Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 35: Zhangjia

When Tang Feng arrived at the central square, there was still half an hour before the time he agreed with Chen Jianfei, and he had already seen a black business car waiting there.

Tang Feng knew that this must be Chen Jian flying to pick up his car. He didn't want the other party to see where he appeared from, so he went straight into the Pingjiang Building, walked out of it, and walked over slowly. When not approaching, the door of the commercial vehicle opened, and Chen Jianfei walked down from the inside and stood facing Tang Feng's direction, with a respectful look and action.

By Chen Jianfei's side, there were two young people. Although they were not amazing in appearance and dressed in ordinary clothes, they were all tall and handsome. They could be seen as Lianjiazi, and they were probably Chen Jianfei's bodyguards.

However, Tang Feng could see that they were not martial artists, they were just ordinary martial artists, or soldiers. Chen Jianfei's abilities were superior to them. If something happened, it might not be who would protect whom.

Seeing Chen Jianfei's respect for Tang Feng, the two young men showed surprised expressions on their faces. Obviously Chen Jianfei is usually a one-of-a-kind character, and would never be so complimented to others, but Tang Feng can see They are usually very strict, although the two of them were surprised, they didn't say anything, but they also respected Tang Feng with Chen Jianfei.

When Tang Feng approached, Chen Jianfei bowed slightly to him, and said, "Grandmaster, I'm waiting for you to drive. It's really hard to trouble Grandmaster to go out at this time."

While speaking, Chen Jianfei made a gesture of respectfully inviting Tang Feng to get in the car. Tang Feng nodded lightly. Without being too polite with him, he got in the car. Chen Jianfei followed in the car and sat beside Tang Feng.

The two young people did not speak much, and followed the car in silence. One sat in the driver's seat and the other in the co-pilot's seat.

When the car started, it did not drive towards some high-end residential quarters or hospitals in the city as Tang Feng had expected, but drove straight towards the southern suburbs of the city.

Chen Jianfei explained: "My friend has an old house outside the city. The air over there is fresher. The doctor said it would help him treat his sickness. In addition, it is summer and it is cooler than in the city. Recently, he has been living. In the old house, it’s my fault that I didn't make it clear beforehand, and it took some time to trouble Grandmaster on the road.

Tang Feng nodded non-committal, and only said lightly: "It's okay."

However, isn't the south of the city mentioned by Chen Jianfei the direction of Pingjiang?

Chen Jianfei quickly added: "His old house is at the foot of Xiaoqingshan. Yesterday, I went to visit his house and stayed at his house. When I suddenly rose up to the mountain in the middle of the night, I would meet you, the Grandmaster. It must be fate. ."

So, Tang Feng thought in his heart that the mountains and rivers near the small and large green mountains are beautiful and outstanding. Because there are fewer people, the spiritual energy is more abundant than other places. It is really a good place to recuperate. It seems that Chen Jianfei is not an ordinary businessman. Otherwise, there is no ability to build a big house in that kind of place.

Along the way, Chen Jianfei looked excited and nervous. Seeing what he meant, he wanted to ask Tang Feng about the various problems encountered in cultivation, but he did not dare to speak, for fear that Tang Summit might find him troublesome.

Tang Feng didn't speak, and seemed to close his eyes and calm his mind, but in fact he had all the routes in his mind. After the car had been driving for about an hour, the small and small green hills were already in his eyes.

A road sign appeared on the side of the road, marked with luminous paint, that the road turning right is a private property, idlers are not allowed to enter, and they must not enter. When the car reaches the road sign, it turns to the private road.

It seems that the house should be coming soon.

Sure enough, Chen Jianfei said: "Grandmaster. It will be here soon. The front is my friend's house."

While speaking, he pointed to a brightly lit place in front of him. Tang Feng had excellent eyesight. He could clearly see that the house was extremely large, and it could be called a manor built on the hill. Although it was midnight, the manor The interior was brightly lit, and it was obvious that the people inside had already known the news that Chen Jianfei and Tang Feng were coming, and were waiting for them.

The commercial vehicle drove to the gate of the manor, and someone immediately opened the closed door, and the car drove until it stopped in front of a two-story small building in Chinese classical style in the manor.

Several men in black suits stood in front of the small building, all with their hands on their backs and their heads upright with a solemn air. Seeing the car stopped, two people immediately stepped forward and opened the door, protecting the upper edge of the door with their hands. , Welcoming Chen Jianfei and Tang Feng out of the car.

Just as Tang Feng got out of the car, he saw an old man walking out of the front entrance of the two-story building with a cane, supported by a middle-aged man and a young girl, and he only took a look. It can be seen that this old man Wu Xiu's identity and is suffering from a stubborn illness. It seems that this person is the friend Chen Jianfei said needs his help to see a doctor.

Chen Jianfei saw the old man, walked two steps tightly, greeted him, took the old man's hand, then turned around, and respectfully introduced to the coming Tang Feng, "Master, this is what The old friend I told you about."

Then, he said to the old man: "Shou Ting, this gentleman is the martial arts master I met last night, Mr. Tang."

When Chen Jianfei introduced Tang Feng as the master of martial arts, the girl next to the old man showed surprise in her eyes. She looked up and down at Tang Feng without disguising. Tang Feng felt her gaze and glanced at her.

This girl is only sixteen or seven years old, wearing a white dress, looks slim and graceful, her skin is white and can be called icy and snowy. It can be seen that it belongs to the type of greenhouse flowers that have never gone through wind and rain. , Her appearance is also very sweet, innocent and pretty, her **** eyes are very moving, and she has been staring at Tang Feng.

But in this girl's gaze, there was more or less disappointment. It was obvious that Tang Feng's appearance was too far from what she expected.

Tang Feng only glanced at her faintly. He saw that there were countless beauties all over the country. Although this girl could be regarded as a beautiful woman, she was still young and naturally wouldn't make him attractive.

The old man took a step forward quickly, leaned back respectfully to Tang Feng, and continued to say, "Mr. Shou Ting, you can call me Shou Ting, sir."

Tang Feng didn't have any impression of Zhang Shouting's name, but Zhang Qingyu was really familiar with it. The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: return to be a dad full text reading address: of Longevity and Become a Dad txt download address: of Longevity to be a daddy mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 035 Zhangjia), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Daddy", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you your support! (

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