue gave himself would not be false. The reason why he said that was just joking with this little woman.

"Now, you can go with me." Zhao Yueqiang endured her violent temper and said loudly.

Tang Feng drank all the tea in the tea bowl, then stood up.

Now that Lin Mengjia had promised to treat the girl, he would naturally not regret it.

Zhao Yue was relieved just now when Tang Feng got up.

In Zhao Yue's car, the two left the Dongcheng Haoge.

"By the way, you are so powerful, in the future, which man would dare to marry you." Sitting in the passenger seat, Tang Feng said with a smile looking at the policewoman who concentrated on driving.

"You want to take care of it." Zhao Yue shouted in an angry tone.

Tang Feng stretched out and leaned on the seat of the car.

The car, passing through the streets of Pingyang, soon arrived at the door of the First People's Hospital.

Before intensive care in the hospital.

Tang Feng saw the Dean Ma again and was already waiting here. Seeing Tang Feng coming, Dean Ma greeted Tang Feng cordially.

"Mr. Tang, I'm really sorry for what happened before." Dean Ma said apologetically.

For the old dean, Tang Feng still had some good feelings.

"It's okay, the previous things have nothing to do with the old dean." Tang Feng said with a smile.

"Mr. Tang, the girl is in the intensive care unit, I'll take you in first." Dean Ma didn't talk too much nonsense, and quickly got into the topic.

Tang Feng nodded.

Subsequently, accompanied by the old dean, Tang Feng entered the locker room of the intensive care unit of the hospital. After changing to a white coat in the hospital, the two of them entered the intensive care unit.

In those small isolated rooms, there were patients lying in their mouths with ventilators, and they were full of patients with various tubes.

This was Tang Feng's first time in the intensive care unit of a hospital, and it was the first time he saw such a scene.

Looking at those patients who were not conscious, or conscious, but still plugged into the ventilator, he could only sigh in his heart that his life was small.

In a small room on the left, Tang Feng saw the girl named Hu Yueer.

The age in his early twenties is the best age, with exquisite facial features, but now, I can't see the slightest anger, that slender body is lying quietly on the hospital bed, motionless.

"Her brain was hit hard and she fell into a deep fainting state. With our medical technology, this problem can't be solved at all." Dean Ma said helplessly.

Tang Feng went straight forward, stretched out his hand, and pressed his thumb on the girl's left cheek. The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: Returns: Becoming a Dad Full Text Reading Address: return as a dad txt download address: return to be a dad mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record this (Chapter 299 Marriage?) reading record and open it next time You can see it on the bookshelf! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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