Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 452: Master Appreciation

In the office of the general manager of Rongcheng Security, just when Rong Guocheng called Tang Feng, a middle-aged man was sitting on the sofa with a tea cup in his hand and sipping tea with a smile on his face.

This man is about forty years old. He is black and thin, with an ordinary appearance. He is wearing a white Tang suit with a pair of plackets and a pair of black trousers. Although the man was sitting at this time, he could also tell that he was not too tall and he was mixed in the crowd, completely characterless.

However, his only pair of eyes were very bright, flashing with divine light, and his tan pupils, under the light, seemed to occasionally flash with a hint of golden light.

He kept watching Rong Guocheng call, and after he hung up, he joked a little bit: "Brother Rong, what kind of fairy is this Mr. Tang? You always mention it with such respect. It’s really hard to believe that you can make a guy like you who is not afraid and not afraid to be obedient and obedient."

Although Rong Guocheng hung up the phone and knew that Tang Feng could not hear him, he still looked respectful, and said seriously: "Brother Tian knows something, this Mr. Tang's ability is really not one or two. The words can be said clearly, I am convinced of him, if you see him, you will definitely be like me."

The man surnamed Tian said "Oh", his eyes still showed some suspicion, and he smiled: "In this way, I have become more and more curious about this Mr. Tang. When I am coming, you will keep talking about him. , I really hear my ears calling out."

"Brother Tian, ​​if you can stay in Pingyang for a few more days, you will hear more about him. It can be said that his appearance has shaken the entire upper reaches of Pingyang society. Not only Pingyang, but even some things have also affected Yan. Jing, but these things are not something I can touch, they are just some rumors."

While talking, Rong Guocheng walked towards the door, and urged the man to leave: "I will tell you on the way. You don’t know how many powerful people in this Pingyang city want to meet. Mr. Tang is not easy on one side. He is so lucky to see you now, and I don’t know how many people envy him!"

The man surnamed Tian stood up, followed Rong Guocheng towards the outside, and said to himself: "According to what you said, Mr. Tang is a genius doctor in Pingyang. People who want to see him are naturally people who want to see him for treatment. I have nothing to do. Family members don’t ask him for treatment if they are sick. This opportunity is a bit of a waste."

There was a little joke in his tone, and he was obviously very familiar with Rong Guocheng, so he would use this tone to speak to him.

Normally, Rong Guocheng and him often joked, but at this time, they said with a serious face: "Brother Tian, ​​these jokes are just telling me. Don’t talk nonsense anymore, if they reach Mr. Tang’s ears. It’s really disrespectful."

"Is this Mr. Tang really so powerful? Makes you so jealous?" Seeing Rong Guocheng's case, the man surnamed Tian also reduced his joke, and asked with some doubts.

"I am not jealous of Mr. Tang, but admiration from the bottom of my heart. Mr. Tang is not only good at curing diseases, he is very capable. You only have to meet the previous side and you will know that my words are true."

"Does he have any other means?"

Rong Guocheng smiled slightly and said, "You met Chuanzi Lao Gao and the others before, aren't you surprised at their current changes?"

"Why, didn't they use any special means to keep fit?" The man surnamed Tian was a little surprised.

He is acquainted with Rong Guocheng, and naturally he also knows the people under him. Although the relationship is not as close as Rong Guocheng, he is also very familiar. He came today and met a few people in Xiangchuan. It's different, the spirit and physique are not what they were at the beginning. He also said what special training they had participated in.

Rong Guocheng didn't answer, just smiled mysteriously.

The man surnamed Tian was even more curious and asked, "This matter has something to do with that Mr. Tang? Did he make them what they are now? How did he do it?"

Rong Guocheng still didn't answer, and said with a smile: "When you meet Mr. Tang, you will know everything."

When Rong Guocheng brought his friends over with joy, Zhang Sun Ying had already left Tang Feng's villa.

However, the faint fragrance of medicine in the garden still did not dissipate.

This medicinal fragrance can be smelled not only in the garden of Tangfeng's villa, but also in places near the outside of the garden, but it is not as strong as in the courtyard.

Rong Guocheng parked the car outside the yard, got out of the car, and when he was standing at the door, he couldn't help but twitch his nose. He looked around, with a bit of curiosity, and said to himself: "It seems that Tang The sir is making medicine here, maybe there are patients here. The smell of this medicine is really fragrant, it seems to be different from the other herbs that I have smelled before. Brother Tian, ​​do you smell the smell of this medicine?"

The man surnamed Tian got out of the car from the co-pilot side and looked into the courtyard, but did not answer Rong Guocheng's words. His face changed slightly, and he couldn't help saying, "This place is really a treasure of geomantic omen."

Upon seeing this, Rong Guocheng smiled and said, "I have already told you, Mr. Tang is extremely powerful. The layout here is all his own. When I see him, there will be more surprises for you. ."

The man surnamed Tian looked at the garden a few more times, and his gaze suddenly revealed a lot of astonishment, as if he had seen something that shocked him.

Rong Guocheng was a little strange, pushed behind him, and said, "Why, what do you see?"

He has known this friend for a long time, knowing that he is a master of appraising treasures, and what kind of treasure he has. As long as he shows him, he can see the authenticity and value of this thing. He has never seen it before, in their circle. , Is also quite a well-known expert.

Seeing him looking at Tang Feng's villa in this way, Rong Guocheng was also a little curious in his heart. He had been here several times and never noticed that there is something precious in this garden.

The man surnamed Tian still didn't answer Rong Guocheng's words, but murmured: "It's really an expert, this Mr. Tang is really an expert! A well-deserved reputation!"

When Rong Guocheng's car stopped, Tang Feng had already noticed it.

He stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling window in the living room and glanced outside, his gaze swept across Rong Guocheng, and fell directly on the man behind him.

As soon as he saw it, there was a faint smile on Tang Feng's mouth. The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: Returns: Becoming a Dad Full Text Reading Address: return as a dad txt download address: return to be a dad mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 452 Jianbao Master), and open the bookshelf next time You can see! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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