Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 303: Female monk

Standing in front of the door, looking at this dilapidated house.

It's hard for you to imagine that a monk would actually stay in such a place.

All monks are proud people, and they attach great importance to their attire and Dongfu Taoist temple, especially the great monks.

Alien monks, sincere and normal monks have different ideas.

In this private house, the aura of several souls intertwined, faintly with a trace of resentment.

Although this alien monk behaved strangely, he would not take the initiative to attack mortals, let alone take the initiative to kill and rob souls, and most of the souls they ingest were taken from the body of a dying person.

He also checked Hu Yue'er's injury, and it was obviously caused by someone hitting the head with a heavy object from behind.

Judging from the wound, the assailant should be a mortal.

A cultivator with three levels of Qi refining has a physical strength that is not comparable to martial arts, but it is not as good as using heavy objects to attack mortals from behind.

If that alien monk wants to kill Hu Yue'er, he only needs one of the simplest spells.

Obviously, this alien monk only appeared on the scene after Hu Yueer was seriously injured, and used the method of evil spirits to capture his soul.

It is precisely because of this that, although orthodox monks resist and reject alien monks, they rarely come forward to encircle and suppress alien monks.

Moreover, even though alien monks ingest the soul of the dying person, they will not devour the soul and refine it. They ingest the soul in order to absorb the yin spirit fire in the soul to cultivate.

After they draw out the yin spirit fire from the soul, they will supersede the soul and return it to the Jiuyou Hells.

The door of the house is locked tightly from the inside.

Tang Feng jumped directly, leaped over the wall lightly, and then landed in the courtyard.

Inside this house, there is a mess, and I don’t know how long it has not been cleaned. There are dense weeds on the ground, and there is no place to stand.

The monk's breath fluctuates.

It was the same as he had previously speculated, but it was triple Qi refining.

At this moment, in the room to the north, a thin woman was sitting cross-legged on the dilapidated bed, and a faint fluctuation of spiritual energy loomed between her body.

In front of her, there was a crystal sphere.

On this crystal ball, there was a gray mist, and in that mist, three blobs of blue light were wriggling.


The door was pushed open.

The thin woman opened her eyes violently, then rolled up the crystal ball in front of her and put it in her pocket.

At the same time, between her palms, there was an extra mirror.

The mirror is very old, with many complicated patterns carved on it, and some jerky old sayings.

At this time, the woman stared at the door, horrified in her heart.

Before practicing, she placed an early warning prohibition in the courtyard. As long as a creature enters the courtyard, the prohibition will be activated.

But now, someone came in, she forbidden, but did not issue a warning.

This can only show that the person who broke into here has a higher cultivation base than her, and the higher one is not a bit higher.

How could such a powerful monk appear in this little Pingyang.

You know, there are not many monks in Huaxia.


With her cold voice, a figure walked in from outside the house.

When she saw this figure, the woman's pupils suddenly shrank into a wheaten shape.

Then, her palm slapped on the ancient mirror, and aura poured into it. On the ancient mirror, a burst of aura burst out. Then, the ancient mirror broke away from her palm and hit the figure.

Looking at the flying mirror, Tang Feng snorted in his nose and waved his palm.

Dao light flickered, and a Dao Talisman appeared out of thin air.

Dao Fu flew towards the ancient mirror, in mid-air, collided with it, and then, the ancient mirror with aura was set in mid-air.

Seeing her magic weapon, she was actually frozen by the person in front of her with the wave of his hand, the thin woman's face suddenly changed.

She raised her right hand, thumbs up, and aura appeared again.

Tang Feng waved his right hand again, and another Dao Talisman appeared, pierced through the air, and directly fixed the woman on the spot.

At this moment, the woman who had lost control of her body finally settled down.

Tang Feng squinted his eyes, walked over, and looked at the thin woman up close.

Although this woman is a little thinner, she looks pretty, and she is considered a big beauty.

Actually, as long as there are no ugly men or ugly women among the cultivators, most of the monks are handsome boys and beautiful girls.

If this woman hadn't practiced alien spells, she wouldn't have been so thin.

A monk with three levels of Qi refining, and she is still a female monk.

Tang Feng seemed to have encountered something interesting. He walked around the female monk, and from time to time, he reached out and touched the female monk twice.

This is a monk who was born and raised on the earth, on this barbarous planet, in this age of the doomsday, it is more precious than the giant panda.

Even if you are walking in Huaxia, you may not be able to meet such a monk.

The female monk stood there stiffly, her eyes moving with Tang Feng's movement.

Seeing this man wandering around her, she felt a little scared in her heart.

At this moment, she was anchored by the man in front of her with spells, and she had already become the fish on the chopping board. If this man wanted to do anything to herself, she would not have the ability to resist.

Just when she was worried, the man in front of her stopped in front of her, then reached out and touched her clothes.

Feeling that big hand, she just felt that the world was about to collapse.

Tears, unexpectedly involuntarily, welled up from his eyes.

The end of the world is coming.

She can almost imagine what terrible things will happen next.

Although she has never walked outside, she has also heard that some monks in this world improve their cultivation by collecting yin and replenishing yang, especially the pure Yin Qi of female monks, for these evil cultivators , It is a great tonic.

Tang Feng paused when he saw the horror on the face of the female monk in front of him and the tears dripping from her eyes.

This woman, what's wrong.

She just wanted the treasure that trapped the soul in her arms, so why did she cry.

The palm of the hand successfully touched the cold crystal ball in the woman's arms, and after that, he took it out and placed it in front of his eyes for a closer look.

In the crystal ball, three light **** representing the souls of living beings were suspended, and one of them was the soul of Hu Yueer.

The female monk was stunned for a moment when she saw this scene in front of her. The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: Returns: Becoming a Dad Full Text Reading Address: return as a dad txt download address: return to be a dad mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 303 Female Monk), and open it next time You can see it on the bookshelf! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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