Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 473: Cunning fox

Since Tang Feng and Zi Xuan left, Lin Mengjia has been a little nervous, waiting for them to come back, guessing in her heart what they have discovered.

Fortunately, after only about half an hour, she heard a slight noise outside, and quickly opened the door of the lounge, and she was relieved to see the two of them.

She was afraid of affecting other people who were already asleep, so she hurriedly retreated back to the lounge, made room for two people to come in.

When the door was closed again, Lin Mengjia asked eagerly, "How? Did you catch the murderer?"

Tang Feng's face was somewhat solemn, and he shook his head.

Zi Xuan sat on the sofa, frowning, still bewildered, and said, "Nothing was found. Apart from seeing a girl who was killed, nothing else was discovered."

"Someone was killed again?"

Hearing this news, Lin Mengjia only felt very uncomfortable in her heart.

She still couldn't be as indifferent to life and death as Tang Feng and the others. Although it was a person who had died completely unrelated to her, she was still a little embarrassed.

Tang Feng smiled lightly at Lin Mengjia, and said, "Sooner or later I will catch it."

"But we don't even know what it is now!" Zi Xuan poured cold water on Tang Feng, "Around that, I can't feel the presence of any other creatures at all!"

Hearing Zi Xuan's words, Lin Mengjia couldn't help being shocked, and said, "Could it be that the murderer is not a human being?"

"Well," Tang Feng nodded, "I think it should be a ten thousand life fox."

"Wansheng Fox?" Lin Mengjia was puzzled.

Zi Xuan explained for Tang Feng: "It's a kind of fox demon."

"The fox?" Lin Mengjia got all the knowledge of the fox from books and movies. The first thing she thought of was the fox. She looked a little excited and asked hurriedly: "It's the one in the movie. Kind?"

Tang Feng smiled and shook his head, and said, "It's not that mysterious. Ten thousand mortal foxes can't transform. I have never seen such a fox monster. However, since it can't transform, it's almost like a monster beast. Da Bai-Da Bai?"

When talking about Da Bai, Tang Feng suddenly stopped talking and glanced at Zi Xuan.

Zi Xuan immediately bounced off the sofa and said loudly: "Why did you forget Da Bai!" But then, she realized that her voice was too loud, and quickly covered her mouth.

Lin Mengjia looked inexplicable, looked at Tang Feng, then at Zi Xuan, wondering: "What does this have to do with Da Bai?"

Tang Feng held his forehead with his hand, and said with great annoyance: "I should have brought Dabai with him! It is a fox's natural enemy, maybe you can find some clues."

I only blame myself for being too confident before, and for taking the ten thousand foxes simply, until I arrived at the scene, I could catch it with my hands. I didn't expect this to happen.

Zi Xuan also nodded frequently, with the same remorse, and asked Ai Ai to Tang Feng: "Let's take Da Bai and take a look, can we still have time?"

Tang Feng shook his head. Although he said nothing, the expression on his face was enough to explain everything.

Zi Xuan thought for a while, and then said, "In the past few days, I will stare at a little bit of movement. If this happens next time, we will go with Da Bai. We must catch this fox demon, and we must not let it go again. Escaped!"

"I'm afraid that in the short term, it won't make any more moves, especially near Pingyang." Tang Feng sighed, his face a little unsightly, "The fox is the most cunning thing. It has become a demon, and it is extremely cunning. It knows how to hide its aura, and naturally it is clear that we are following it up, and we have not been able to catch it tonight, I am afraid that we have already stunned the snake."

"Does that mean that while we are away, it is safe? At least, this monster will not make trouble and harm people anymore."

Lin Mengjia is extremely kind in her heart, and the first thing she thinks of is the safety of other people.

Thinking of it a few days later, Tang Feng took everyone to Pingyang immediately. If the fox demon came out to harm people at that time, no one would be able to subdue it. Hearing Tang Feng saying this, he felt a little relieved.

Tang Feng smiled slightly and said, "I hope so, after we come back, I will try to catch it again."

Zi Xuan looked at Tang Feng with a smile, and asked, "Why do you have to catch it? Don't tell me, it's for social stability."

When Lin Mengjia heard the words, she also looked at Tang Feng, with vague doubts in her eyes.

She hadn't heard Tang Feng talk about this before, and Shicai didn't think much about it. Now Zi Xuan asked, she also felt curious.

At the beginning, Tang Feng was not very enthusiastic about saving Hu Yue'er, and it was only because of her plea that he agreed to Zhao Yue's request. Why did he take the initiative to help the police find the murderer this time?

Tang Feng did not shy away from it, and said: "I want this fox demon's inner alchemy to be useful. You only have to help me catch it, and you will never be wronged."

Zixuan heard the meaning of Tang Feng’s words, it seemed that besides one million, she would have other things for herself, and immediately smiled happily, saying: "You husband and wife are busy for now, so I won’t bother you. If so, If there is any change, I will tell you." After speaking, he left on his own.

Lin Mengjia watched Zi Xuan close the door and smiled and said, "What did you promise her, she is so caring?"

"Money." Tang Feng replied simply, also smiling.

Hearing this answer, Lin Mengjia was not surprised, and she couldn't help but laugh: "When I saw her for the first time, I never thought that she would be someone who could be bought by money.

The two sat down together and proceeded to make the unfinished jade talisman.

Seeing the jade powder falling down one after another, the jade charms appeared in her hands, Lin Mengjia smiled and said: "I never thought that I would still be able to do this. If I don't open the company in the future, I will have a new one. The ability to settle down and stand up."

Tang Feng smiled and looked at her, and said, "You will follow me in the future. Wouldn't I still let you work hard to settle down? Naturally, I support you and Yaoyao. If there is anything, I will do it, how can I? Let you do it?"

Lin Mengjia heard this, sweetness in her heart, but she said: "I have hands and feet, how can you raise it? If you want to raise it, we also raise Yaoyao."

Looking at the stubborn little woman in front of him, Tang Feng's eyes were full of tenderness.

This is the Lin Mengjia in his heart. She loves him but does not rely on him completely. She has her own independence and her own ideas.

If he were a tree, she would never be willing to be a vine around him, but stood shoulder to shoulder like him. The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: Returns: Becoming a Dad Full Text Reading Address: return as a dad txt download address: return to be a dad mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the \"Collection\" below to record this (Chapter 473 Cunning Fox) reading record, next time Open the bookshelf to see it! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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