Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 487: Legend of Xunxian

Although she didn't know the reason of Changsun Ying, since Tang Feng said to go with him, Lin Mengjia didn't ask or think about it, but said again: "With a map, wouldn't it be more convenient?"

"On this map, although there are routes, the situation in the mountains is changeable. Maybe there will be some changes when you get there." Tang Feng replied with a smile, "It seems that my aunt is quite worried about your trip this time, you Go and talk with her, lest she have such a heavy heart knot."

Lin Mengjia nodded immediately, and said, "What you said is that I will send the things back to the room and go with her." After speaking, Lin Mengjia picked up the shopping bags and walked up the stairs.

Tang Feng smiled and watched Lin Mengjia go upstairs, before looking back at Zi Xuan.

He has read these materials superficially, and it is nothing more than Kunlun's human history plus geographic changes, as well as some recent climate studies. For him, there is not much gain.

Zi Xuan frowned slightly, and when she opened the information, she looked extremely serious. Tang Feng couldn't remember how long she hadn't seen such a serious look on her face.

Not long after, Zi Xuan slowly put down the book in her hand and changed another one.

People who are skilled in the passage of literature have strong ability to accept and understand when learning any other knowledge. Taoism is equivalent to the key to unlock the entire brain function. The opening process is quite obscure and complicated, but once mastered, thereafter It is advancing by leaps and bounds.

Zi Xuan now reads these books with ten lines at a glance, and he can grasp the contents by quickly reading them.

Not long after, Zi Xuan looked through all these materials, put them back in place, and said to Tang Feng: “I don’t know the geology and climate of Kunlun among them, but those about historical customs are very interesting. Among them, some strange things are mentioned, which I think have something to do with the sect in Kunlun."

Tang Feng has also seen all of what Zi Xuan said. Hearing this, he couldn't help but "oh" and said, "Let's listen."

"It is mentioned in this book that in the prosperous Tang Dynasty, an emperor sent people to Kunlun to seek medical treatment and medicine, and a hermit expert gave a panacea to officials seeking medicine, but this official encountered robbers on his way home. Later, the whereabouts of the pill was unknown." Zi Xuan rolled her eyes and said with a smile, "I think this expert is a member of the sect."

Tang Feng said disapprovingly: "These anecdotes are recorded in many ancient books, not just Kunlun, Penglai, Donghai, all these places where gods are rumored to live, there are people who seek medical advice. Folklore doesn’t explain much."

"But can't this prove that there may be some ancient sects in these places?" Zi Xuan retorted.

Tang Feng raised his eyebrows lightly.

Don't look at Zi Xuan's usual indifferent appearance, but what she said is extremely reasonable.

On the earth, there was also a situation of abundant aura. During the Spring and Autumn and Warring States period, a large number of Qi refiners emerged, but later they were lack of aura. Among these Qi refiners, the ones with great skills soared to the infinite star sea. Such capable ones can only be annihilated in history.

In the Huaxia Kingdom, it is very common for the emperor to send people to search for famous mountains and to visit immortals. Legends of finding immortals are found everywhere. Are these just stories passed on by word of mouth? Wouldn't it be, these places really have monks?

"Look here," Zi Xuan found a book, turned a page of it with interest, and pointed it to Tang Feng: "I entered the northern foot of Kunlun for a few ten days, and my follower was missing, hungry and cold, and dangerous. Hungry to death, the gods come, save them, and then enter the fairyland, the fairyland dances and rises, the peace and prosperity, there are dozens of gods and fairies-this is recorded in the literature of the Northern Song Dynasty."

Tang Feng has read it before, knowing the content, and doesn't need to read it. He just said: "Do you think this wonderland is a sect in Kunlun Mountain? This coincides with the records of the Changsun family."

Zi Xuan said very seriously: "Since so many records have the same place, then it must be true. Are you sure that you will rush to Kunlun if you are sure of these things? The'Northern foot of Kunlun' mentioned in this article. It's North Kunlun. Maybe the fairyland described in it is my sect. It turns out that my sect was so beautiful back then."

Tang Feng was noncommittal, just nodded, and said, "What you said is reasonable. Maybe afterwards, we can go to other records to see where there are gods."

"That means we have the opportunity to travel throughout China?" Zi Xuan's eyes lit up.

"It's not just China, but the whole world, you need to see it." Tang Feng said lightly.

The earth, for others, may be huge, but for him, it is nothing more than a planet.

He has to figure out any secrets on this planet, get all the resources available here, and prepare for his return to the stars.

Now that there are these legends, no matter if it is true or not, there is no loss if you go to see it. Quandang took Lin Mengjia and the little girl to travel.

"The Aegean Sea, the Maldives, Hawaii, Rio de Janeiro, we can all go to see these places? By the way, I want to go to Las Vegas!" In Zi Xuan's eyes, stars all appeared, towards Tang Feng leaned forward slightly in the direction of the mountain, looking extremely excited.

Tang Feng wanted to complain. These places are obviously going to travel and vacation, right? Where does it look like there is a monk sect? Moreover, seeing Zi Xuan's almost nymphomaniac appearance, coupled with such a delicate voice, Tang Feng only felt that the goose bumps all over his body were about to fall to the ground.

Tang Feng held his forehead with his hands, and didn't accept Zi Xuan's words, he only said to himself: "I have a solid pill here. Take it and take it down, try to break through the current realm and go to the next level."

While speaking, he took out the pill and handed it to Zi Xuan.

This Guben Pill immediately diverted Zi Xuan's attention. She immediately stretched out her hand to take the pill. The joy on her face had not faded. At this time, she seemed even more excited, and she couldn't help but cried out, "Guben Pill? You have such a baby, why didn’t you take it out before? Great! This time, I will definitely be able to break through! I have been on the third level of Qi refining for more than ten years, and I have finally been able to break through. If Master knew it, I would be very pleased in my heart. !"

Listening to the meaning of these words, I still blame Tang Feng for not giving her Gubendan earlier.

However, Tang Feng knew that she was temperamental, and she spoke outspoken and unintentional, and didn't mind it. The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: Returns: Becoming a Dad Full Text Reading Address: return as a dad txt download address: return to be a dad mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 487: Legend of Seeking Immortals), and open the bookshelf next time You can see it! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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