Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 483: Taking pills


Tang Feng could see that Meng Zhong was afraid of these two spirit beasts, and he didn't make it difficult for him, so he immediately agreed.

Even if Meng Zhong didn't tell him, Tang Feng couldn't worry about leaving him and these two guys here.

Meng Zhong was relieved, and he was too busy to keep up with Tang Feng.

Tang Feng did not take them to the treatment room, but went up the stairs, went to the door of the lounge, opened the door, and saw Zhou Wan and the little girl reading together.

Seeing Tang Feng's arrival, the two got up and saluted together, and then looked behind Tang Feng with puzzled eyes.

Normally, Tang Feng rarely took outsiders upstairs, and the two of them were naturally very surprised.

Seeing two little girls in the room, Meng Qiongyun and his son were also taken aback.

Tang Feng waved to Zhou Wan and said, "Wan'er, come here."

Zhou Wan immediately walked up to Tang Feng's side obediently and looked up at him.

Tang Feng pointed to Meng Qiongyun and said, "Wait a minute, this old gentleman will take a pill. You meditate next to him to help him absorb the power of the medicine."

"Yes, Master." Zhou Wan didn't ask much, nodded immediately, and looked at Meng Qiongyun again.

Tang Feng took out a small Yibendan, handed it to Meng Qiongyun, and said, "After you take this medicine, sit next to her, and I will help you resolve the impact of this medicine."

Before Meng Qiongyun came, Tang Feng had already thought about it, and finally decided to give him a small Yibendan.

After all, Meng Qiongyun is going to enter Kunlun with him, and as the only person in the team who has been to the remains of the ancient monks, he is very important, and he must not be dragged back, although he is strong at this time. Jian, comparable to the others in the team, is still quite weak.

A small Yi Bendan can strengthen his physique and give him the prerequisites more suitable for going deep into Kunlun.

However, even after the medicated bath, Meng Qiongyun is still an ordinary person. He may not be able to bear the effects of this pill. Xiang Chuan and others are as strong, and after taking the medicine, he almost lost half of his life. At Meng Qiongyun's age, Tang Feng was a little worried that he could stand it.

With this consideration in mind, Tang Feng decided to rely on Zhou Wan's magical roots of wood spirit to help Meng Qiongyun absorb the medicine.

This can be regarded as Tang Feng's special favor to him, and no one else has ever received this kind of treatment.

Meng Qiongyun took the medicine pill in his hand, smelled the faint fragrance of medicine from it, and couldn't help taking a deep breath. Feeling relaxed and happy, he hurriedly said, "Mr. Tang, is this not an elixir?"

Hearing this, the little girl covered her mouth with her hand, and gave a soft smile.

Meng Qiongyun has been educated in materialism for many years. Before he met Tang Feng, he was a staunch atheist. If he had been before, he would have been unable to say such things anyway, but these days, his Belief was completely shaken, even if Tang Feng told him that this was the elixir made in the alchemy furnace of Taishang Laojun, he would be convinced.

Tang Feng only smiled faintly, and said, "This is just the most common pill, but after you use it, it will have an excellent effect. You can meditate here and take the pill. I will take care of everything else. ."

Meng Zhong craned his neck and looked at the pill in Meng Qiongyun's hand with extremely curious eyes. There were doubts in his eyes.

When Meng Qiongyun took a medicinal bath before, Meng Zhong was very curious. This time, his thoughts were even worse.

Meng Qiongyun already trusted Tang Feng extremely. Hearing him say this, he quickly sat cross-legged on the ground. He didn't understand the flow of air at all. Even if he was meditating, it was just a look.

Tang Feng didn’t mind, and nodded to Zhou Wan. Zhou Wan sat beside Meng Qiongyun on the ground, closed her eyes, and began to move the qi in their bodies. After they had aura in their bodies, Tang Feng had already started teaching them how to run. Although Zhou Wan was not very proficient at this time, she was already there.

After sitting down, Meng Qiongyun did not hesitate to put Xiaoyi Bendan into his mouth, and the pill entered his abdomen. He wanted to ask more, but before he could speak, he felt that something suddenly exploded in his body. His body shook involuntarily. If it weren't cross-legged, he would jump up immediately.

Following Meng Qiongyun's scream, Meng Zhong's face changed drastically, and he subconsciously wanted to step forward to help his father, but Tang Feng had already taken the lead, extending his right hand and pressing his thumb on Meng Qiongyun's forehead.

The little girl also took a step forward and stopped in front of Meng Zhong, with a serious expression: "Don't affect Dad's treatment."

Meng Zhong saw that there was only a six or seven-year-old girl in front of her, her voice still a little childish, but her expression was unquestionably firm and stopped involuntarily.

Tang Feng's finger was just a light touch on Meng Qiongyun's forehead, and the painful expression on his face immediately eased.

Tang Feng did not intend to make Meng Qiongyun a monk or martial artist, but just wanted to use this little Yi Bendan to quickly improve his physique. This time, he did not direct the airflow to run in his body, but directly drew it out to reduce it. His pain.

With Tang Feng's assistance and Zhou Wan Mu Ling's roots constantly exuding the aura that can restrain the dross of the pill, Meng Qiongyun quickly absorbed the pill in his body cleanly, without any waste.

After Tang Feng completely discharged the airflow in his body, he took a step back and said to Meng Qiongyun: "You won't feel any pain anymore. Relax your body, adjust your breathing, and meditate for another three minutes."

Throughout the process, Meng Zhong kept his eyes wide open and watched nervously. At this moment, he breathed a sigh of relief and hurriedly asked Tang Feng, "Mr. Tang, what happened just now? I see his father. It seems uncomfortable."

Tang Feng said lightly: "His ordinary body, taking the pill, will naturally have some reactions, and it won't get in the way."

Meng Zhong said "Oh" and wiped the sweat from his forehead with his hand.

In Tang Feng’s villa, the cold and heat are suitable, and others usually don’t feel cold or hot, but only feel comfortable. The sweat on Meng Zhong’s side is naturally caused by worrying about his father.

The little girl curiously asked Tang Feng, "Dad, this old grandfather, is there something wrong with him? I saw something strange in his body, but it's not obvious, and I can't see anything wrong."

Tang Feng smiled and nodded, touched her hair, and said, "Yes, but Dad has cured him."

Tang Feng was very happy for the little girl's rapid progress at this time.

The little girl looked at Meng Qiongyun, tilted her head, her gaze revealed a little incomprehensible expression, and then asked Tang Feng, "What disease did he get?" The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: of Longevity and Become a Dad Full Text Reading Address: of Longevity and Become a Dad txt download address: return to be a dad mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click \"Favorite\" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 483 Taking Pills), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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