Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 476: Yunkai sees the moon

Seeing Gu Jiachen's astonished look, Lin Mengjia felt a little funny in her heart. She was originally jealous, but now she is nowhere to be seen. The only thing left in her heart is the pride of her daughter.

She smiled and said to Gu Jiachen: "Yaoyao used to talk about Shihan before, saying that two people are very good friends, but she didn't expect that she was your daughter. This world is really small. We are really fate."

Gu Jiachen glanced at Tang Feng. She once told her all about Tang Feng. Now Lin Mengjia doesn't know about it. It seems that Tang Feng hasn't mentioned it before. There is a little more gratefulness in her eyes.

Although Gu Jiachen didn't intend to hide Lin Mengjia at this time, Tang Feng was able to protect her privacy because he gave her enough respect.

"Yaoyao, I will tell Hanhan what you said," Gu Jiachen nodded to the little girl, then smiled and looked at Lin Mengjia, "President Lin, this matter is a long story. If you are more concerned about gossip news , I must know something."

Lin Mengjia nodded slightly, even if she wasn't very interested in these celebrity gossips and the like, but Gu Jiachen was very famous after all, and she occasionally heard of those things about her.

Especially in the past two years, there seems to be a lot of news about Gu Jiachen, including rumors that she has an illegitimate daughter, but Lin Mengjia didn't take it seriously. After reading it, he didn't pay attention.

Seeing the adults chatting together, the little girl said very politely: "Dad, Mom, Aunt Gu, you continue to chat, I have things to do, so I left first."

After speaking, he saluted the three people separately before going out.

When a child of this age walks, he bounces around, but the little girl walks out in a well-behaved manner.

Gu Jiachen looked at the little girl's back with envy, and saw that she had gone out before she continued: "Those rumors, although true and false, are true about the fact that I have a child with that person. Not long ago, we had some disputes."

Lin Mengjia nodded thoughtfully, and said: "I have indeed seen some of these things. I really didn't expect that there are such twists and turns."

"However, all of this has passed. From now on, I just want to be able to take Shihan and live our own life. I will return to Pingyang this time because of Shihan and to be able to be by her side." Speaking of her daughter, Gu Jiachen showed a faint smile on her face.

It was probably because of empathy. She was once a single mother with a child. Lin Mengjia felt a little more sympathetic to Gu Jiachen in her heart, and said hurriedly: “No matter what happened before, it’s good to be with the child in the future. , I used to take Yaoyao by myself. I understand your situation very well. However, fate will not treat anyone harshly forever, and I will always be able to see the moonlight."

While speaking, Lin Mengjia's face showed a happy smile.

Now, for her, it is really good for her.

Tang Feng returned to her again, and years of misunderstandings were resolved. Moreover, Tang Feng's return brought her many unexpected shocks, and even more so many things that disturbed her were easily solved.

In Lin Mengjia's heart, there is only satisfaction and happiness. As long as this man is by her side, she has nothing to ask for.

Tang Feng heard her mention the previous events, even though she didn't say too much, he felt a little distressed in his heart. He stretched out his hand and held Lin Mengjia's. The two looked at each other, and the corners of their mouths showed a faint smile.

Gu Jiachen saw a bitterness in her heart.

As someone else, you may still have some expectations for the future life, but as far as she is concerned, I am afraid it will never be possible for a family of three to be happy together.

Seeing her like this, Lin Mengjia said hurriedly: "As long as I can be with my daughter, even if there are no other people, I am extremely happy. No matter how tired every day, as long as I see her smiling face, there will be no troubles. "

Gu Jiachen nodded, but still couldn't let go.

When the atmosphere was a little embarrassing, Mother Liu came up with a tea tray, set up hot tea and refreshments for several people, and stepped back.

Lin Mengjia breathed a sigh of relief as she walked in and out. She stood up, poured a cup of tea for Gu Jiachen, and said with a smile: "Miss Gu, please use tea."

"Thank you, President Lin," Gu Jiachen quickly took it over and expressed his gratitude to Lin Mengjia. Before the tea cup was brought to his lips, he smelled the scent of tea and couldn't help but said, "Good tea."

"It seems that Miss Gu likes tea too." Lin Mengjia didn't want to continue the previous topic, and deliberately said some gossip.

Gu Jiachen put the tea on his lips and took a sip. There was already a look of surprise in his eyes, and he only felt endless aftertaste, with a sweet breath lingering between his mouth and tongue.

After a long while, she slowly put down the tea cup and said to Lin Mengjia: "Although I like to drink tea, I have also drunk a lot of tea, but it is the first time to drink such a mellow tea. President Lin, it is really blessed. Up."

When it came to the last sentence, the corner of Gu Jiachen's mouth was another wry smile.

Lin Mengjia understands what Gu Jiachen means. It is not a blessing to be able to drink good tea. She can have a husband like Tang Feng, which is the most envious of Gu Jiachen.

Lin Mengjia was unavoidably embarrassed and entangled when another woman praised her husband so directly, and she was still such a big beauty. She glanced at Tang Feng and did not speak.

Gu Jiachen also realized that what she had just said was out of date, so she hurriedly talked about him and said; "It has only been a few days since I haven't seen Yaoyao. She has changed completely, which is totally unimaginable. President Lin, how did you do it?"

Speaking of her daughter, Lin Mengjia immediately showed a somewhat proud smile on her face, saying: "Recently, Yaoyao has a good appetite and eats a lot. She grows faster and her body becomes healthy. I think, probably It's time to grow up. Children will start to grow by leaps and bounds at a certain time. Some are early, some are late. Yaoyao is late. Before, she was always thin and small."

She knew clearly in her heart that the change in the little girl was the result of Tang Feng bathing her and taking the pill, but naturally she couldn't tell an outsider these things, she could only lie with a smile.

Tang Feng tilted her head and looked at the smart little woman next to her. She was amused. Gu Jiachen was not a fool. How could she believe that? The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: Returns: Becoming a Dad Full Text Reading Address: return as a dad txt download address: return to be a dad mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the \"Favorite\" below to record this reading (Chapter 476 Yunkai See Yueming). You can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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