Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 306: Tedious treatment

As the vast spiritual energy poured into Hu Yue'er's body, Hu Yue'er's body began to tremble faintly.

That is the instinctive reaction of the body.

More precisely, it is the reaction that occurs when the soul and the body merge.

The spiritual energy entered Hu Yue'er's body, all stayed in the brain, and began to exert force around the place of Shangdantian.

And the soul that returned to the physical body had nothing to rely on and had no conscious effect, floating in Hu Yue'er's brain unconsciously, unable to return to the upper dantian.

What Tang Feng had to do now was to force this soul into the upper pubic area.

This is a troublesome thing.

If possible, he would rather go back and drink tea in his living room to pass the time.

When Tang Feng's true thoughts entered Hu Yue'er's body, in the ward, Zi Xuan stood not far away, looking at Tang Feng, who closed his eyes, with some hesitation.

Or, take advantage of this man's wandering time, do it!

After this thought appeared in her mind, she shook her head violently and threw it away.

Otherwise, just run away.

After this thought flashed in her mind again, it made her eyes bright.

However, after a while, she temporarily suppressed the urge to escape.

Although this man is a bit hateful, but, at least, he didn't do anything excessive.

Moreover, being such a powerful monk, he was able to heal this mortal without hesitating to spend a lot of spiritual energy, which is enough to show that his xinxing is not bad.

The master allows himself to travel in this mortal world, to find opportunities for himself.

Think about it, after all these years, I have met several monks, but those monks are either unpredictable, or they are in the world, they are blinded by this flowery world, they don’t want to make progress. Know how to have fun.

Nowadays, it is rare to encounter such a monk who has a kind heart, but has cultivated to a strong level. Perhaps, I can get some opportunities from him.

Thinking of this, she temporarily dismissed the idea of ​​escaping, and quietly guarded the door to prevent anyone from running in and disturbing Tang Feng.

In Hu Yue'er's brain, Tang Feng spent a lot of aura, finally introducing Hu Yue'er's haunting soul into her upper dantian.

As the soul entered the upper Dantian, this barren upper Dantian began to undergo subtle changes.

Streaks of air flowed out from everywhere, and then wrapped the muddled soul, and finally, the muddled soul escaped into the depths of Shangdantian and disappeared.

With the soul completely hidden in the upper dantian, this upper dantian finally regained a trace of vitality.

Tang Feng watched with Zhen Nian, and after Hu Yue'er's soul was completely integrated into it, Zhen Nian left Hu Yue'er's Shangdantian.

The soul has returned to its place, and the next step is to repair the damaged brain.

This is also a huge project, which consumes a lot of spiritual energy, but compared to reintegrating the soul into its pubic area, it is much simpler.

There are many damaged brain blood vessels and brain nerves. What he has to do is to repair these places.

Hu Yueer's head was hit by a heavy object, and many brain blood vessels and brain nerves were severely damaged. If it weren't for her life, she would have been brain dead.

If the brain is dead, I am afraid that unless the Great Luo Jinxian descends, otherwise, the medical saint will come and will not be able to save Hu Yue'er.

Aura constantly washed the damaged blood vessels and nerves.

Under the repeated washing of this spiritual energy, these damaged blood vessels and nerves were repaired one by one.

And in this process, Tang Feng's aura, like no money, poured out of his body, and then flowed into Hu Yue'er's brain.

Time passed by.

Outside, Zi Xuan stood by the door very patiently.

In a blink of an eye, it was more than an hour.

At a certain moment, Tang Feng slowly opened his eyes and let out a suffocating breath.

Only the treatment of more than one hour has consumed most of the aura in his body, and now, in his mind, that kind of heavy fatigue makes him very uncomfortable.

Seeing Zi Xuan guarding the door, he responded with a smile.

"I can't tell, you are kind-hearted," Zi Xuan said in her delicate voice while looking at Tang Feng.

Hearing this delicate voice, Tang Feng's hair on his whole body stood up involuntarily, and his body got goose bumps.

To be honest, for these women with delicate voices, he really has no love.

It's just that the woman in front of her has a natural voice, and she doesn't have the delicate pretentiousness of those charming girls.

In doing things, I am afraid that they are more decisive than many men and know how to choose.

People are born with this kind of voice. You can't discriminate against people just because they have such a flaw.

Looking at Zi Xuan, he thought like this in his heart.

"No way, I don't want to be nosy, but my wife is kind and can't look at these poor people. I have no choice but to do it." Tang Feng said helplessly.

"You have a Taoist companion? How is her cultivation level?" Zi Xuan couldn't help but ask when Tang Feng mentioned his wife.

"She is just a mortal." Tang Feng said calmly.

Zi Xuan was stunned when she heard Tang Feng's answer.

In her concept, a monk, even if he is looking for a Taoist companion, it should be a monk with a similar cultivation level, especially a powerful monk like the man in front of him. Logically speaking, his Taoist companion should also be a monk. A female monk with a decent cultivation level.

"Don't have that kind of expression, who stipulated that the monk's wife must be a monk." Tang Feng said when he saw the stunned expression on Zi Xuan's expression.

"Although my wife is not a monk yet, she will definitely become a monk in the future." Tang Feng added another sentence.

When he said this, a smile appeared on his face.


Not only the development of a girl, but also the development of a wife.

Thinking about the future, his family of three wandered between the heaven and the earth, and walked through every brilliant star in the sea of ​​stars, and he was a little longing for it.

Maybe that day is still a little far away, but he believes that he can always wait.

"Adults have missed the best period for the foundation of Daoji. Unless it is a great monk in the period of foundation-building, an adult can once again forge Daoji." Zi Xuan frowned and said.

Hearing Zi Xuan's words, Tang Feng curled his lips in disdain.

Others can't do it, doesn't mean that he can't. Moreover, what kind of monks are in the foundation building period? That was in his eyes, but it was just the lowest monk.

"Take care of yourself, besides, her soul has returned to the body, you can go." Tang Feng looked at Zi Xuan and said. The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: Returns: Becoming a Dad Full Text Reading Address: return as a dad txt download address: return to be a dad mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record this (Chapter 306 Trivial Treatment) reading record, next time Open the bookshelf to see it! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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