Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 462: Strength rolling

After entering the garden, there was no communication between the three of them. At this moment, the two of them did not even exchange their eyes, but they had already retreated to the direction in unison, and the speed was extremely fast.

If you don't leave at this time, I'm afraid there will be no chance again.

But no matter how fast, how can it be faster than Xiao Hui?

Xiao Hui didn't stop at the slightest after he shot down one person. Like a white lightning, it was already behind them in an instant.

Although both of them are martial artists in the Eighth Realm of Hou Tian, ​​they also have a little difference between high and low. At this time of fighting, a slight gap is extremely obvious.

One of them, obviously, the realm is a little lower, and the speed is naturally a little slower.

Xiao Hui's claws directly greeted his back of his head. He felt the wind blowing behind his head, but there was no chance to avoid it. He could only fight his whole body's strength to concentrate all his cultivation on the back of his head, and he wanted to resist Xiao Hui's. one strike.

But he still underestimated Xiao Hui's strength too much. The moment Xiao Hui's paw patted his head, he had been beaten to fly away.

He only felt that there was chaos in his mind, as if there was a stick fiercely stirring in it, and there was no time for screaming, and he completely lost consciousness.

Xiao Hui's strength was so great that his body flew out a few meters in the air and hit the lamppost of the street lamp.

This lamp post was made of solid copper, and when it was hit like this, it was deeply sunken in, almost folded at a right angle, and stuck him in the air.

The remaining person, completely ignorant of other things, didn't dare to look back, all his power was concentrated under his feet, probably he had never thought that he had been working hard for his entire life to use all his life to escape.

He had jumped high at this moment, and he was about to jump out of the fence of the garden, but Xiao Hui had already reached behind him, stretched out his paws, and grabbed his clothes. He had no time to take care of it. He still tried his best to move towards the fence. Jumped out.

With a "stab", Xiao Hui had torn his shirt raw, exposing a large area of ​​bare back.

As a martial artist of this level, wherever he walks, he is arrogant and respected everywhere. When others see it, he has to bow his head and bow. Where has he been humiliated?

But at this time, he didn't care at all, he just wanted to jump out of this fence quickly. As for what kind of clothes, how could life matter?

But what he thought was relaxed, how could Xiao Hui let him go? He tossed the clothes he had pulled from his hands, and stretched out his paws again, already grabbing the man's calf, his sharp claws immediately embedded in his flesh, blood appeared in an instant, and he was caught by the paws. The trousers are dyed red in that position.

As a martial artist, he has suffered countless sufferings and suffered many injuries in the process of practicing. This bit of flesh and blood is nothing to him, but at this moment, he feels pain in his bones, and he can't use any strength. .

Xiao Hui let out a cry, landed on both feet, jumped up again, waved his upper limbs, and threw the man in his hand like a stick on the ground.

The figure is not very tall, but quite sturdy, weighing at least 80 kilograms, but in the hands of Xiao Hui, who looks extremely thin, it seems that he has no weight. The thin arms are waving, and the wind is full of wind.

It's just that it's too short and its stature isn't quite suitable. It has to jump up every time to wave it. Under this jump, the force it throws out is naturally greater.

The man was smashed and knocked his head on the ground constantly. Hearing the sound, he felt pain. A few fell and he was already unconscious.

Seeing that he no longer resisted, Xiao Hui threw him to the ground, bounced around, and jumped onto the tree again.

From these three dark shadows entering the garden, to this moment, it only happened in a few short seconds.

Except for watching these people, everyone else just heard Xiao Hui scream.

After that, the yard returned to peace.

Ji Ning's hand was still holding the position by the window, and his face was already pale.

He knew about the little monkey in his old house for many years, but he had never thought that this little guy had such skills.

The opponent was a martial artist far better than his own, and he was three. This little thing, in such a short period of time, directly killed the opponent!

What kind of strength is this?

I'm afraid this little monkey's current ability is comparable to a martial artist who has broken through the innate realm, right? Even stronger!

Shangguan was also shocked.

Is this over? Is this the end? Those three Wu Xiu, who made her feel quite jealous, were so simple that they were settled by Xiao Hui?

This is simply the crush of strength!

Among all the onlookers, the one with the worst vision is probably Lin Mengjia.

Although she is far better than ordinary people at this moment, she is much worse than the others present.

She could see the three people entering the garden, but when Xiao Hui started her hands, the movements were too fast. Before she could see clearly, it was over. She only saw two people lying on the ground, and one more. , Hung on the deformed lamppost.

"Let's go out and have a look."

With some smile on Tang Feng's face, he still held Lin Mengjia's shoulders, and his voice was very soft.

Lin Mengjia let out an "um", and the whole person was still in extreme shock.

She didn't expect at all that she usually wandered around her, only knowing that Xiao Hui, who steals fruits and sells cute and cute treasures, would have such terrible strength!

Thinking of her aunt scolding him on weekdays, Lin Mengjia felt that her hair was going to stand up.

She always thought that her aunt had the upper hand, and she always scolded Xiao Hui and fled. Now it seems that Xiao Hui has no knowledge of her at all. Otherwise, once the power is launched, she will be afraid of-thinking about it. Therefore, Lin Mengjia did not dare to think about it anymore.

Tang Feng and Lin Mengjia walked out of the villa. There was still no light in the garden, but they could all see the three Wu Xiu who had fainted on the ground.

The two looked at each other.

There was a slight smile on Tang Feng's face, but Lin Mengjia still did not recover from the shock.

Ji Ning and Shangguan also jumped directly from the window of their room. They also looked at each other, their eyes were full of shock, and at the same time they looked at the tree on which Shi Cai Xiaohui had jumped.

There was silence on the tree, and it seemed that Xiao Hui had fallen asleep. These people appeared in the garden and had nothing to do with it.

When they retracted their gazes, Ji Ning and Shangguan exchanged their gazes again, and they both understood the meaning of each other's eyes: in the future, don't provoke this little guy! Otherwise, the consequences cannot be borne by yourself! The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: Returns: Becoming a Dad Full Text Reading Address: return as a dad txt download address: return to be a dad mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on \"Favorites\" below to record this (Chapter 462 Strength Rolling) reading record, next time Open the bookshelf to see it! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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